
ELAC CARINA CC 241.4 CENTER SPEAKER & BS243.4 ELAC [Erac] CARINA Series Bookshelf pair speaker.






スクリーンショット 2019-10-16 14.30.18.png
スクリーンショット 2019-10-25 10.39.25.png


A New Classic
CARINAに採用されたJET folded ribbonは、パワーハンドリング、トランジェント特性などの点において圧倒的なアドバンテージを発揮するJETトィータのパフォーマンスを幅広いラインアップでお届けするために開発された新設計ドライバー・ユニットです。
基本性能を損なうことなくコストダウンに成功したこのNew JETの登場は、クラスの常識を打ち破る画期的な出来事です。

​※写真はCARINA FS247.4となります
手の届くハイエンド・ブックシェルフ・スピーカーの誕生です。CARINA BS243.4は、このプライスゾーンに未体験のパフォーマンスをお届けします。優秀なドライバー・ユニットが発揮する品格の高いサウンド・パフォーマンスは、小音量でも部屋中の空間に浸透するパワーを持っています。情報豊かで解像度の高い再現性は、ニアフィールドで向き合うモニター・スピーカーの役割を果たすことも、小型スピーカーならではの広大な音場再現に身を委ねることも可能にしています。本物のエアモーション・ドライブ方式にしかない世界がここにあります。


□ユニット:JET folded ribbon、
□備考:専用スタンド LS 50 \65,000(税別)PAIR 
□価格:\160,000 pair(税別)

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  • 逆木 一
2019年10月25日 08:00
日本でも人気の高いドイツのスピーカーメーカーであるELACから、新たに「CARINA」シリーズが登場した。中でも「手の届くハイエンド・ブックシェルフ・スピーカー」と位置付けているペア16万円の「CARINA BS243.4」は、音質だけでなくコンパクトで設置性の高さも注目。その使用感をお伝えしたい。


アンドリュー・ジョーンズ氏はELACに移籍以来、「ADANTE LINE」「Uni-Fi SLIM LINE」「Debut LINE」といったシリーズを送り出してきた。しかし、いずれのシリーズも、採用するユニット等の点で従来のELACのスピーカーとは良くも悪くも性格を異にしており、「アンドリュー・ジョーンズが手掛ける、ELACらしいスピーカー」の登場が長く待たれていた。そんな流れのなかで登場したのが、CARINAシリーズというわけだ。
今回取り上げるBS243.4はCARINAシリーズのブックシェルフスピーカー。搭載するユニットはいずれも新設計で、高域用にELAC伝統の「JET」ツイーターの流れをくむ「JET folded ribbon」、低域用にコンパウンド・カーバチュア(複合曲率)135mmアルミニウム・コーンウーファーを搭載する。これらのユニットはCARINAシリーズのトールボーイスピーカー「FS247.4」とセンタースピーカー「CC241.4」にも搭載される。JET folded ribbonはJETツイーターのクオリティをより幅広いモデルにも搭載すべく、コストダウンを実現したユニットとのことで、結果的にCARINAシリーズはJETツイーターを搭載するELACのスピーカーとしては最も手頃な価格となっており、ペアで16万円。
JET folded ribbon


テレビアニメ「キャロル&チューズデイ」の前期オープニングテーマ「Kiss Me」を聴くと、清涼感たっぷりに音が広がって部屋を満たす。中域にぎゅっとエネルギーを凝縮した感覚があり、ボーカルには厚みがあって実体感に富む。JET folded ribbonによる高域は、鋭い伸びよりもむしろ穏やかさを感じさせる。それでも一音一音の芯はしっかりとしており、解像感も優秀だ。低域は少なくともデスクトップ環境で聴く限りでは量感の不足は感じられず、輪郭の描写も明瞭で「よく見える低音」が実現されている。音離れの良さもあり、曲本来の立体感が表現できていた。
映画「ボヘミアン・ラプソディ」のサウンドトラックから「Another One Bites the Dust/地獄へ道づれ」を聴くと、こちらは穏やかな印象が先立って、曲調からするとテンションが不足気味に感じる。あまりレンジ感を欲張らず中域の充実に焦点が当たっており、豪快さよりも緻密さが際立つ。JET folded ribbonによる高域が突出して存在感を主張しないという意味では、スピーカー全体でのまとまりの良さは見事なものだ。
バイアンプ接続では、シングル接続での印象をベースとして、高域と低域双方の伸び・空間の広がり・情報量など、ほぼあらゆる面で音質が向上する。「Another One Bites the Dust」で感じたテンション不足も見事に解消される。バイアンプ接続の音を聴いてしまうと、シングル接続時の音が途端に物足りなく思えてしまうほどだ。



