2020年06月26日 08:32 BCN+R
写真![]() 「ISR e-Sports」誕生 |
ISR e-Sportsでは、シニア層の活性化に一役を担えればとの思いから会員資格を60歳以上に設定。ゲームの始め方やプレー補助を一緒に行うことで、初めての人でも安心してeスポーツを体験し、体に無理のない健康的なゲームライフを送れる環境を目指す。
June 26, 2020 08:32 BCN+R
Photo![]() Birth of "ISR e-Sports" |
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ISR e-Sports, we set the membership to 60 years or older in order to play a role in revitalizing the seniors. We aim to create an environment in which even beginners can experience esports with peace of mind and play a healthy game life without any physical problems, by starting the game and assisting in playing together.
We will introduce a wide range of games from easy-to-operate game titles to full-fledged esports titles, and share the excitement of encountering a game that suits you with other members. In addition, after the play, we comply with the new coronavirus infection prevention guidelines, and incorporate a cooldown time to rest the tired body by drinking coffee and chatting offline with peace of mind, and we are improving the in-store environment for that.
In the future, as a human resource to introduce e-sports that can be enjoyed even in the coronal epidemic as a new recreation to seniors facilities and disabled facilities while giving due consideration to new corona virus measures, to senior members who have experience in e-sports The idea I want to send.
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