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火星でCO2からロケット燃料を生成する新手法! 帰りの燃料は「現地調達」なるか A new method to generate rocket fuel from CO2 on Mars! Will the return fuel be "locally procured"? 

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October 31, 2021 11:01   Techable


Rocket fuel methane and oxygen are needed to return from Mars to Earth. Neither is said to exist on Mars, and shipping from Earth would cost a huge amount of money. As a cost reduction measure, "In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU)", which utilizes CO2 abundant on Mars, has been considered.

NASA has proposed an ISRU strategy using chemical catalysis, but this method still requires methane to be transported from Earth. Alternatively, Georgia Institute of Technology research teams are proposing a biotechnology-based in situ resource utilization (bio-ISRU) strategy that can generate both rocket propellant and liquid oxygen from CO2.
E. coli-produced compounds used as rocket propellants According to the research team, the bio-ISRU strategy utilizes three Mars-specific resources (carbon dioxide, sunlight, and frozen water). From the earth, we will carry cyanobacteria, artificial Escherichia coli, and materials for assembling a four-size-fits-all photobioreactor on a soccer field.

Cyanobacteria grow in the reactor via photosynthesis. An enzyme in another reactor breaks down cyanobacteria into sugars and supplies them to E. coli. It is a mechanism that uses the compound "2,3-butanediol" produced by Escherichia coli as a rocket propellant.
Achieving 32% Reduction in Electricity Research team research has shown that the bio-ISRU strategy requires 32% less electricity than the method of transporting methane from Earth. However, the weight will triple, so the research team is currently working to reduce the weight.

For example, improving the rate at which cyanobacteria grow on Mars seems to reduce the size of the photobioreactor and significantly reduce the payload.

The bio-ISRU strategy also produces 44 tonnes of excess oxygen, which may contribute to human colony formation.

Reference source: Making Martian Rocket BioFuel on Mars / Georgia Tech

written by Hiroji Yamada)

2021年10月31日 11:01  Techable


火星から地球に戻るためには、ロケット燃料のメタンと酸素が必要になります。どちらも火星には存在しないと言われ、地球から輸送するとなると膨大なコストがかかることに。コスト削減の対策として、火星に豊富にあるCO2を利用する「現地資源利用(ISRU:In-Situ Resource Utilization)」が検討されてきました。





参照元:Making Martian Rocket BioFuel on Mars/ Georgia Tech


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