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中国や世界中の貧富の差の解決策として、e-mailやガラケーと言う携帯電話や固定電話、FAXでも就職転職医療情報を簡単に受け取れる様に救済策を提案するべきです。为了解决中国乃至全世界贫富差距,我们应该提出补救措施,以便我们可以通过电子邮件,称为Garake的移动电话,固定电话和FAX轻松接收就业变更医疗信息。As a solution to the gap between rich and poor in China and around the world, we should propose remedies so that we can easily receive employment change medical information by e-mail, mobile phones such as feature phones, landlines, and faxes.


日本で言うガラケーと言う古い携帯電話で電話しても、0-9 * #のいずれかで、都道府県、職業などを選択出来る様にして、SMSで就職転職や医療情報などを受け取れる様に救済するべきだと思います。


即使您使用日本的Garake旧手机拨打电话,您也可以选择0-9 *#来选择县,职业等,并减轻您的负担,以便您可以通过SMS接收工作变更和医疗信息 我认为应该这样做。

An idea of a service in which a questionnaire about employment change medical care is sent when a blank e-mail is sent, and employment change medical information is sent when a reply is sent.

Even if you call with an old mobile phone called a feature phone in Japan, you can select the prefecture, occupation, etc. with either 0-9 * #, and you will be relieved so that you can receive employment change and medical information by SMS. I think it should be done.

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