The idea is to make a profit by creating a website that combines a sales agency by AI and Masanori Akaishi, a book that says to make a profitable AI with Python. The idea is to make a profit by creating a website that combines a sales agency by AI and Masanori Akaishi, a book that says to make a profitable AI with Python.
AI agency sales service
WEB programmer & IT consulting
How about the above idea of Masahiro Ishizuka, the representative of aon (Aon & Alpha Online) ?
recommend that you master both the front end and the server side in a well-balanced manner.
If you succeed in developing with Python, we recommend that you port it to the Go language version this time, and to the V language version in the future.
Alternatively, you can call the Rust API on the server side of Python, or you can use the contents of the famous frameworks including Python and Japronto frameworks and the famous paid Oracle, free open source DATABASE, and the Go language version such as Graphql & Prisma + gqlen below as the Python version. I would like you to launch a project that rewrites all the contents with Rust .
- I made attendance management with gqlgen + Prisma Lift + gorm. (Prisma & Graphql & Golang cutting-edge information as of 2021/04/05)
- + Go Tutorial-Add an application / API server layer. This layer is created by yourself using the Prisma client, so the API does not have to be GraphQL. (REST, gRPC, etc.). (Prisma & Golang's state-of-the-art information 2)
- (1) TypeScript + GraphQL + Prisma + Next.js (Nuxt.js) will probably be the next Rails, so you can mount it if you do it, (2) You can create a GraphQL server without coding. Is not a replacement for REST, ④ No code is required on the server side, ⑤ Easy programming with a mouse like scratch, Introducing Cybozu's Kintone, OUTSYSTYEMS and UnitBase! , ⑤ Cybozu's Kintone is compatible with electronic seal stamps and electronic payments (lgwan of municipalities). , ⑥ There was a greater idea than JavaScript in the background of TypeScript, ⑦ How to write good code (especially in large-scale development, it is better not to use global variables as much as possible), ⑧ Homepage builder
- graphql prisma Go language
That way, it looks like Python's merit, it's easy to write AI programs, and website programs can be used by other people or teams.
Writing using PEP8 has merits such as high development efficiency and maintenance efficiency as a team.
石塚 正浩の上記アイデアはいかがでしょうか?
- gqlgen + Prisma Lift + gormで出勤管理を作ってみた。(Prisma&Graphql&Golangの最先端情報2021/04/05現在)
- + Go のチュートリアル - アプリケーション/APIサーバの層を追加します。この層はPrismaクライアントを使って自前で作るので、APIはGraphQLでなくてもOK。 (REST,gRPCとか).(Prisma & Golangの最先端情報その2)
- ①TypeScript+GraphQL+Prisma+Next.js(Nuxt.js)が多分次のRailsになるのでやっておけばマウント取れるよ,②コーディング不要でGraphQLサーバが作れるPrismaを触ってみて可能性を感じた,③GraphQLはRESTの置き換えではない,④サーバーサイドはコード不要,⑤スクラッチの様にマウスで簡単プログラミング,サイボウズのキントーンとOUTSYSTYEMSとUnitBaseのご紹介!,⑤サイボウズのキントーンは、電子印鑑、電子決済(市区町村のlgwan)対応です。,⑥TypeScriptの背景には、JavaScriptより偉大な考えがあった,⑦良いコードの書き方(特に大規模開発では極力グローバル変数は使用しない方が良いです。),⑧ホームページビルダー
- graphql prisma Go言語
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