またイスラム国 テロリストが国家をつくる時もアマゾン配送商品なら通常配送 ... イスラーム国の衝撃 (文春新書) - 池内 恵 単行本 ¥842 .... 序章 「 決算報告書」を持つテロ組織 ... 神こそが力の源泉である」
含まれない: nato frb ロス チャイルド 偽
イスラム国 テロリストが国家をつくる時; ›; カスタマーレビュー .... イスラム国」の目指す「カリフ制国家の建国」は「ユダヤ人にとってのイスラエルの建国」と .... 希望は戦争』という言葉が若者の中にあると ...
含まれない: nato frb ロス チャイルド 偽
ISILやAQを始めとするテロ組織や過激主義者らは、インターネット上の各種メディア ... とりわけ、ISIL 及びAQ関連組織は、各地のイスラム教徒に対 ... ンス・パリのユダヤ系食料品店で銃撃・人質立て.
含まれない: nato バック frb ロス チャイルド 偽 イスラエル
シーア派主導のイスラム国家樹立を主張。 ... レバノン人。1975年に「アマル運動」(注8)に参加し,同組織のバーズーリーヤ ... ヒズボラ」は,1982 年頃の結成以降,イスラエルや欧米の権益に対する ...
含まれない: nato バック frb ロス チャイルド 偽
指導者の一人であるアナス・アブドル・ラフマンは, 活動目標について,「イスラム国家樹立のため, パレスチナだけでなく,全世界でユダヤ人との戦いを ...
含まれない: nato バック frb ロス チャイルド 偽
2017/01/11 · 同胞のユダヤ人を犠牲にすることによってイスラエルを建国した ... 心酔のロス チャイルドら「裏の勢力」に協力するユダヤ人に、 シオニスト ... 或いはユダヤ教をそぎ落とした偽 ユダヤ人 ...
2017/11/08 · このユダヤ人国家はイスラエルと命名されたが、アラブ人国家について ... イギリス( ロスチャイルド)の二枚舌外交が、その後100年の ... 植民地主義やテロや戦争は終わりにすべきで ...
2017/03/01 · あからさまなテロ支援国家。 ... バチカンがユダヤ人を破壊する意図で、イスラエル のすべてを支配し監視し .... をはじめ、ユダヤ人 でない偽ユダヤのことは「金融のしくみは全部ロス ...
5 日前 · トランプをカルト指導者として、彼を支持する人の多くをカルト .... 現場で警官に銃撃され逮捕されたのは、ユダヤ人集団が南 ... 国内でのテロや虚無的な暴力は、経済的、社会的、政治的 ...
それからテロ国家イスラエルを支援する企業というのがありますが、 ... の戦争屋が支配していて、FRB の大株主がシオニストのロスチャイルドの傘下PJ ... CIAの下部組織のCSISと自民党は仲がいい。
An American soldier who went to war "The real enemy was in the US"戦争に行ったアメリカ兵の告発!「本当の敵はアメリカ国内にいた!」NATO (real American troops) is a terrorist!NATO(実質アメリカ軍)がテロリストだ!
An American soldier who went to war "The real enemy was in the US"
この記事には複数の問題があります。改善やノートページでの議論にご協力ください。 ... 来たという説。 古代日本人は、ユダヤ人の先祖であるという説。
含まれない: ファミリー
2013/03/17 · ユダヤ人は威厳のある顔しとる. 東儀秀樹氏といえば、イケメンの雅楽演奏家として女性たちに人気がある。この人が、実は古代 ...
含まれない: ノア ファミリー
2015/07/27 · ユダヤの「シオン祭り」はノア一家が大洪水を無事乗り越えたことを ... 現在、日本人の総氏神を祀っているのは「伊勢神宮」であるが、( ...
含まれない: ファミリー
2018/08/14 · 日本の不思議のひとつに「日ユ同祖論」があります。これは、日本人(大和民族)とユダヤ人(古代イスラエル人)は共通の先祖ヤコブを ...
含まれない: ファミリー
徳島 剣山夏祭り 劔山本宮劔神社例大祭の検索結果はこちら
2017/07/28 · 2017年の剣山夏祭り. 劔山本宮劔神社例大祭は. 7月23日に開催されました。 私達は7人で例大祭前日の.
