- USA. English Version. When a Japanese university professor succeeded in greening the desert in Niger, Africa, the government of Niger began to cooperate, and the greening of the desert is spreading throughout the country.
- USA. English Version. 2022/08/18 Update: Location and contact information for Professor Shuichi Oyama (Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences), who has successfully greened the deserts of Africa, at Tokyo Metropolitan University.
- USA. English Version. In Africa: Greening of deserts with garbage and feces by Japanese.
- 日本語版 JAPANESE。アフリカのニジェールの砂漠の緑化に日本人の大学の教授が成功するとニジェールの政府も協力をする様になり、砂漠の緑化は、国全体に広がりつつあります。
- 日本語版 JAPANESE。2022/08/18更新 アフリカの砂漠の緑化に成功された「大山修一」(都市環境科学研究科助手)教授の東京都立大学の所在地と連絡先。
- 日本語版 JAPANESE。アフリカで 日本人による ゴミとフンで砂漠の緑化。
- ARABIC. عندما نجح أستاذ جامعي ياباني في تخضير صحراء النيجر في إفريقيا ، بدأت حكومة النيجر في التعاون ، وانتشر تخضير الصحراء في جميع أنحاء البلاد.
- ARABIC. الموقع ومعلومات الاتصال الخاصة بجامعة طوكيو متروبوليتان للبروفيسور شويتشي أوياما (مساعد أبحاث في كلية الدراسات العليا لعلوم البيئة الحضرية) الذي نجح في تخضير صحاري إفريقيا.
- ARABIC. تخضير الصحاري في إفريقيا بالقمامة والبراز بواسطة اليابانيين.
- IRAN = PERUSHA. زمانی که یک استاد دانشگاه ژاپنی موفق به سبز کردن صحرای نیجر در آفریقا شد، دولت نیجر شروع به همکاری کرد و سبز شدن بیابان در سراسر کشور در حال گسترش است.
- IRAN = PERUSHA. مکان و اطلاعات تماس پروفسور شویچی اویاما (دانشگاه فارغ التحصیل علوم محیطی شهری) که موفق به سبز کردن صحراهای آفریقا شد.
- IRAN = PERUSHA. سبز شدن بیابان های آفریقا با زباله و مدفوع توسط ژاپنی ها.
High velocity filters that desalinate seawater are filters that remove salt and impurities from seawater to produce water that can be used as drinking water or industrial water. Conventional seawater desalination systems are based on the evaporation method, which removes salt by evaporating seawater, or the reverse osmosis method, which removes salt by reducing the pressure of seawater, but these methods consume large amounts of energy and have other issues.
The high-speed filter is a new technology developed to solve these problems. The high-speed filter is designed to allow only water molecules in seawater to pass through, not salt or impurities. As a result, they are more energy efficient and can desalinate seawater at a lower cost than conventional seawater desalination systems.
The two main types of high-speed filters are
Reverse osmosis membrane filters
Reverse osmosis filters use a membrane designed to allow only water molecules in seawater to pass through. The pore size of the membrane is very small, about 0.0001 microns, and salt and impurities cannot pass through.
Nanofiber Filters
Nanofiber filters use nanofibers designed to allow only water molecules in seawater to pass through. The diameter of the nanofibers is very small, only a few nanometers, and salt and impurities cannot pass through.
High-speed filters are a technology that is still under development, but is expected to become more widely used in the future.
Advantages of high-speed filters are as follows
More energy efficient than conventional seawater desalination systems, enabling desalination at a lower cost
Compact and can be installed in any location
Easy to maintain
The disadvantages of the high-speed filter are as follows
Still under development and there are issues to be addressed for practical use
Salt and impurities in seawater cannot be completely removed
High-speed filters are expected to contribute greatly to the spread of seawater desalination as their performance is further improved through future technological development.
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