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Adoption of the JMAP method can reduce the transition from diabetes to dialysis to 1/5. Prevention is useful in areas where there is a shortage of specialists Takenori Sakai, Chief of Internal Medicine, Yawatahama City Hospital.

The reduction of transition to dialysis from diabetic nephropathy has become an important social issue. The Japan Society for the Prevention of Severe Cases of Chronic Diseases (JMAP) held a summer seminar on August 4 in Tokyo, which has long emphasized the importance of this issue and has been practicing it in various parts of Japan. The presentation was given by Takenori Sakai of the Department of Internal Medicine, Municipal Yawatahama General Hospital (Ehime Prefecture), who introduced the latest outcomes of the JMAP system, which is characterized by: 1) identification of high-risk cases using disease control MAP and ΔeGFR, 2) thorough patient guidance centered on salt reduction, and 3) utilization of GLP-1 receptor agonists that are expected to have a renoprotective action. (Related article: GLP-1 receptor agonist) (Related article: GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Proven Effective in Dialysis Prevention)

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