2013/08/09 · 剱神社」 例大祭;7月17日 (2). 記事をクリップ .... あります。 → 2012 「剣山夏祭り」~ 劔山本宮劔神社例大祭~01♪「神輿渡御」!! ... 徳島県のウェブサイトにはもう来年の日程が紹介されています。
2014/08/01 · 今年7月20日,劔山本宮劔神社の例大祭が執り行われた。 本大祭 ... 徳島に住むおとうさんのひとりごとです。
2016/07/19 · 7月17日は、剣山のお祭りと京都の. ... 初めての剣山登頂「7月17日剱山本宮例大祭」 見る:魚谷さん、木内さんと再会 ... が、その登り口の神社があったので、そこでまずお参りした。 .... 20160529 つるぎ山アルペンラリー SS3 .... 阿南&徳島
含まれない: 夏
徳島 剣山夏祭り 劔山本宮劔神社例大祭のYoutube検索結果はこちら
徳島 栗枝渡キリスト神社Youtubeの検索結果はこちら
日本史から抹殺された安徳天皇、クリスト神社、クリス堂、栗枝渡(栗須戸)部落 なお栗須戸神社は現在八幡神社と名前を変えられています ...
Japan, Tokushima, Wakabayashi でiPhoneから録画されました2014/05/03 17:37 JST - Captured Live on Ustream at ...
天皇は阿波から巣立った!巣立ち(スダチ)の徳島!宮内庁に隠された阿波国風土記! 阿波古事記研究会 2015年11月7日 宮内庁に隠 ...
徳島 栗枝渡キリスト神社Youtubeの検索結果はこちら
高天原という言葉に潜む日本とユダヤの絆 p196~197
契約の箱(けいやくのはこ、ヘブライ語: ארון הברית aron habrit、英: Ark of the Covenant)とは、モーセの十戒が刻まれた石板を収めた箱のことである。
高天原という言葉に潜む日本とユダヤの絆 p196~197
契約の箱(けいやくのはこ、ヘブライ語: ארון הברית aron habrit、英: Ark of the Covenant)とは、モーセの十戒が刻まれた石板を収めた箱のことである。
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9NqwW6Bka8]
全てのもには実体がない ・・・・色即是空
石塚 正浩によるオリジナル編集した内容です。
現在の多くのキルギス人の間で語り継がれている伝説があり、諸説ありますが、 2015年頃の古代日本の研究者らによると、高天原(タカマガハラ)の名の由来が、アルメニア共和国ターガマ州ハランであると言う発表があった。 なお、アルメニア系キルギス人が日本人と同じ先祖で、獣の狩猟民族はキルギスへ、漁をする民族は日本へ渡ったとされる伝説が今でも残っております。 ちなみに、日本とキルギスの友情を歌った演歌歌手は、三田りょうで風の旅人と言う歌である。 つまり、日本の初代天皇の神武天皇の先祖は、イスラエルの始祖アブラハムとノアのファミリーであると言えるのである。 さらに、ノアのファミリーが大洪水の末アララト山に辿り着いて助かったのをお祝いする祭りとして、7月17日のタイムスケジュールで京都の祇園祭と徳島の剣山の夏祭り(劔山本宮劔神社例大祭)があり、 徳島の剣山の夏祭りは、山の麓から御神輿をノアの箱舟に見立て頂上まで一気に駆け上がること(御輿渡御)で、ノアの箱舟の再現を行なう祭りだとされております。(御輿渡御は、夏祭りが平日の場合は、次の日曜日になりました。) 京都の祇園祭は、アルメニア共和国から、ハラン、エジプト、イスラエル、日本へ民族移動したと言う物語を表しています。
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NATO (real American troops) is a terrorist! NATO (actually US Army) is a terrorist! --- Click here for
Jewish and Noah family
search results for Japanese ancestors
![Tokushima Kenzan Summer Festival from www.dydo-matsuri.com Tsurugisan Hongu Shrine annual festival]()

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Similarity between Japanese and Hebrew Youtube Click here for search results
―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― The current place name of Takamagahara was Harran, Armenia! http://ameblo.jp/papakiti1/entry-11198538165.html
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9NqwW6Bka8]
全てのもには実体がない ・・・・色即是空
石塚 正浩によるオリジナル編集した内容です。
現在の多くのキルギス人の間で語り継がれている伝説があり、諸説ありますが、 2015年頃の古代日本の研究者らによると、高天原(タカマガハラ)の名の由来が、アルメニア共和国ターガマ州ハランであると言う発表があった。 なお、アルメニア系キルギス人が日本人と同じ先祖で、獣の狩猟民族はキルギスへ、漁をする民族は日本へ渡ったとされる伝説が今でも残っております。 ちなみに、日本とキルギスの友情を歌った演歌歌手は、三田りょうで風の旅人と言う歌である。 つまり、日本の初代天皇の神武天皇の先祖は、イスラエルの始祖アブラハムとノアのファミリーであると言えるのである。 さらに、ノアのファミリーが大洪水の末アララト山に辿り着いて助かったのをお祝いする祭りとして、7月17日のタイムスケジュールで京都の祇園祭と徳島の剣山の夏祭り(劔山本宮劔神社例大祭)があり、 徳島の剣山の夏祭りは、山の麓から御神輿をノアの箱舟に見立て頂上まで一気に駆け上がること(御輿渡御)で、ノアの箱舟の再現を行なう祭りだとされております。(御輿渡御は、夏祭りが平日の場合は、次の日曜日になりました。) 京都の祇園祭は、アルメニア共和国から、ハラン、エジプト、イスラエル、日本へ民族移動したと言う物語を表しています。
