(株)ステラは、自社ブランドとなるTechDAS(テクダス)の最上位ターンテーブル「Air Force Zero」の試聴会を2019年10月5日(日)、東京・有楽町の国際フォーラムで開催した。
・Air Force Zero本体専用ラックMaster Kio:¥5,000,000(税抜)
・Air Force Zeroポンプユニット/電源ユニット/3筐体専用ラックMaster Kio:¥3,500,000(税抜)
・Air Force Zero専用ラック2台フルセットMaster Kio:¥8,500,000(税抜)
※Air Force Zero本体専用ラックとポンプユニット/電源ユニット/3筐体用専用ラックのセット
・Air Force Zero専用プラットホームベース:¥950,000(税抜)

今回の試聴会でもオプションのラックを使用。スピーカーにはウィルソンオーディオの「ALEXX」、その後方にコンステレーションオーディオのパワーアンプ「HERCULES II」、プリアンプ「ALTAIR II」がセッティングされている
本試聴会の冒頭ではこのAir Force Zeroの開発背景について、同社代表取締役会長の西川英章氏による解説からスタートした。
同社はAir Force Zeroの正式発表以来、「ワールドツアー」として各国で試聴会を開催。アメリカ・サンタモニカやミュンヘンのHIGH END、香港のAVショウなどに訪れた世界中のオーディオ評論家やオーディオファイルから非常に大きな驚きと評価を受けてきたと話す。
特にアナログオーディオの分野で世界的な権威を持つMichael Fremer氏(Analog Planet)やJacob Heilbrunn氏(Absolute Sound)の両名は、それぞれのレビューでAir Force Zeroのサウンドを絶賛。「いずれも世界で最高のアナログプレーヤーのランクが変わったというコメントをいただいた」と西川氏は紹介した。さらにサンタモニカでの試聴会では、その場で2台のオーダーが入ったという。

サンタモニカの試聴会の様子。写真中央にはアナログオーディオにおいて世界でも最高の権威を持つMichael Fremer氏(Analog Planet)とJacob Heilbrunn氏(Absolute Sound)が熱心に耳を傾ける様子が写っている
Air Force Zeroの開発自体は、2015年の段階ですでに発表されていたが(関連ニュース)、続報として基幹パーツとなるモーター部が先行発表されたのは、2017年のミュンヘン HIGH ENDにおいてのこと。モーター部だけで設計に2年がかかっていることになるが、これは「予算的にも技術的にも、何の制約も受けない製品」を目指したAir Force Zeroに見合うドライブモーターそのものを見つけ出すために、計り知れない困難があったことを意味する。
最終的に採用されたのは、独Papst社がかつてテープレコーダー用として開発していた最高級の3相12極シンクロナスACモーター。3月の発表会では、Air Force Zeroの生産台数は50台に満たないことが発表されているが、それはシンクロナスACモーターの入手の難しさと数量が関係している。
・Air Force Zero本体専用ラックMaster Kio:¥5,000,000(税抜)
・Air Force Zeroポンプユニット/電源ユニット/3筐体専用ラックMaster Kio:¥3,500,000(税抜)
・Air Force Zero専用ラック2台フルセットMaster Kio:¥8,500,000(税抜)
※Air Force Zero本体専用ラックとポンプユニット/電源ユニット/3筐体用専用ラックのセット
・Air Force Zero専用プラットホームベース:¥950,000(税抜)

今回の試聴会でもオプションのラックを使用。スピーカーにはウィルソンオーディオの「ALEXX」、その後方にコンステレーションオーディオのパワーアンプ「HERCULES II」、プリアンプ「ALTAIR II」がセッティングされている
本試聴会の冒頭ではこのAir Force Zeroの開発背景について、同社代表取締役会長の西川英章氏による解説からスタートした。
同社はAir Force Zeroの正式発表以来、「ワールドツアー」として各国で試聴会を開催。アメリカ・サンタモニカやミュンヘンのHIGH END、香港のAVショウなどに訪れた世界中のオーディオ評論家やオーディオファイルから非常に大きな驚きと評価を受けてきたと話す。
特にアナログオーディオの分野で世界的な権威を持つMichael Fremer氏(Analog Planet)やJacob Heilbrunn氏(Absolute Sound)の両名は、それぞれのレビューでAir Force Zeroのサウンドを絶賛。「いずれも世界で最高のアナログプレーヤーのランクが変わったというコメントをいただいた」と西川氏は紹介した。さらにサンタモニカでの試聴会では、その場で2台のオーダーが入ったという。

