You can play for free by downloading mame++ for Windows, etc. and copying the Rom Data of GAME to Rom.
Or you can play on Internet Arcade where you can play arcade GAME on your Brother.
Isitor's Resurrection
Warriors of Argos
Internet Arcade is made in the USA.
Please use English for TITLE when searching for a game.
To assign joysticks and buttons, press the TAB key after starting the game and press the button you actually want to use.
For games with heavy processing, such as the Radiant Silvergun, please install MAME on a PC with a graphics board and video card and play it.
However, some of the STAGES of “Radiant Silvergun” may have noisy STAGES that may hurt your ears, so please be careful not to use earphones, headphones, or speakers with high volume.
It will be difficult to pass through here without Protection because of the Lizardmen in the small rooms. Even if you are lucky enough to avoid the lizardmen in the small room, the lizardmen in the last narrow passage can only be avoided by luck without Protection.
To get to the blue door, exit the red door, go straight right and down the hall, then left, past two small rooms, and down the hall to the left. Then you will find a room with a sleeping dragon.
The dragon looks like it is sleeping, but in fact it is awake, and if you touch it, either Kai or Gil, it will die (protection is also disabled). If you poke the dragon's head with a Blue Crystal Rod or apply Sleep, for some reason, only Kai will not die (Gil will).
When Kai touches the dragon's head, he will get the blue key. From there, go up to the blue door. I always thought there was a key under the dragon, but it does not appear when you do the Detect Monster as shown above, so it does not appear that the key has fallen out of the dragon's head. It is only by touching the dragon's head that you can get the key.
[Red door]×64 Quox's Labirynth
[Blue door]○71 Closet Chamber
Windows用mame++などをダウンロードしてRomにGAMEのRom Dataをコピーすれば、無料で遊べます。
ここは、狭い部屋にリザードマンがいるため、Protection なしで通過するのは難しいでしょう。仮に運よく小部屋のリザードマンを避けられたとしても、最後の細い通路にいるリザードマンは、Protection 無しでは運でしか避けられません。Protection が十分張れない場合は、Shild をかけたギルを使って逃れるくらいでしょうか。
ドラゴンは寝ているように見えて実は起きているようで、そのままではカイでもギルでも触った瞬間死んでしまいます(Protection も無効)。ドラゴンの頭のあたりを Blue Crystal Rod でつつくか Sleep をかけると、なぜかカイだけは触っても死ななくなります(ギルは死にます)。Rod で触る位置はわかりにくいので、Sleep をかけるほうをお勧めしておきます。
このドラゴンの頭にカイが触れることで青鍵が取れます。そこから上に行くと青い扉があります。ずっと、ドラゴンの下に鍵があると思ってましたが、上のように Detect Monster をかけても鍵が表示されないので、鍵が落ちているわけではないようです。あくまで、ドラゴンの頭に触れることで鍵が取れるようになっています。
- [赤の扉]×64 Quox’s Labirynth
- [青の扉]○71 Closet Chamber
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