The Fed, Rothschild, and fake Jewish Israel and the United States are backed by the terrorist organizations NATO and Islamic State.
Also, when Islamic State terrorists create a nation, Amazon delivery products are usually delivered ... Impact of Islamic State (Bunshu Shinsho) --Megumi Ikeuchi Book ¥ 842 .... Preface Terrorist organization with "Financial Statement" ... God is the source of power. "
Not included: Nato Frb loss child false
Islamic State When terrorists create a nation; ›; Customer reviews .... Islamic State's goal of" founding a caliphate nation "is" the founding of Israel for Jews ".... Hope is war." Is in the youth ...
Not included: Nato Frb loss child false
Terrorist organizations such as ISIL and AQ and extremists have various media on the Internet ... In particular, ISIL and AQ-related organizations have dealt with Muslims in various regions ... Jewish food in Paris. Shooting and hostage at the store.
Not included: Nato back frb loss Child fake Israel
Insisted on the establishment of an Islamic state led by Shiites. ... Lebanese. Participating in the "Amal Movement" (Note 8) in 1975, the organization's Barzuliya ... Hezbollah has been involved in Israeli and Western interests since its formation around 1982 ...
Not included: Nato back frb loss child false
One of the leaders, Anas Abdul Rahman, said, "To establish an Islamic state, fight against Jews not only in Palestine but all over the world ...
Not included: Nato back frb loss child false
2017/01/11 · Founded Israel by sacrificing fellow Jews ... Zionists ... or stripped Judaism to Jews who cooperate with the "back forces" such as the intoxicated Rothschilds Fake Jews ...
2017/11/08 · This Jewish state was named Israel, but about the Arab state ... Britain's (Rothschild) bilingual diplomacy, 100 years after that ... Colonism, terrorism and war Should end ...
2017/03/01 · An outright state sponsor of terrorism. ... the Vatican controls and monitors all of Israel with the intention of destroying the Jews .... and other non-Jewish false Jews say, "All financial mechanisms are lost ...
5 days ago · With Trump as cult leader, many of his supporters were cult .... Jewish groups were shot and arrested by police on the scene in the south ... domestic terrorism and voidness Violence is economic, social, political ...
Then there are companies that support the terrorist state Israel, but ... the warlords dominate, and the Fed's major shareholders are PJs under the Zionist Rothschilds ... CSIS and the LDP, which are subordinates of the CIA. I'm on good terms.
