2021年06月07日 09:01 Techable
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ユーザーは、議論したいテーマを登録し、自身の意見を添えて発信。参加者との深いディスカッションを実現するため、AIが「このアイデアの長所は? 」「実現するための方法をみんなで考えましょう」などのフォローをしてくれます。議論中の発言は「アイデア」「課題」「問題提起」などに分類され、図として可視化されるため、途中参加した人でも直感的に議論の流れをつかむことができるでしょう。なお、同サービスは国際特許を取得しています。
正式提供となった現在も、自由に閲覧・参加可能なオープンディスカッションが公開されています。その中に「コロナ禍による社会変革に地域間連携で立ち向かうには? 」というテーマがありました。具体的には、パンデミックを乗り切るための社会変革には、地域を超えて協力する必要があると考える発信者が、「誰と誰がどんな連携をする必要がありそうか」ということを問うものです。これに対し「産学官連携をより密に」という意見などが寄せられています。
また、このテーマでの議論の中で「コロナ禍がメンタルヘルスにおよぼす影響」について言及した返信がありました。すると、本来のテーマから少しズレたこの発言に対し、AIが「◯◯さん投稿ありがとうございます。 課題はどのように解決できるでしょうか? 」などその課題にフォーカスを促すようなコメントを送信。ある程度意見が出てきたあたりで、要点をまとめるようなコメントも見られました。
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shared it.June 07, 2021 09:01 Techable
AGREEBIT Co., Ltd., a startup company from Kyoto University and Nagoya Institute of Technology, is a SaaS service "D-Agree" that supports online discussions and consensus building in real time using AI facilitating technology. Will be officially provided.Photo
The service was developed by Takayuki Ito, a professor at Kyoto University and a visiting professor at Nagoya Institute of Technology. Specializing in intelligent informatics, he is an international authority on artificial intelligence, especially multi-agent systems and collective intelligence.
AI facilitator "D-Agree" is a platform that supports opinion gathering and consensus building at online meetings, etc. by supporting facilitation by AI. Since AI automatically facilitates discussions, it is possible to gather opinions in real time even in large-scale meetings. The gathered opinions can be used for meaningful discussion development through the extraction, structuring, and analysis of the content of discussions using AI.
Users register the theme they want to discuss and send it with their own opinions. In order to realize deep discussions with participants, AI will follow up such as "What are the advantages of this idea?" And "Let's think about ways to realize it together." The remarks during the discussion are classified into "ideas", "issues", "problems raised", etc. and visualized as a diagram, so even those who participated in the middle can intuitively grasp the flow of the discussion. The service has an international patent.
Case studies and open discussions This service has been adopted by the Cabinet Office Global Acceleration Program, and has been introduced in domestic educational institutions, governments, and overseas since the beta version was released.
For example, in Afghanistan, it is used by the city council, where some people could not physically gather due to religious reasons, and contributed to gathering the opinions of a wide range of people and forming consensus. It seems that educational institutions such as universities are using it for educational DX, mutual feedback on research themes, and consensus building within the group.
Even now that it is officially provided, open discussions that can be freely viewed and participated are open to the public. One of the themes was "How to tackle social change caused by the corona disaster through regional cooperation?" Specifically, a caller who thinks that social change to survive a pandemic requires cooperation across regions asks, "Who, who, and what kind of cooperation is likely to be necessary?" .. In response to this, there are opinions such as "more in-depth industry-academia-government collaboration."
In addition, in the discussion on this theme, there was a reply mentioning "the effect of corona damage on mental health". Then, in response to this remark that deviated a little from the original theme, AI sent a comment that encouraged the focus on the problem, such as "Thank you for posting Mr. ◯◯. How can the problem be solved?" Around the time when opinions came out to some extent, there were also comments that summarized the main points.
It is said that the work of gathering a large number of opinions and forming a consensus can be a daunting task. If the service plays this role, it may lead to more efficient and in-depth discussions.
(text, Higuchi)- Wake-up call app "moneep" that you can wake up with your favorite voice
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分享了。2021年6月7日09:01 Techable
AGREEBIT Co., Ltd.是京都大学和名古屋工业大学的创业公司,使用AI促进技术支持实时在线讨论和共识建立的SaaS服务“D-Agree”将正式提供。照片
AI促进器“D-Agree”是通过支持AI促进,支持在线会议等的意见收集和共识建立的平台。由于 AI 自动促进讨论,因此即使在大型会议中也可以实时收集意见。通过使用人工智能对讨论内容进行提取、结构化和分析,可以将收集到的意见用于有意义的讨论发展。
案例研究和公开讨论 该服务已被内阁办公室全球加速计划采用,并自测试版发布以来已在国内教育机构、政府和海外推出。
即使现在正式提供,可以自由查看和参与的公开讨论也向公众开放。主题之一是“如何通过区域合作应对电晕灾难造成的社会变化?” 具体来说,一个认为要在大流行中生存下来的社会变革需要跨地区合作的来电者会问,“可能需要谁、谁和什么样的合作?”.. 对此,有“产学政合作更深入”等意见。
此外,在关于这个主题的讨论中,有回复提到了“电晕损害对心理健康的影响”。然后,针对这句偏离原主题的言论,AI发了条鼓励大家关注问题的评论,比如“谢谢◯◯先生发帖,问题怎么解决?” 大约在意见出现一定程度的时候,也有总结要点的评论。
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