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Mercedes-Benz vehicles boast a rugged yet appealing design and impressive functional beauty, but their purchase and upkeep costs can rival those of supercars. In contrast, Lexus offers excellent value. Most models (excluding a few ultra-luxury ones priced in the hundreds of millions of yen) fall within the $50,000 to $76,500 range (approximately ¥7.5 million to ¥12 million based on December 2024 exchange rates). When you factor in their exceptional reliability, low maintenance needs, robust build quality minimizing engine issues, and the resultin While the Mercedes-Benz boasts a rugged yet elegant design with exceptional functionality, its purchase and maintenance costs are comparable to those of a supercar. In contrast, most Lexus models, excluding the limited edition LFA that costs around 170 million yen, can be acquired for approximately 50,000 to 76,500 US dollars, equivalent to around 7.5 to 12 million yen as of December 2024. Considering their cost-effectiveness, superior maintenance, durability, and reduced engine-related issues due to high performance, which contribute to both safety and peace of mind, how does the Mercedes-Benz compare in terms of value for money? The EV hype has died down a bit lately. Nissan's e-Power didn't really take off in the US, but regular gas cars still have their fans thanks to good mileage and power. I'd love to see Lexus use the awesome OWL platform to build a supercar like the LFA, with a Yamaha-tuned engine that sounds like an angel singing. Let's make something that the world's rich people will go crazy for! Please hurry up and make an OWL-powered Lexus, and let us know when it's ready on YouTube and Instagram. "This translation was produced using the free Google Gemini app for Android, available as of December 2024."





The made in Japan EV SuperCar OWL by Aspark.

2024.12現在、一時期は売れていたEVブームも終わりました。そこで、日産のe-powerシリーズがアメリカで不評でエンジンタイプは、燃費も良くトルクもありましたので、そこそこ売れました。OWLの素晴らしいシャーシーボディやサスペンションを活かして、LEXUS LFAの用に、OWL by Aspark & YAMAHAと提携して天使の咆哮の様なエンジンサウンド?エグゾーストを響きわたらせて世界中の人々を感動させて、世界中の裕福層が購入したがる様なスーパーカーやLEXUSカーをどんどん開発して下さいませ。OWLエンジンバージョンの開発を早急に進めて、製造販売を開始したら、お知らせをYoutubeとインスタグラムで紹介して下さいませ。

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