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高い天井がもたらす上質な響き! ~音に囲まれた豊かな暮らし~High ceilings provide fine sound! ~A Rich Life Surrounded by Sound.


夫:小堀英郎 こぼりひでお(ピアニスト)
フランス留学中からキャリアを積み、現在は日韓欧米を定期的に巡り演奏活動を展開。近年では日韓の文化交流になくてはならない重要な役割を担っている。日韓で計8枚のCDをリリースし、その作品は韓流スターたちからも親しまれている。大阪国際音楽コンクール審査員、日本国際飢餓対策機構 親善大使。声楽家で妻の葉子との活動も行う。
妻:小堀葉子 こぼりようこ (ソプラノ)
大和ハウス工業株式会社 総合技術研究所 工業化建築技術センター
性能研究グループ 主任研究者 一級建築士 環境計量士(騒音・振動関係)
玄 晴夫


  • 玄:今回お越しいただいた登美ヶ丘展示場のグランリビングは39帖ありまして、グランドピアノがゆったりと配置できる広さです。天井高はxevoΣの特長である2m72cmです。まず葉子さんに歌っていただきました。時に力強く、時にやさしく響く素晴らしい歌声に、胸を打たれました……! ご自身では、声の響きについてどう感じられましたか?
  • 葉子さま:こちらのダイニングは、響きがいいので、気持ちよく歌えますね! 声楽は頭の上から声を出すイメージで歌うので、天井までの空間に余裕があるほうがいいんです。
  • 玄:天井が低いと音がすぐにぶつかります。はね返りの音も、強くてきつい音になりがちですが、その距離が遠くなればなるほど、音が返るまでの時間に余裕が生まれます。天井が高いことで、声の響きもよくなったのだと思います。
  • 英郎さま:ピアノの音が耳にやさしいです。たとえば狭い部屋で、コンサートに使うような大きなグランドピアノをいっぱいいっぱいに置くと、壁や天井に当たる音の反射がきつくなり、耳をつぶしてしまうこともあります。ですが、こちらのように広さに加えて天井が高いと、和らげることができますね。
  • 玄:これだけ天井が高いと、ピアノから出る音は一度天井まで上がったあと、部屋に柔らかく広がっていく。そのほんのわずかな時間の差が音を和らげるんですね。
  • 英郎さま:それからもうひとつ、この空間ならピアノの低音から高音まで、バランスよく響かせることができますね。
  • 玄:ピアノは音域の広い楽器。高音と低音の組み合わせでハーモニーをつくることで、重厚さが生まれます。中でも低音は音の波が大きくて長いので、狭い空間だとピアノと壁や天井との距離が近すぎて充分に鳴らず、バランスが悪くなってしまいます。


  • 英郎さま:先ほどから玄さんがおっしゃっているように、本当にいい音をつくるには、部屋の中で音がどう「反射」するかが大事。たとえば人と人との会話において、自分が放った言葉が何を言っているのか自分でわからないと、会話が成立しませんよね。これと同じように音楽においても、「自分がどんな表現をしているか」「どうすればもっと良くなるか」を研究するには、音のはね返りは絶対不可欠。そして、それを実現してくれるのはやっぱり空間なんです。
  • 玄:音は空気の振動ですから、さまざまな要素によって影響を受けます。中でも壁のような硬い素材に音が反射すると反響したり減少したり、音質も変化します。空間の長辺と短辺の微妙なバランスで、理想的な響きとなるか、そうでないかが変わってきます。
  • 葉子さま:音楽を楽しむには、音だけを切り出すのではなく、空間でどう響くのかが大切なのかなと思います。私は以前、耳の不自由な方の前でコンサートをしたことがありますが、その方がどのように楽しんでいるかというと、もちろん歌詞があれば歌詞を見てらっしゃるんですけど、響き、もっといえば、空気の振動……といったものを楽しんでおられるように思うんです。
  • 英郎さま:一般的には、音楽は耳で聴く、美術は目で楽しむ、料理は舌で味わう……と言いますが、すべては五感全部なんですね。音楽でいうなら五感全部でその響きを、感じ取ってると思うんですよ。
  • 玄:五感で響きを感じていただくためにも、音が反射する空間が大切だということですね。


