
I'm Masahiro Ishizuka. Study on diabetes (prevalence) and cancer prevention and renal failure (but not the parties). Take a bath of about 41 degrees to prevent cancer and lower your blood sugar. But beware of low blood sugar!

Japanese Version:

Research on cancer prevention (not cancer) and diabetes (this is a chronic disease) shows that baths between 40 degrees and 42 degrees (43 degrees and above are bad and dangerous for the body) are good for the body. Was.

In addition to taking a warm bath of 40 to 42 degrees and taking medicine for diabetes, painkillers and cold medicines also seem to lower blood sugar. Waka powder, Kyouberin or Ektor Akadama (Berberine) are good for lowering blood sugar and preventing cancer. But beware of hypoglycemia. If you take a bath while taking a diabetic medicine, it is easy to get low blood sugar due to a synergistic effect. If you have low blood sugar, talk to your doctor to refrain from taking diabetes medicine, eat chocolate, or lick candy to deal with it.

Latest cancer research results


Hemoglobin A1C and blood glucose meter

Hemoglobin A1C measuring instrument


The blood glucose meter is free of charge.

As of 2020.02.23. The sheet called sensor,

It is cheap.

I've been studying reading and writing essays and blogs on renal failure, renal disorders, and dialysis.

I have no such symptoms or medical conditions, so don't worry.

By the way, for gastric drugs, I stopped taking gastric acid secretion inhibitors such as cabbage since I read reports that cause stomach cancer in long-term use. Now I'm taking Ebios (for stomach) and Galol (for stomach and liver fat) together.

At this time, I spend a lot of time at home. I sometimes take a walk around the house.

Other than research on cancer, diabetes, renal failure,

We are researching and developing online lessons and online learning materials for online programmers.

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Even if you can not answer the phone. In that case, if you can send us e-mail etc., it will be saved.

We check e-mail every day.

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TVNEWS, newspapers, online NEWS,

Skype (TVCHAT) may be used for chats using the homepage, etc., or for IT systems in general.

aon CEO

WEB programmer

Masahiro Ishizuka

TEL : 042-559-8638

iPhoen: 070-3861-5011



http://aon.co.jp Under preparation



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