9 9 9 9 = 10
Quiz. Put any of the addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or precedence ( ) between the above 9 and 9 to get the result of the calculation to 10.
Do the calculation in decimal system. This is not a binary, tricky, or bazzle quiz. You can use a calculator and get the result of the calculation as usual.
Nothing will appear, but if you solve the Quiz. please send it to norukia.jp@gmail.com
Please contact Masahiro Ishizuka.
9 9 9 9=10
クイズです。上記9と9の間に、足し算、引き算、掛け算、割り算、優先順位の( )のいずれかを入れて計算結果を10にしなさい。
石塚 正浩まで。
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