An American soldier who went to war "The real enemy was in the US" Accusation of an American soldier who went to war! "The real enemy was in the United States!" NATO (real American troops) is a terrorist! NATO (real American troops) is a terrorist!
An American soldier who went to war "The real enemy was in the US"
Accusation of American soldiers who went to war "The real enemy was in the United States"
Jewish and Noah family
search results for Japanese ancestors
How many Japanese people are mikoshi, New Year's events, torii gates, etc ... The most similar religious event of Jews to Japan is the Passover Festival.
There are multiple issues with this article. Please cooperate with the improvement and discussion on the notebook page. ... the theory that it came. The theory that the ancient Japanese are Jewish ancestors.
Not included: Family
2013/03/17 · Jews have a dignified look. Hideki Togi is popular with women as a handsome gagaku player. This person is actually ancient ...
Not included: Noah Family
2015/07/27 · The Jewish "Zion Festival" has survived the great flood safely ... Currently, "Ise Jingu" is enshrining the Japanese general god, but ( . ..
Not included: Family
2018/08/14 · One of the wonders of Japan is the "Japanese- Jewish Commonwealth Theory". This is because the Japanese (Yamato people) and the Jews (ancient Israelites) have a common ancestor Jacob ...
Not included: Family
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
The Japanese ancestors are Noah's family, and it is said that Noah's Ark is reproduced, and the next festival will be held almost at the same time as the Gion Festival in Kyoto.
Click here for search results for the Tokushima Kenzan Summer Festival Tsurugisan Hongu Shrine annual festival2018/08/18 · The towering Mt. Tsurugi in the western part of Tokushima Prefecture is 1955m above sea level. ... it is also the highlight of the summer festival. ... Mt. Tsurugi Hongu Shrine Annual Festival is one of the "Summer Festivals of Mt. Tsurugi" held at each shrine and temple in Mt. Tsurugi in the summer.
2012 "Kenzan Summer Festival" -Mt. Tsurugi Hongu Shrine Annual Festival-14 "Mikoshi Watari": Sue ...
2012/08/08 · 2012 “Kenzan Summer Festival” ~ Mt. Tsurugi Hongu Shrine Annual Festival ~ 14 ♪ “ Mikoshi Watari” ♪ ... After that, there was “Return Festival (Enter)”. ... Other than Tokushima Prefecture ... I don't know the broadcast date, but ... there is a possibility that it will be broadcast ... (* ^ _ ^ *) ♪.
2017/07/28 · 2017 Kenzan Summer Festival. Tsurugiyama Hongu Shrine Annual Festival was held on July 23rd. We are 7 people the day before the annual festival.
"Echizenkuni Shrine" annual festival; July 17 (2) (Festivals and traditions) --From Awa to Kyoto ...
2013/08/09 · 剱 Shrine ”Regular Festival; July 17 (2). There is a clip of the article .... → 2012 "Kenzan Summer Festival" ~ Tsurugisan Hongu Shrine Annual Festival ~ 01 ♪ "Mikoshi Watari" !! ... The schedule for next year is already introduced on the Tokushima Prefecture website.
2014/08/01 · On July 20, this year, the annual festival of the Toyama Hongu Shrine was held. This festival ... Every one of the dads living in Tokushima.
We would like to inform you about the annual event of Mt. Tsurugi. -The Kenzan Tourism Promotion Council is a group that supports the climbing and tourism of Mt. Tsurugi , the second peak in western Japan.
Click here for Youtube search results for the Tokushima Kenzan Summer Festival Tsurugisan Hongu Shrine annual festival
Tokushima Kurie Watari Christ Shrine Youtube search results are here
Antoku has been wiped from Japanese history, Christo Shrine , Kurisudo, Kurisudo (Kurusuto) Buraku The Kurisu door shrine is currently Hachiman Shrine has been changed and the name ...
October 3, 2009 (lunar calendar August 15) Tokushima Prefecture Miyoshi, Higashi Iya Kurisudo Yahata (Kurishido) Shrine Autumn Festival in was held. Emperor Antoku is enshrined ...
Kuriewatari Hachiman Shrine, which is called the best power spot in Tokushima Prefecture .
