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現役医師が加工食品より和食を食べる様に推薦致します。An active doctor recommends eating Japanese food rather than processed food.

現役医師が真実を暴露!テレビでは絶対に言えない…加工食品の闇とは?【健康】 お風呂は、40℃から42℃の間で浸かるとガンも治ると言われております。白血球が元気になり、身体中を巡る血液循環の流れが良くなる様に、お魚と納豆は、血液サラサラに良く、お肉も脳卒中の予防や長生きには、良い様です。An active doctor reveals the truth! I can't say it on TV ... What is the darkness of processed foods? [Health] It is said that if you soak the bath between 40 ℃ and 42 ℃, the cancer will be cured. Just as white blood cells become healthy and the flow of blood circulation around the body improves, fish and natto are good for blood smoothness, and meat seems to be good for stroke prevention and longevity.

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