  • 玄:そのように音の「響き」を大切にされているお二人ですが、特に葉子さんは、「家を建てるなら絶対、3m以上の天井高がほしい」とのご希望をお持ちだったとか。「3m」は、一般の方には思いつかない具体的な数値だったので驚きました。「天井が高いと音のバランスがいい」というのは研究でも明らかになっているのですが、音楽家のみなさんの中でも常識なのでしょうか?
  • 葉子さま:声楽家は、歌う時に口の中の空間をできるだけ広げるように発声します。そのほうが、声がよく響くんです。ならば、家の中でもいい響きを得るには、タテの空間を高くすればいいはずだと思ったのです。家のことをいろいろ調べる中で、日本の住宅の天井は2m40cmが一般的だと知りました。それを基準にすれば、3mなら実現可能なのでは?と思ったんです。
  • 玄:なるほど。先ほど部屋の長辺と短辺のバランスが響きに影響を与えるとお話ししました。バランスは部屋ごとに変わりますが、ひとつ言えるのは、どんな空間であれ、天井が高いと一定の響きの良さをもたらしますので、まさに葉子さんのご体感そのものです。
  • ※1天井高は2m40cm、2m72cm、さらにグランリビングモア(36cmダウン)と折上天井(8cmアップ)を組み合わせることで、最高3m16cm(1階のみ)まで実現。天井高は間取りや建設地、建築基準法(法令)等により対応できない場合があります。
  • 英郎さま:あと、音楽の専門家としては、ピアノを弾く空間そのものをまず大切にしたいので、このように天井が高いと、開放感があっていいですね。音楽を生み出すには集中力が必要で、何かに集中する時には、空間の居心地も非常に大事ですので。まず環境を整えることで、すべてがはじまると思うんです。


  • 英郎さま:ちなみに、今こちらの部屋で演奏したピアノの音や歌声は、どの程度外に漏れているのでしょう? ちょっと気になるところです。
  • 玄:xevoΣの「外張り断熱通気外壁」は、断熱性や気密性に優れているだけでなく遮音性能も高く、住宅業界では最高クラスを誇ります。窓を閉めた状態であれば、外に聞こえているか、聞こえていないかという程度。オーディオを楽しんだり、趣味で楽器を演奏される方にも、周囲に気兼ねせずに、音のある暮らしを楽しんでいただけると思います。
  • 葉子さま:このようにリビングで音楽の練習ができる環境があると、子どもさんの楽器練習などにもいいですね。親御さんにとっては、子どもが何をしているのか、目の届くところのほうが安心だと思うので。
  • 玄:そうですね。お子さんの練習にもぴったりですが、私はあえて、親御さんにも音楽を楽しんでいただくことを提案します。なぜかというと、子どもだけにピアノを習わせて、習わせる大人が何もしていないと、子どもが嫌になってしまうケースが多いのです。大人がまず楽しんでいると、その姿を見た子どもも、自然に音楽が好きになっていくようになると思うんです。
  • 英郎さま:人が食べて生きるように、音楽もやはり目に見えないところだけど、無意識に人を生かすものかなと。ほんとに食事と同じくらい重要なものじゃないかと思っています。
  • 玄:確かに、音楽が生活の中にあると、暮らしがより良いものになると思います。xevoΣの遮音性ならば、ファミリーコンサートを開いたりもできますし、自宅での開催なら、そのあとに料理やおしゃべりを楽しむ時間も持っていただけますよ。
  • 葉子さま:ところで遮音性に優れているということは、車の騒音など屋外の音も遮ってくれるということですか?
  • 玄:その通りです。高速道路や交通量の多い道路や河川の近くなど、屋外の騒音が気になる場合があると思います。xevoΣの住まいなら交差点と同じレベルの80dB(デシベル)の騒音も50dBほど軽減。屋内では換気扇の音と同じレベルの30dB程度とかなり小さく※2なります。
  • ※2実験値であり、現場での性能を保証するものではありません。