The origin of the emperor The ten Jewish clans went from Kenzan to Kamiyama, and the life of the Okuninushi, who later became Yamatai, and the Jewish emperor of Kamiyama fought.
Recorded from iPhone in Japan, Tokushima , Wakabayashi 2014/05/03 17:37 JST --Captured Live on Ustream at ...
The emperor has left Awa! Tokushima of fledging (Sudachi) ! Awa Kokudo Fudoki hidden in the Imperial Household Agency! Awa Kojiki Study Group November 7, 2015 Hidden in the Imperial Household Agency ...
Emperor rule by Elizabeth using racism against Korean Dowa! The prefectural Gokoku Shrine is a branch of the Nippon Kaigi and is a subordinate organization of the Emperor's Association of Shinto Shrines !
There is something in Imbe Shrine where my grave is! When I traced the depths of Imbe Shrine , I could see a part of the truth that the politicians kept hiding.
Tokushima Kurie Watari Christ Shrine Youtube search results are here
for search results for Youtube in Hebrew
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Similarity between Japanese and Hebrew Youtube Click here for search results
Today, during lunch break, women in the company
had a very deep connection between Japan and Israel from 2700 years ago. And talk with,
she also agreed.
Anyway, her English teacher is from Israel and she is very interested in this story.
And when I was shown a picture of the teacher's father, he said that he looked like a Japanese with a deeply carved face and was quite surprised unlike Westerners.
Emperor Jimmu went east from Takamagahara (one theory is Harran , Armenia, which is now known as Tagama Harran-Tagamahara-Takaamahara) and proceeded to Japan.
Japan and Jewish ties p196 ~ 197 lurking in the word Takamagahara
here than
As you have seen if the past, the child of Isaiah if a Izanagi, mythology depicted in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki is, of their own It can be said that it is a myth that incorporates the struggle experiences of the Israelites who came in search of an eastern island country where they can worship God.
There, the struggles and thoughts of the Israeli people who left their homeland of Israel in West Asia, crossed the Asian continent such as the Silk Road, traveled all the way to Japan, and were involved in the founding of Japan with Emperor Jimmu, are recorded. It can be said that it is contained in.
However, this Kiki contains a lot of non-mythical parts. For example, "Takamagahara", which appears in Japanese gods, is said to be the place where the gods are in the heavens.
According to Joseph Eidelberg, this highland is on the Asian continent.
It is the birthplace of Abraham, the founder of the Jews and one of the three great ancestors.
In fact, it is written in Tanakh that the place where Abraham lived before coming to Israel was the town of Haran in the state of Tagama in West Asia.
Haran in Tagama, it is Tagama Haran, that is, Tagama Hara.
Abraham departs from his hometown of Tagamahara according to God's command. Saying goodbye to the clan he was with until then, he set out for the promised land of God's promise.
Then, in 1200 years until the collapse of the Kingdom of Northern Israel, did the separated Israeli people return to their ethnic sources?
Or it may be a place name that has been handed down endlessly in the question of the Israelites, or it may have been reflected in Japanese mythology as Tagamagahara became Takamagahara.
In addition, it is written in the Kojiki that the heavenly god gave the rice harvested by Takamagahara to His Majesty the Emperor, and the Emperor spread it throughout Japan.
A large amount of wheat and other crops were also harvested in Tagamahara in West Asia, and it is believed that they had advanced agricultural techniques.
In other words, people from Taga Mahara may have brought and expanded advanced rice cultivation techniques to Japan.
In other
the King of Israel came all the way to Japan in search of a land where he could freely worship his god, and began to live in harmony with the indigenous indigenous people. Isn't it?
This time is the time when the Yayoi period begins.
At school, the Yayoi people were taught as migrants.
At that time, I thought I was a Chinese or Korean, but the leader was probably the king of Israel.
Did Emperor Jimmu and his group bring continental rice cultivation (paddy rice) to Japan?
There was rice in Japan before that, but it was upland rice.
Coincidentally, there are so many points of agreement between the Israeli gods and Japanese Shinto.
However, it is not considered the correct theory.
I think the Japanese government doesn't want the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic Party to get caught up in the troubles of the Middle East.