サンタモニカの試聴会の様子。写真中央にはアナログオーディオにおいて世界でも最高の権威を持つMichael Fremer氏(Analog Planet)とJacob Heilbrunn氏(Absolute Sound)が熱心に耳を傾ける様子が写っている
Air Force Zeroの開発自体は、2015年の段階ですでに発表されていたが(関連ニュース)、続報として基幹パーツとなるモーター部が先行発表されたのは、2017年のミュンヘン HIGH ENDにおいてのこと。モーター部だけで設計に2年がかかっていることになるが、これは「予算的にも技術的にも、何の制約も受けない製品」を目指したAir Force Zeroに見合うドライブモーターそのものを見つけ出すために、計り知れない困難があったことを意味する。
最終的に採用されたのは、独Papst社がかつてテープレコーダー用として開発していた最高級の3相12極シンクロナスACモーター。3月の発表会では、Air Force Zeroの生産台数は50台に満たないことが発表されているが、それはシンクロナスACモーターの入手の難しさと数量が関係している。
TechDAS "Air Force Zero" audition report, an ultra-dense analog player with over 45 million yen. TechDAS "Air Force Zero" audition report, a super-dense analog player that exceeds 45 million yen. We
Stella Co., Ltd. held a listening session of its own brand TechDAS (Tekdas) top-level turntable "Air Force Zero" on Sunday, October 5, 2019, at an international forum in Yurakucho, Tokyo.
This unit is the world's finest analog turntable ( related news ) that was officially announced on March 16 this year . The turntable fits literally as a super-dreadnought, with the weight of the main body reaching 350kg.
The body price is 45,000,000 yen (tax excluded) for the type that uses titanium for the top platter, and 50,000,000 yen (tax excluded) for the type that uses tungsten for the top platter. In addition, the following options are available in the lineup.
・Air Force Zero main unit rack Master Kio : ¥5,000,000 (excluding tax)
・Air Force Zero pump unit/power supply unit/3 chassis dedicated rack Master Kio : ¥3,500,000 (excluding tax)
・Air Force Zero exclusive rack 2 full set Master Kio : JPY 8,500,000 (excluding tax)
※ Air Force Zero body dedicated rack and the pump unit / power supply unit / 3 housing dedicated rack set
· Air Force Zero dedicated platform base : ¥ 950,000 (tax)
※ Dimensions 910W × 678D × 55Hmm
· tungsten Replacement Upper Platter : ¥5,500,000 (excluding tax)
・Additional tone arm base (titanium) : ¥600,000 (excluding tax)
*Depending on the tone arm, a processing fee may be charged separately
・Disk stabilizer/Ultimate (tungsten) : ¥ 400,000 (excluding tax

An optional rack is used at this audition. Wilson Audio's "ALEXX" is installed in the speaker, and the constellation audio power amplifier "HERCULES II" and preamplifier "ALTAIR II" are set behind it.
At the beginning of this audition, the background behind the development of this Air Force Zero started with a comment from Mr. Hideaki Nishikawa, chairman of the company.

Stella Co., Ltd.'s Chairman and Representative Director Hideaki Nishikawa was one of the highlights.
■ Motor developed over the longest period
Since the official announcement of Air Force Zero, the company has held auditions in each country as a "world tour". He said that he has received great surprise and appreciation from audio critics and audio files from around the world visiting Santa Monica, USA, HIGH END in Munich, and AV shows in Hong Kong.
In particular, both Michael Fremer (Analog Planet) and Jacob Heilbrunn (Absolute Sound), who have world-class authority in the field of analog audio, praised the sound of Air Force Zero in their respective reviews. "We received comments that the rank of the highest analog player in the world has changed," said Nishikawa. Furthermore, at the audition in Santa Monica, two orders were placed on the spot.

Santa Monica audition. In the center of the photo, Michael Fremer (Analog Planet) and Jacob Heilbrunn (Absolute Sound), who have the highest authority in analog audio in the world, listen to their passion.

State of audition in Hong Kong. Here again, Air Force Zero was greeted with extremely high attention.
The development of Air Force Zero was already announced in 2015 ( related news ), but as a follow-up report, the motor part, which is a key part, was previously announced at Munich HIGH END in 2017. .. It will take two years to design only the motor part, but this is to find a drive motor itself that is suitable for Air Force Zero aiming at "a product that is not limited by budget and technically" It means that there were immeasurable difficulties.

