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車椅子のまま乗って運転出来る自動車と連絡先。 A car that can be driven with a wheelchair with Address. 軽自動車でも良いので、4人乗りで、車いす+ベビーカー対応で自動運転対応になるともっと良いですね。安いタクシー代わりになると良いですね。


Contact information for gasoline-powered vehicles that can be ridden in a wheelchair from either the front or rear. I would like to improve it so that I can get in from either side.

Considering getting on and off because there is a car stop in the parking lot, it is better than the type of getting on and off from behind

The type that allows you to get on and off from the front of the car is better.

The Kenguru is a groundbreaking electric vehicle that can be driven in a wheelchair. Developed by a Hungarian-based company, it will soon be available in the UK. ›archives
The electric car "Kenguru" that can be driven while in a wheelchair will be released in the UK soon ...


Kenguruは、車椅子乗ったまま運転できる、画期的な電気自動車だ。 ハンガリーに本拠をおく会社が開発し、もうすぐイギリスで発売が開始される。 › movie

Pit in with a wheelchair! "Elbee" that can be driven as it is --HERO X

2018/10/12 · With the progress of barrier-free buses and trains, it is now possible to get on a bus or train in a wheelchair even in Japan. But to ride ...


2018/10/12 · バスや電車のバリアフリー化が進み、日本でも、車いすのままバスに乗ったり、電車に乗ることはできるようになった。が、しかし、乗るに ...

A car that can be driven in a wheelchair.

Kenguru is, wheelchair to be operated while riding , innovative electric car it is. Developed by a Hungarian-based company, it will soon be available in the UK.2019/09/17

2018/10/12 ·  Buses and trains have become more barrier-free, and even in Japan, you can now take a wheelchair on a bus or take a train. But to ride...

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