Maybe the United States is telling me to mess up?
Jews have been persecuted, but they are very businessmen and smart. Did you
know that Einstein is a well-known Jewish
Japanese and a relative of Jewish and Israeli?
The chrysanthemum crest is said to be the crest of the Jewish royal family.
Here than,
There are various traces of Israeli coats of arms, guardian deities, etc. at shrines all over Japan such as Ise Jingu.
Here is a brief introduction.
Here than,
is the cutting board of the story that everyone of you out.
When the Prophet Moses is wandering with his companions, Moses, who is in trouble with food, prays
to God and receives a "pot of manna" from God.
Food comes out of the manna jar one after another, as if shaking a hammer.
The board used to separate it into friends is called a "mana board".
And the treat given by the god that comes out of the manna jar is called
"Manna (Is this Japanese rice = Mamma?)".
There is "Manna" in the biscuits for infants.
That shape of the Nintoku Emperor's Mausoleum is a "manna jar".
We were stubbornly taught as a front-back burial mound, but it looks exactly like the sacred "manna jar".
Only the very tall ones were buried in the front and back burial mounds.
The Kingdom of Northern Israel was destroyed by Assyria (who used ironware to conquer, but was very brutal to resist), and the people who had been displaced from their homeland disappeared somewhere in the Christian era. 721 BC.
It is one of the ten lost tribes of Israel, which is considered to be one of the most mysterious in the history of the world.
Today, the places where traces of the 10 tribes can be seen are the Kashmir region of India, Afghanistan, China, etc., but if you examine these on the map, the Silk Road emerges as the process of the 10 tribes.
Emperor Jimmu was born in 711 BC, while the ten tribes of Israel disappeared in 721 BC, a difference of only 10 years.
From these things,
Emperor Jimmu = the lost 10 tribes of Israel, and the
myth of Eastern Conquest =
it may indicate their journey from Israel to Japan .
The Ark of the Covenant (Ark of the Covenant) is a box containing a stone plate engraved with the Ten Commandments of Moses.
It is more important to have the Ten Commandments of Moses than to be a treasure.
Sumo that Emperor Showa loved.
Sumo was an ancient Israeli ritual.
It seems that Jacob wrestled with an angel.
And it seems that he got the name Israel.
Sumou, Hakkeyoi (meaning throw! Defeat!) Is a Hebrew word.
Pillar = Ashira = God of Israel.
had a very deep connection between Japan and Israel from 2700 years ago. And talk with,
she also agreed.
Anyway, her English teacher is from Israel and she is very interested in this story.
And when I was shown a picture of the teacher's father, he said that he looked like a Japanese with a deeply carved face and was quite surprised unlike Westerners.
Emperor Jimmu went east from Takamagahara (one theory is Harran , Armenia, which is now known as Tagama Harran-Tagamahara-Takaamahara) and proceeded to Japan.
Japan and Jewish ties p196 ~ 197 lurking in the word Takamagahara
here than
As you have seen if the past, the child of Isaiah if a Izanagi, mythology depicted in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki is, of their own It can be said that it is a myth that incorporates the struggle experiences of the Israelites who came in search of an eastern island country where they can worship God.
There, the struggles and thoughts of the Israeli people who left their homeland of Israel in West Asia, crossed the Asian continent such as the Silk Road, traveled all the way to Japan, and were involved in the founding of Japan with Emperor Jimmu, are recorded. It can be said that it is contained in.
However, this Kiki contains a lot of non-mythical parts. For example, "Takamagahara", which appears in Japanese gods, is said to be the place where the gods are in the heavens.
According to Joseph Eidelberg, this highland is on the Asian continent.
It is the birthplace of Abraham, the founder of the Jews and one of the three great ancestors.
In fact, it is written in Tanakh that the place where Abraham lived before coming to Israel was the town of Haran in the state of Tagama in West Asia.
Haran in Tagama, it is Tagama Haran, that is, Tagama Hara.
Abraham departs from his hometown of Tagamahara according to God's command. Saying goodbye to the clan he was with until then, he set out for the promised land of God's promise.