  • 英郎さま:より本格的に音楽をしたい人にとっては、何時でも周囲に気がねなく音を出せる防音室もあると理想的ですね。特に作曲活動は時間を選びません。深夜であってもメロディを思いついた時にはすぐにピアノに向かって試したくなります。
  • 玄:ダイワハウスには、防音と音響を両立した防音室「奏でる家」があります。小堀さまご夫妻に今日感じていただいたような高い天井や広さを確保しつつ、さらに響きの良さを追求したものです。
  • 英郎さま:従来の防音室といえば、部屋の中にもうひとつ部屋をつくるようなイメージがありました。
  • 葉子さま:天井も低くて、幅も狭い。圧迫感がある印象です。
  • 玄:「奏でる家」は、xevoΣの建物をベースに設計・施工するので、天井は最大3mまで高くできます。ヴァイオリニストの場合、天井が低いと弓をあげた時に天井にあたることがありますが、「奏でる家」なら立ったままで演奏していただける高さ。圧迫感も感じにくくなります。
  • 英郎さま:それだけ高い防音性と響きの良さを持つ部屋なら、作曲や日頃の練習だけでなく、コンサートのリハーサルなどにも使えそうです。
  • 玄:防音のガラス引き戸の設置も可能で、防音室とは思えない明るさや開放感が得られるんですよ。

  • 葉子さま:窓も設置できるなら明るくて快適そう。こんな部屋でレッスンができるなら、生徒さんにも喜ばれそうですね。よく生徒さんと、立っているだけじゃなく、座って歌う練習をするんです。二足歩行だと体幹が良くないと歌っているうちに不安定になりやすいのですが、正座をすることにより下半身が安定し音程等が良くなったりするんです。自宅でのレッスンなら、くつろいだ雰囲気の中、体の感覚を覚えていただくために、そういう柔軟なカリキュラムも実践できて、音楽に深みが出ると思います。


※掲載の情報は2018年1月現在のものです。 We

High-quality sound that a high ceiling brings!  -A rich life surrounded by sounds-

Recently, people who are engaged in music-related work and those who enjoy playing music as a hobby are increasingly receiving the desire to make a house with a high ceiling.
This time, Mr. and Mrs. Kobori, a professional musician who has a strong commitment to the sound of sound, is in Nara City, Nara Prefecture.Tomigaoka Exhibition CenterThank you for visiting.
The ceiling height of 2 m 72 cm, "xevo Σ"Grand livingWhile listening to their impressions of the performance, we interviewed the musicians regarding the ideal sound and space. Haruo Gen of Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd., who stresses that the ceiling height of xevo Σ is exactly because of the sound, demonstrates the experience of the two from the perspective of a researcher of housing acoustics.
Mr. and Mrs. Kobori Profile
Husband: Hideo Kobori Hideo Kobori (pianist)
After gaining a career while studying in France, he is now regularly performing in Japan, Korea, Europe and the United States. In recent years, it has played an important role in the cultural exchange between Japan and Korea. A total of eight CDs have been released in Japan and Korea, and the work has been popular with Korean stars. He is a judge at the Osaka International Music Competition and a goodwill ambassador for the Japan Organization for Global Hunger. He is also a vocalist and works with his wife Yoko.
Wife: Yoko Kobori Yoko Kobori (Soprano)
Appeared in chorus soloists and operas. Private lessons are also held.
Researcher profile
Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. Technical Research Institute Industrialized Building Technology Center
Performance Research Group Senior Researcher First-class Architect Environmental Measurer (Noise/Vibration)
Haruo Gen
"We are researching a wide range of technologies related to the sound of a house, from the noise problem of the house to the proposal of a space where people can enjoy music. I feel that adding fun to my home makes my life richer."

How does the sound change when the ceiling is high?