逆木 一


ELACの伝統+新たな個性! あの240シリーズの現代版「CARINAシリーズ」を山之内 正が聴く


山之内 正

前のページ 1 2 3 次のページ


“CARINAシリーズ”フロア型「FS 247.4」(写真左/ペア ¥320,000・税抜)、ブックシェルフ型「BS 243.4」(写真右/ペア ¥160,000・税抜)

新シリーズは3機種で構成される。フロア型の「FS 247.4」はツインウーファーを積む2.5ウェイ、ブックシェルフ型の「BS 243.4」は同一口径のウーファーを採用する2ウェイ構成でいずれもバスレフ型。そのほかセンタースピーカー「CC 241.4」も用意される。仕上げは3機種とも艶消しのサテンブラックを採用する。


センタースピーカー「CC 241.4」(¥135,000・税抜)も用意

ユニットとキャビネットはいずれも新設計だ。トゥイーターにJETの新バージョン「JET folded riibbon」を採用したことが目を引くが、このユニットの基本構造は従来のJETを受け継いでいる。応答性の良さや優れた耐入力などの長所はそのままに、生産コストを抑えて価格競争力を高めたという。なおトゥイーターを変更したことで高域の再生帯域は30kHzになり、JET Vの50kHzに比べると控えめな仕様になっている。

JETの新バージョン「JET folded riibbon」を採用



FS 247.4とBS 243.4のキャビネットはリアを絞り込んだ台形の断面形状で、コーナー部は緩やかなラウンド形状を採用し、外形寸法の数値から想像する以上にスリムに感じる。内容積も最小限に見えるが、上位のVELAシリーズと同様、内部のリブ形状を工夫することで共振を抑えているようで、音を出す前から剛性の高さが伝わってくる。

FS 247.4(左)、BS 243.4(右)ともに、台形の断面形状でスリムな印象

正面からは気付きにくいが、フロア型のFS 247.4だけでなくブックシェルフ型のBS 243.4も底面にダウンファイヤリング方式のバスレフポートを配置しているので、耳障りな風切り音が発生しにくく、設置環境の影響も受けにくいはずだ。FS 247.4の重量級ベースもそうだが、前作や上位シリーズで蓄積したノウハウを巧みに採り入れていることがわかる。


FS 247.4の脚部。全体の剛性も高く、キャビネットの共振も抑えられている


歯切れ良い低音と鮮やかで活発なサウンドを鳴らす、フロア型「FS 247.4」

まずフロア型のFS 247.4から再生音を確認する。CD、SACDに加え、fidataのミュージックサーバーとラックスマンの「DA-06」を組み合わせてハイレゾ音源も再生し、アキュフェーズの「E-650」で駆動した。

FS 247.4を試聴。CD、SACDに加えてハイレゾ音源も試聴




ELACのミドルクラス以上のスピーカーは、JETトゥイーターの応答の良さを意識しながら中低域のレスポンスの改善を進めてきたが、FS 247.4もその要所を確実に押さえている。高域だけでなく低音から中低音にかけての音域も、スピーカーからの音離れが良く、各音域の速さが揃っているのだ。






ブックシェルフ型「BS 243.4」試聴。小音量でもリアルなサウンドを実現

BS 243.4は専用スタンド(LS-50)に載せて試聴した。音像のフォーカスはヴォーカルではFS 247.4とほぼ同じくらいだが、SACDで再生したヴァイオリン(ハイメ・ラレード)のイメージはまさにピンポイントに収束し、伴奏のピアノとの距離感も精度高く再現。両者を包み込む余韻は左右スピーカーの外側まで伸びやかに広がり、響きが消えるタイミングも正確だ。ヴァイオリンの音色は明るく艶が乗り、ピアノの柔らかと好対照をなす。中音域にもう少し潤いが欲しい音域があるが、そこはもう少し鳴らし込むと変化する可能性がある。