Then, in 1200 years until the collapse of the Kingdom of Northern Israel, did the separated Israeli people return to their ethnic sources?
Or it may be a place name that has been handed down endlessly in the question of the Israelites, or it may have been reflected in Japanese mythology as Tagamagahara became Takamagahara.
In addition, it is written in the Kojiki that the heavenly god gave the rice harvested by Takamagahara to His Majesty the Emperor, and the Emperor spread it throughout Japan.
A large amount of wheat and other crops were also harvested in Tagamahara in West Asia, and it is believed that they had advanced agricultural techniques.
In other words, people from Taga Mahara may have brought and expanded advanced rice cultivation techniques to Japan.
In other
the King of Israel came all the way to Japan in search of a land where he could freely worship his god, and began to live in harmony with the indigenous indigenous people. Isn't it?
This time is the time when the Yayoi period begins.
At school, the Yayoi people were taught as migrants.
At that time, I thought I was a Chinese or Korean, but the leader was probably the king of Israel.
Did Emperor Jimmu and his group bring continental rice cultivation (paddy rice) to Japan?
There was rice in Japan before that, but it was upland rice.
Coincidentally, there are so many points of agreement between the Israeli gods and Japanese Shinto.
However, it is not considered the correct theory.
I think the Japanese government doesn't want the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic Party to get caught up in the troubles of the Middle East.
Maybe the United States is telling me to mess up?
Jews have been persecuted, but they are very businessmen and smart. Did you
know that Einstein is a well-known Jewish
Japanese and a relative of Jewish and Israeli?
The chrysanthemum crest is said to be the crest of the Jewish royal family.
Here than,
There are various traces of Israeli coats of arms, guardian deities, etc. at shrines all over Japan such as Ise Jingu.
Here is a brief introduction.
Here than,
is the cutting board of the story that everyone of you out.
When the Prophet Moses is wandering with his companions, Moses, who is in trouble with food, prays
to God and receives a "pot of manna" from God.
Food comes out of the manna jar one after another, as if shaking a hammer.
The board used to separate it into friends is called a "mana board".
And the treat given by the god that comes out of the manna jar is called
"Manna (Is this Japanese rice = Mamma?)".
There is "Manna" in the biscuits for infants.
That shape of the Nintoku Emperor's Mausoleum is a "manna jar".
We were stubbornly taught as a front-back burial mound, but it looks exactly like the sacred "manna jar".
Only the very tall ones were buried in the front and back burial mounds.
The Kingdom of Northern Israel was destroyed by Assyria (who used ironware to conquer, but was very brutal to resist), and the people who had been displaced from their homeland disappeared somewhere in the Christian era. 721 BC.
It is one of the ten lost tribes of Israel, which is considered to be one of the most mysterious in the history of the world.
Today, the places where traces of the 10 tribes can be seen are the Kashmir region of India, Afghanistan, China, etc., but if you examine these on the map, the Silk Road emerges as the process of the 10 tribes.
Emperor Jimmu was born in 711 BC, while the ten tribes of Israel disappeared in 721 BC, a difference of only 10 years.
From these things,
Emperor Jimmu = the lost 10 tribes of Israel, and the
myth of Eastern Conquest =
it may indicate their journey from Israel to Japan .
The Ark of the Covenant (Ark of the Covenant) is a box containing a stone plate engraved with the Ten Commandments of Moses.
It is more important to have the Ten Commandments of Moses than to be a treasure.
Sumo that Emperor Showa loved.
Sumo was an ancient Israeli ritual.
It seems that Jacob wrestled with an angel.
And it seems that he got the name Israel.
Sumou, Hakkeyoi (meaning throw! Defeat!) Is a Hebrew word.
Pillar = Ashira = God of Israel.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9NqwW6Bka8]
In the Old Testament, God gives Moses ten commandments (ten commandments).
1. There must be no god other than me.
2. Do not profess the name of the Lord your God.
3. Keep the Lord's Day in mind and make it holy.
4. Honor your parents.
5. Do not kill.
6. Do not commit adultery.
7. Do not steal.
8. Do not perjury about your neighbors.
9. Don't want your neighbor's wife.
10. Don't want the property of your neighbor.
The genealogy of God is also similar.