  • Gen: The Grand Living room at the Tomigaoka Exhibition Hall, which I visited this time, has 39 tatami mats, which is large enough to accommodate a grand piano. The ceiling height is 2m72cm, which is a feature of xevoΣ. First, Yoko asked me to sing. I was deeply moved by the wonderful singing voice that was sometimes powerful and gentle. How did you feel about the sound of your voice?
  • Yoko: This restaurant has a nice sound, so you can sing comfortably! Singing is performed with the image of making a voice from above the head, so it is better to have room for the ceiling.
  • Gen: If the ceiling is low, the sound will hit you immediately. The bounce sound tends to be strong and tight, but the longer the distance, the more time it takes for the sound to return. I think that the high ceiling also improved the sound of the voice.
    Eirou-san also performed imposingly. How was the sound of the piano?
  • Hideo: The sound of the piano is easy on the ears. For example, if you fill a large grand piano used for a concert in a small room with a large space, the reflection of the sound that hits the walls and ceiling may become severe, and you may even deafen your ears. However, if the ceiling is high in addition to the area like this, you can soften it.
  • Gen: With such a high ceiling, the sound from the piano rises to the ceiling and then spreads softly into the room. The slight difference in time softens the sound.
  • Hideo: Another thing, in this space, you can make the bass and treble of a piano sound well-balanced.
  • Gen: The piano is a musical instrument with a wide range. By creating harmony with a combination of highs and lows, solidity is created. Above all, the bass has a large and long sound wave, so in a narrow space the distance between the piano and the wall or ceiling is too close to play well, and the balance becomes unbalanced.
    This does not mean that the room is simply large, and even if the space is horizontally wide, if the ceiling is low, the distance between the top and bottom will be narrow, and the wavelength will not echo. In addition to the size of the room, height is necessary to play from low to high.

The "reflection" of the space that creates the "resonance" is important for producing high-quality sound

  • Hideo: As Gen-san said from a while ago, how to "reflect" sound in a room is important for making really good sounds. For example, in a conversation between people, if you don't know what the words you say mean, the conversation won't work. Similarly in music, rebounding of sound is indispensable to study "what kind of expression I have" and "how to improve it". And space is what makes it happen.
  • Gen: Sound is vibration of air, so it is affected by various factors. Above all, when sound is reflected on a hard material such as a wall, it reverberates or decreases, and the sound quality also changes. The delicate balance between the long side and the short side of the space will change whether it sounds ideal or not.
  • Yoko: In order to enjoy music, I think it's important not only to extract the sound, but how to resonate in the space. I once had a concert in front of a deaf person, and how he enjoys it is, of course, if you have lyrics, you are listening to the lyrics, Speaking of which, I think you are enjoying the vibration of the air.
  • Mr. Hideo: Generally, you say that you can listen to music with your ears, enjoy art with your eyes, and enjoy cooking with your tongue... but all five senses. In terms of music, I think that all five senses feel the sound.
  • Gen: It means that the space in which sound is reflected is important in order to make the five senses feel the sound.

"Ceiling height 3m" that musicians want to live in.
What is the reason?

  • Gen: The two people value the "sounding" of sounds like this, but especially Yoko-san hopes that if you build a house, you definitely want a ceiling height of 3m or more. Like I was surprised that "3m" was a specific number that the general public would not think of. It has been clarified by research that "the sound is balanced when the ceiling is high", but is it common sense among musicians?
  • Yoko: Singers vocalize as much as possible to maximize the space in their mouth when singing. That way my voice sounds better. Then, I thought it would be better to raise the vertical space to get a good sound in the house. While doing various research on the house, I found that the ceiling of a Japanese house is usually 2m40cm. Based on that, would 3m be possible? I thought.
  • Gen: I see. I mentioned earlier that the balance between the long and short sides of a room affects the sound. The balance changes from room to room, but one thing that can be said is that in any space, a high ceiling brings a certain level of sound quality, so it is exactly what Yoko feels.
    With xevo Σ, the standard ceiling height is 2m72cm, and like the Gran Livingmore we are talking about, you can create a space * 3 that exceeds 3m in ceiling height *1 by changing the floor level and ceiling level This will satisfy even professional musicians who value the sound.
  • *1The ceiling height is 2m40cm, 2m72cm, and by combining the Gran Livingmore (36cm down) and the folded ceiling (8cm up), a maximum of 3m16cm (1st floor only) is realized. The ceiling height may not be supported depending on the floor plan, construction site, Building Standard Act (law), etc.
  • Hideo: Also, as a music expert, I want to value the space where the piano is played first, so it's nice to have a high ceiling like this. It takes concentration to produce music, and when you concentrate on something, the comfort of the space is very important. I think that by setting the environment first, everything will begin.

How would life change if you had good audio equipment at home?

