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What kind of software do you think an individual app developer should develop to be successful and be able to eat from their own software?

Shunichi Arai

I run a software company in Japan May 2.

I am a software entrepreneur and I am always looking for new opportunities to make money.

It's not easy to make money by creating software. Unlike other industries, it's easy to be the sole winner, so it's difficult to make a moderate profit as an individual or on a small scale.

Summary of profitable individual developers and their typical apps - Qiita

About this article For future reference, here is a list of profitable individual developers and their representative apps. Selection Criteria Must be an individual developer or a former individual developer who has been incorporated for less than three years. The application must be profitable. Or, it is believed that they are making a profit...

There are a lot of developers who profess their own sales, but whose sales are minuscule. I think it's a difficult thing to do.

The factors I just came up with are as follows

Ease of gaining publicity

Ease of getting buzz → something that is topical, game-like, or something that makes people want to share.

Ease of advertising and publicity → Specific community or media exists

Ease of getting people to pay for it

Existing habit of paying → same kind of thing you are already paying for

Making people think it is worth paying for → well made, etc.

Targeted to solve a problem or increase sales → obvious increase in sales or decrease in expenses

Directed to enthusiasts who really want it → some people are fanatical about wanting it

Degree of competition

There is already a market, but not too much competition → Change an existing product that is selling well


Easy to lock in → Hold on to customer information, data, API integration, etc.

Continuous value → product worth continuing to use, never gets old

Cost per customer (LTV)

Higher LTV is better than lower LTV. ← If it is too low, advertising is not possible.

We have considered factors such as the following.

Considering this, I thought that a genre with maniacal and enthusiastic fans would be strong in games with contents that do not become old-fashioned and in which many mods are used. I guess it's the military, fetish, and other geek genres.

On the other hand, I think that lifehack and convenience apps have a hard time. It's hard to narrow down the target audience, and there are plenty of free competitors, so I think people will think it's not worth paying for.

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