BS 243.4は専用スタンドを使用して試聴した

ジャズのセプテットを再生すると、ベースの端切れの良さが活きて、アップテンポの感触がリアルに伝わる。音色の傾向はウォーム系ではないが、ハードでドライなタッチとも異なる。明るさを指標にして、ダーク系ではなくブライトな傾向と言った方が近いかも知れない。どちらにせよ、リズムと旋律楽器を同じくらいアクティブに鳴らすことがBS 243.4の最大の美点と言えそうだ。

オーケストラやピアノ独奏で聴く低音楽器の量感は、このサイズのブックシェルフ型としてはかなり健闘している。ティンパニやコントラバスなど、量感を左右する低音楽器の音域にバスレフ型ならではの力強さがあり、大太鼓など、それより低い音域はあえて無理をしない。あと半オクターブ下まで伸ばしたいなら、フロア型のFS 247.4を選ぶことをお薦めする。

BS 243.4で感心したのは小音量再生時のリアリティの高さである。特にヴォーカルは鮮明な発音をキープしたまま立体的な音像が左右中央に精度高く浮かび、音が消える最後の瞬間まで芯のある音が持続する。音量を下げると途端に実体感を失ってしまうスピーカーも少なくないのだが、BS 243.4にはそのもどかしさがない。音量をあまり上げず、ニアフィールドでじっくり聴きたいという人にも積極的にお薦めできるスピーカーである。




ELAC CARINA CC 241.4 CENTER SPEAKER & BS243.4 ELAC [Erac] CARINA Series Bookshelf pair speaker  

[Regarding the product price, the information may have changed at the time when the link was created and at the present time.  ]
BS243.4 ELAC CARINA Series Bookshelf Pair Speaker
Price: 149499 yen (tax included, free shipping) (as of 2020/6/23)
https://www.yukimu-officialsite.com/carina-bs243-4 We



Speaker system, audiovisual
(Pair 100,000 yen or more and less than 200,000 yen)
Speaker system/bookshelf type (pair 100,000 yen to less than 200,000 yen)
Speaker system, audiovisual
(Pair 100,000 yen or more and less than 200,000 yen)
Speaker system/bookshelf type (pair 100,000 yen to less than 200,000 yen)
Speaker pair category 3rd place
(100 to 200,000 or less)
Speaker system division
(150,000 yen or more and less than 400,000 yen)