Air Force Zero's motor part was completed in two years, which is half of the four-year turntable development period.
What was finally adopted was the finest 3-phase 12-pole synchronous AC motor that was once developed by Papst in Germany for tape recorders. At the presentation in March, it was announced that the production number of Air Force Zero will be less than 50, which is related to the difficulty of obtaining synchronous AC motors and the quantity.
The flywheel air bearing motor was developed based on this synchronous AC motor. It has many advantages such as high-precision metal bearings and air bearings with high precision rotation within a few microns and high S/N platter drive by the air bearing effect, performance that far exceeds the conventional wisdom of analog players. It is also a big point that has led to the realization of.
And when developing the drive motor, Mr. Nishikawa recalled, "It was particularly difficult," the control circuit.
This unit is the world's finest analog turntable ( related news ) that was officially announced on March 16 this year . The turntable fits literally as a super-dreadnought, with the weight of the main body reaching 350kg.
The body price is 45,000,000 yen (tax excluded) for the type that uses titanium for the top platter, and 50,000,000 yen (tax excluded) for the type that uses tungsten for the top platter. In addition, the following options are available in the lineup.
・Air Force Zero main unit rack Master Kio : ¥5,000,000 (excluding tax)
・Air Force Zero pump unit/power supply unit/3 chassis dedicated rack Master Kio : ¥3,500,000 (excluding tax)
・Air Force Zero exclusive rack 2 full set Master Kio : JPY 8,500,000 (excluding tax)
※ Air Force Zero body dedicated rack and the pump unit / power supply unit / 3 housing dedicated rack set
· Air Force Zero dedicated platform base : ¥ 950,000 (tax)
※ Dimensions 910W × 678D × 55Hmm
· tungsten Replacement Upper Platter : ¥5,500,000 (excluding tax)
・Additional tone arm base (titanium) : ¥600,000 (excluding tax)
*Depending on the tone arm, a processing fee may be charged separately
・Disk stabilizer/Ultimate (tungsten) : ¥ 400,000 (excluding tax

An optional rack is used at this audition. Wilson Audio's "ALEXX" is installed in the speaker, and the constellation audio power amplifier "HERCULES II" and preamplifier "ALTAIR II" are set behind it.
At the beginning of this audition, the background behind the development of this Air Force Zero started with a comment from Mr. Hideaki Nishikawa, chairman of the company.

Stella Co., Ltd.'s Chairman and Representative Director Hideaki Nishikawa was one of the highlights.
■ Motor developed over the longest period
Since the official announcement of Air Force Zero, the company has held auditions in each country as a "world tour". He said that he has received great surprise and appreciation from audio critics and audio files from around the world visiting Santa Monica, USA, HIGH END in Munich, and AV shows in Hong Kong.
In particular, both Michael Fremer (Analog Planet) and Jacob Heilbrunn (Absolute Sound), who have world-class authority in the field of analog audio, praised the sound of Air Force Zero in their respective reviews. "We received comments that the rank of the highest analog player in the world has changed," said Nishikawa. Furthermore, at the audition in Santa Monica, two orders were placed on the spot.

Santa Monica audition. In the center of the photo, Michael Fremer (Analog Planet) and Jacob Heilbrunn (Absolute Sound), who have the highest authority in analog audio in the world, listen to their passion.

State of audition in Hong Kong. Here again, Air Force Zero was greeted with extremely high attention.
The development of Air Force Zero was already announced in 2015 ( related news ), but as a follow-up report, the motor part, which is a key part, was previously announced at Munich HIGH END in 2017. .. It will take two years to design only the motor part, but this is to find a drive motor itself that is suitable for Air Force Zero aiming at "a product that is not limited by budget and technically" It means that there were immeasurable difficulties.

Air Force Zero's motor part was completed in two years, which is half of the four-year turntable development period.
What was finally adopted was the finest 3-phase 12-pole synchronous AC motor that was once developed by Papst in Germany for tape recorders. At the presentation in March, it was announced that the production number of Air Force Zero will be less than 50, which is related to the difficulty of obtaining synchronous AC motors and the quantity.
The flywheel air bearing motor was developed based on this synchronous AC motor. It has many advantages such as high-precision metal bearings and air bearings with high precision rotation within a few microns and high S/N platter drive by the air bearing effect, performance that far exceeds the conventional wisdom of analog players. It is also a big point that has led to the realization of.
And when developing the drive motor, Mr. Nishikawa recalled, "It was particularly difficult," the control circuit.
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