  • Hideo: By the way, to what extent are the sounds and sounds of the piano played in this room leaked to the outside? This is a bit of a concern.
  • Gen: xevo Σ'sOuter insulation Ventilation outer wall”Has not only excellent heat insulation and airtightness, but also high sound insulation performance, and boasts the highest class in the housing industry. If the window is closed, you can hear or not hear outside. Even those who enjoy audio and play musical instruments as a hobby can enjoy a sound life without worrying about the surroundings.
  • Yoko: Having an environment where you can practice music in the living room like this is good for children to practice musical instruments. Parents will find it easier to see what their child is doing.
  • Gen: That's right. It's perfect for children to practice, but I dare to suggest that parents enjoy the music. The reason is that there are many cases in which children are disliked if they let only children learn the piano and the adults who do it do nothing. I think that when adults first enjoy themselves, children who see them will naturally like music.
  • Mr. Hideo: Music is still invisible, just like people eat and live, but I wonder if it will save people unconsciously. I think it is as important as food.
  • Gen: Certainly, if music is in your life, I think it will make your life better. With the sound insulation of the xevo Σ, you can hold a family concert, and if you hold it at home, you can have time to enjoy cooking and chatting after that.
  • Yoko: By the way, does excellent sound insulation mean that it also blocks outside noise such as car noise?
  • Gen: That's right. You may be worried about noise outside, such as on highways, near busy roads or near rivers. If you live in xevoΣ, the noise level of 80 dB (decibels), which is the same level as at the intersection, is reduced by about 50 dB. Indoors, the noise level is about 30 dB, which is the same level as the sound of the ventilation fan, which is quite low *2 .
    In addition, various living sounds are generated indoors such as washing in the kitchen, the volume of TV, the sound of walking in the corridor, but the height of the ceiling of xevo Σ has the effect of softening the rebound of all such living sounds. You can maintain a comfortable acoustic environment in your life.
  • *2It is an experimental value and does not guarantee performance in the field.

In combination with the soundproof room, daily practice and composition activities are also active

  • Hideo: For those who want to play music more seriously, it would be ideal if there was a soundproof room where people could always make sound without hesitation. Especially the composition activity does not choose the time. Even at midnight, when I come up with a melody, I want to try it on the piano immediately.
  • Gen: Daiwa House has a soundproof room that is both soundproof and acoustic.Playing house"there is. Kobori Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kobori secured the high ceiling and spaciousness that they felt today, while pursuing a better sound.
  • Hideo: Speaking of the conventional soundproof room, there was an image of creating another room in the room.
  • Yoko: The ceiling is low and the width is narrow. It is an impression with a feeling of pressure.
  • Gen: The "Karuru House" is designed and constructed based on the xevo Σ building, so the ceiling can be raised up to 3 m. In the case of a violinist, if the ceiling is low, it may hit the ceiling when the bow is raised, but if it is a "playing house", it is a height that you can play while standing. It also makes it harder to feel pressure.
    In addition to the xevo Σ outer wall, which has excellent sound insulation performance, soundproof panels are added, and soundproofing is applied to windows, doors, and ventilation fans where sound easily leaks. Depending on the specifications, it can also be used with high-volume instruments such as drums and brass instruments. On top of that, we also devise arrangements of openings and furniture to create a rich sound.
  • Mr. Hideo: If the room has such high soundproofing and sound quality, it can be used not only for composition and daily practice but also for concert rehearsals.
  • Gen: You can also install a soundproof glass sliding door, which gives you a sense of brightness and openness that does not seem like a soundproof room.

Bright and open soundproof room (Kodaira xevo Σ Exhibition Hall)
  • Yoko: It would be bright and comfortable if windows could be installed. If you could have a lesson in such a room, students would be happy. I often practice not only standing with my students, but sitting down and singing. If you walk on two legs, your body will become unstable while you are singing if your core is not good, but sitting down on your body stabilizes the lower body and improves the pitch. If you take lessons at home, you will be able to practice such a flexible curriculum in order to help you feel the body in a relaxed atmosphere, and I think the music will be deeper.


"Relationship between sound and ceiling height" demonstrated by professional musicians and house acoustics researchers. From beautiful music to the sound of life, the acoustic environment of a home is an important point to worry about when you live everyday. We recommend that you stop and carefully consider what kind of house is best for achieving high-quality sound.
*The information posted is as of January 2018.


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