Screenshot 2019-10-16 14.30.18.png
Screenshot 2019-10-25 10.39.25.png


A New Classic
CARINA is ELAC's new speaker series, produced by Andrew Jones, which was first shown at CES in Las Vegas 2019. At the heart of the topic is that Andrew Jones was the first to work on a speaker system with a JET tweeter. The JET tweeter that ELAC, which is a pioneer of the air motion drive method that has been frequently seen recently due to its superiority, has been working for many years. How does a world-famous speaker engineer master the rare driver? In addition, was it possible to reach an innovative performance at the reasonable price? CARINA here has the answer.
* About the nickname of CARINA CARINA is a keel (the raised portion of the ship's bottom), and the VELA released earlier means sail in Latin. Facing the Baltic Sea where ELAC is located, KIEL is a port where the traditional sailing event called Kiel Week is grandly held every year, and ELAC, which has been there for nearly 100 years, gives its products the nickname associated with the ship. It's natural.
□ JET Folded Ribbon Tweeter
The JET folded ribbon adopted by CARINA is a newly designed driver unit developed to deliver a wide range of JET tweeter performance that has an overwhelming advantage in terms of power handling and transient characteristics.
The appearance of this New JET, which succeeded in cost reduction without sacrificing basic performance, is an epoch-making event that breaks the common sense of the class.
Although it is called a folded ribbon, it is a dynamic type driver unit structurally manufactured by the same manufacturing process as conventional JET.
E Compound Curvature (Complex Curvature) 135mm Aluminum Cone Woofer
The cone woofer which molded the newly designed aluminum vibration plate with compound curvature has controlled the break-up point by this special shape skillfully, and is driving the resonance frequency by division vibration out of a reproduction zone. A pole piece with a vent structure is used to smoothly cool the voice coil and discharge air from the woofer duct. The large-diameter voice coil driven by a powerful magnetic circuit is characterized by long stroke motion with excellent response.
□ High-quality enclosure inherited from advanced machines
Enclosure proved excellent acoustic technology in high-end model VELA series enhances strength by suppressing ribs and suppresses resonance. A bass reflex port is provided on the bottom of the enclosure that is fixed to the steel frame, and down wind earrings shut out unnecessary wind noise.
​The picture shows CARINA FS 247.4
□ High-definition network and by-wire compatible speaker terminal
The network with boards for the tweeter and for the woofer has the same design as the high-end model. The binding posts for bi-wiring connections are robust and firmly support speaker cables.
This is the birth of a high-end bookshelf speaker that you can reach. CARINA BS243.4 brings unexperienced performance to this price zone. The high-quality sound performance exhibited by an excellent driver unit has the power to penetrate into the space throughout the room even at low volume. The reproducibility with rich information and high resolution makes it possible to play the role of a monitor speaker facing in the near field, or to entrust yourself to the vast sound field reproduction unique to a small speaker. Here is a world where there is only a real air motion drive system.


□ Format: 2-way bass reflex type
□Unit: JET folding ribbon,
135mm aluminum cone
□ Crossover frequency: 2.7kHz
□ Frequency characteristics: 46Hz-30kHz
□ Sensitivity: 85dB (2.83V/1m)
□ Maximum input: 100W
□ Impedance: 6Ω (Minimum guarantee 4.8Ω)
□Size: H321×W210×D213mm
□ Weight: 6.7kg
□ Remarks: Dedicated stand LS 50 \65,000 (excluding tax) PAIR 
□Finish: Satin black
□ Price: 160,000 pair (excluding tax)
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Yukimu Co., Ltd. (1-41-9 Oi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo) TEL: 03-5743-6202


High-end reach. Satisfied with the size and sound of the ELAC speaker "CARINA"


  • Sakagi Hajime
October 25, 2019 08:00
A new "CARINA" series has been introduced from ELAC, a German speaker manufacturer that is very popular in Japan. Among them, the "CARINA BS243.4" pair of 160,000 yen, which is positioned as "an accessible high-end bookshelf speaker", pays attention not only to sound quality, but also to compactness and ease of installation. I would like to convey the feeling of use.

Reasonable even with JET. The long-awaited "ELAC-like" speaker

The CARINA series inherits the features of the higher-level "400 LINE/VELA series" in terms of enclosure construction, etc., but can be said to be a series with excellent cost performance that is lower than the conventional "260 LINE" in terms of price range. In addition, the CARINA series is said to be a speaker produced by Mr. Andrew Jones, a well-known speaker engineer who has walked through various manufacturers such as TAD and KEF.
CARINA series
Since moving to ELAC, Andrew Jones has sent out series such as "ADANTE LINE", "Uni-Fi SLIM LINE" and "Debut LINE". However, each series has a different character than the conventional ELAC speaker in terms of the units to be adopted, and the appearance of "ELAC-speaker by Andrew Jones" has been awaited for a long time. It was The CARINA series appeared in such a trend.
The BS243.4 featured this time is a CARINA series bookshelf speaker. The units to be installed are all newly designed, and the "JET folded ribbon" that follows the flow of ELAC's traditional "JET" tweeter for the high range, and the compound carvature (composite curvature) 135 mm aluminum cone woofer for the low range are installed. .. These units will also be installed in CARINA series tallboy speakers "FS247.4" and center speakers "CC241.4". The JET folded ribbon is a unit that realizes cost reduction so that the quality of JET tweeter can be installed in a wider range of models, and as a result, the CARINA series is the most affordable ELAC speaker equipped with JET tweeter. The price is 160,000 yen for a pair.
BS243.4 front
JET folded ribbon
Compound Curvature (Complex Curvature) 135mm Aluminum Cone Woofer
The bass reflex port is angled diagonally downward to the rear, so even if there is a wall directly behind it, it can be said that the structure has a relatively small effect. In addition, perhaps because the bass reflex port can be lifted off the floor, this unit has a structure that is integrated with a strong steel underbase. And this base also functions as a substantial stand when this unit is placed directly.
Since the bass reflex port and bass structure and the depth are small compared to speakers of the same class, BS243.4 is not only a full-scale environment installed by using a separate speaker stand, but also for desktop environment or TV rack, for example. I feel the intention to be able to demonstrate the performance in a somewhat casual environment such as on both sides.
Base part. By the way, this base also has a strong anti-slip effect
The speaker terminals are compatible with bi-wiring, and large and solid terminals are used. Depending on the amplifier to be combined, bi-amp connection is also possible, and the sound quality is greatly expanded.
Speaker terminal
Also comes with a jumper plate
In terms of finishing, the CARINA series has a matte black finish that is not glossy unlike the previous series. Although it seems irreversible in terms of flashiness, the texture of the finish itself is not bad. Depending on how it is used, it may be better to use a matte black finish, as there is no reflection.
Matt black finish including the top and side

