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ワサビの葉、お茶にしてみた 味は?ツーンとしません。Wasabi leaves, what was the taste of tea? Don't say toon.


2020年07月12日 10:41  朝日新聞デジタル
写真ワサビの葉を使った「本わさび茶」を開発した、松本大の矢内准教授(右)と黒姫和漢薬研究所の狩野土社長=2020年7月9日午後3時1分、松本市新村 松本大学、佐藤靖撮影
ワサビの葉を使った「本わさび茶」を開発した、松本大の矢内准教授(右)と黒姫和漢薬研究所の狩野土社長=2020年7月9日午後3時1分、松本市新村 松本大学、佐藤靖撮影





Wasabi leaves, what is the taste of tea? Don't play toon

July 12, 2020 10:41   Asahi Shimbun Digital
Asahi Shimbun Digital
PhotoAssociate professor Yanai of Matsumoto University (right) who developed "Hon Wasabi tea" using wasabi leaves and Kurochi President of Kurohime Wakaku Research Institute = 3:1 pm, July 9, 2020, Shinmura, Matsumoto City Matsumoto University, Yasushi Sato photo
Associate professor Yanai of Matsumoto University (right) who developed "Hon Wasabi tea" using wasabi leaves and Kurochi President of Kurohime Wakaku Research Institute = 3:1 pm, July 9, 2020, Shinmura, Matsumoto City Matsumoto University, Yasushi Sato photo
 "Wasabi leaves" were often discarded in the prefecture, which is the largest wasabi-producing area in Japan. To make effective use of it, Matsumoto University (Matsumoto City) and the Kurohime Wakaku Research Institute (Shinanomachi), which produces healthy tea, have developed a new product called "Hon Wasabi Tea". The spiciness peculiar to wasabi was eliminated and the taste was made easy to drink.

 It was unveiled at the same university on the 9th. Associate professor Kazuhiro Yanai of the Faculty of Human Health (48), who is studying the effective use of agricultural products, paid attention to wasabi leaves that had been discarded because they had little use. When dried and extracted, it was confirmed that umami had come out from the liquid. In component analysis, more glutamic acid and amino acids were detected than in green tea.

 The institute has roasted (baisen) processing to maintain the three balances of "aroma," "taste," and "color." I removed the spiciness of the characteristic so that I could continue drinking for a long time.

 The leaves are supplied by Daio Wasabi Farm (Azumino City). During the harvest season, about 60 kg of leaves can be taken a day, but 100 kg of leaves are steamed, leaving only 9 kg. Securing production throughout the year is a future issue. "I wanted to support the producers," Associate Professor Yauchi said of the reason for the development.

 Azumino Foods (the same city) is in charge of selling, and it is sold at 500 yen (5 packages included, tax not included) per item at Daio Wasabi Farm, expressway service area in the prefecture, JR Matsumoto station shop etc. (Yasu Sato)

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