Looking at it in this way, even if it is said that the Kojiki is the Japanese version of the Old Testament, it cannot be laughed at as nonsense.
And Prince Shotoku introduces Buddhism into Japan.
I often Sutras the wisdom-centered teaching ...
and say easy-to-understand, your teaching of wisdom referred to in the Buddhism
of all Moni all is vanity ... there is no entity
is not a body of all others also look ugly things that look beautiful
Japanese culture that has truth in transcendental places is a culture that takes advantage of Western science such as
Chinese teachings originating
from ancient Judaism , four books, five sutras, and military science. Happy god born in Japan, ancestors Let's be respectful and love people and creatures. --- The following is the original edited content by Masahiro Ishizuka. Many of today
There are legends and various theories that have been handed down among the Kyrgyz people, but according to ancient Japanese researchers around 2015, it was announced that the name Takamagahara was derived from Haran, Tagama, Armenia. there were. There is still a legend that the Armenian Kyrgyz people have the same ancestors as the Japanese, the beast hunting people went to Kyrgyz , and the fishing people went to Japan. By the way, the enka singer who sang the friendship between Japan and Kyrgyzstan is Ryo Mita , a song called Kaze no Tabibito. In other words, it can be said that the ancestors of Emperor Jimmu, the first emperor of Japan, are the families of Israel's founders Abraham and Noah. In addition, as a festival to celebrate Noah's family arriving at Mt. Ararat after the great flood, the Gion Festival in Kyoto and the summer festival of Mt. The summer festival of Mt. Tsurugi in Tokushima is said to be a festival that reproduces Noah's ark by running up from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain as if it were Noah's ark. We are here. (Mikoshi Watari is the next Sunday if the summer festival is a weekday.) The Gion Festival in Kyoto tells the story of a national migration from the Republic of Armenia to Haran, Egypt, Israel, and Japan.
1. There must be no god other than me.
2. Do not profess the name of the Lord your God.
3. Keep the Lord's Day in mind and make it holy.
4. Honor your parents.
5. Do not kill.
6. Do not commit adultery.
7. Do not steal.
8. Do not perjury about your neighbors.
9. Don't want your neighbor's wife.
10. Don't want the property of your neighbor.
The genealogy of God is also similar.
Looking at it in this way, even if it is said that the Kojiki is the Japanese version of the Old Testament, it cannot be laughed at as nonsense.
And Prince Shotoku introduces Buddhism into Japan.
I often Sutras the wisdom-centered teaching ...
and say easy-to-understand, your teaching of wisdom referred to in the Buddhism
of all Moni all is vanity ... there is no entity
is not a body of all others also look ugly things that look beautiful
Japanese culture that has truth in transcendental places is a culture that takes advantage of Western science such as
Chinese teachings originating
from ancient Judaism , four books, five sutras, and military science. Happy god born in Japan, ancestors Let's be respectful and love people and creatures. --- The following is the original edited content by Masahiro Ishizuka. Many of today
There are legends and various theories that have been handed down among the Kyrgyz people, but according to ancient Japanese researchers around 2015, it was announced that the name Takamagahara was derived from Haran, Tagama, Armenia. there were. There is still a legend that the Armenian Kyrgyz people have the same ancestors as the Japanese, the beast hunting people went to Kyrgyz , and the fishing people went to Japan. By the way, the enka singer who sang the friendship between Japan and Kyrgyzstan is Ryo Mita , a song called Kaze no Tabibito. In other words, it can be said that the ancestors of Emperor Jimmu, the first emperor of Japan, are the families of Israel's founders Abraham and Noah. In addition, as a festival to celebrate Noah's family arriving at Mt. Ararat after the great flood, the Gion Festival in Kyoto and the summer festival of Mt. The summer festival of Mt. Tsurugi in Tokushima is said to be a festival that reproduces Noah's ark by running up from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain as if it were Noah's ark. We are here. (Mikoshi Watari is the next Sunday if the summer festival is a weekday.) The Gion Festival in Kyoto tells the story of a national migration from the Republic of Armenia to Haran, Egypt, Israel, and Japan.
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