Perfect size for desktop with just right size. Make good use of bi-amps

BS243.4 was auditioned in two ways: a desktop environment that was installed directly on a PC desk and an environment that was installed separately in a stand in the audio room.
First listen to BS243.4 in a desktop environment. The amplifier to be combined is Marantz's thin AV amplifier "NR1608", which is also suitable for the price range. The network function of NR1608 was mainly used for playing the sound source.
The author's PC desk is 160 cm wide/80 cm deep, and as a speaker placed on both sides of a 31.5-inch PC desk, BS243.4 is not too big, not too small. Thanks to the small depth of BS243.4, the working space does not get overwhelmed.
BS243.4 installed on the PC desk
When you listen to the opening theme "Kiss Me" of the TV animation "Carroll & Tuesday", the sound fills the room with a refreshing feeling. There is a sense of energy being tightly condensed in the mid range, and the vocals are thick and substantial. The high range of the JET folded ribbon makes you feel calm rather than sharp stretch. However, the core of each sound is solid and the resolution is excellent. The low range does not seem to have a lack of volume, at least as long as you listen to it in a desktop environment, and the contours are clear, and "bass that looks good" is realized. With the good sound separation, I was able to express the original 3D effect of the song.
When I listen to "Another One Bites the Dust" from the soundtrack of the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody", this is preceded by a gentle impression, and I feel that the tension is insufficient due to the tone. The focus is on the enhancement of the midrange without much desire for range, and the subtlety stands out rather than the excitement. In the sense that the high frequencies due to the JET folded ribbon do not stand out and the presence is not asserted, the overall unity of the speaker is impressive.
I also tried playing the PS4 title "Monster Hunter World: Iceborn" as to what the game content is. Here, both the amount of information and a sense of scale are compatible, and the degree of satisfaction is high. From the delicate environmental sounds filled with the elaborately created world, to the roar of the monsters that shake the atmosphere, to the roar of the mortal battle that flies violently, it is depicted with a rich dynamic range.
BS243.4 is capable of bi-wiring, and NR1608 is capable of bi-amplification, so I removed the standard jumper cable and tried bi-amp connection.
Based on the impression of a single connection, the bi-amp connection improves the sound quality in almost all aspects such as the expansion of both high and low frequencies, the expansion of space, and the amount of information. The lack of tension felt in "Another One Bites the Dust" is also resolved. If you listen to the sound of the bi-amp connection, the sound of the single connection will soon become unsatisfactory.
Many AV amplifiers can be connected to a bi-amplifier by using unused channels, so I would like you to take advantage of them. Even when constructing a surround system using an AV amplifier, it is quite possible that focusing on the sound of the front speakers will result in superior playback sound rather than blindly increasing the number of channels/speakers. BS243.4, which is a desktop environment that plays with a bi-amp connection, let you enjoy not only music and games, but also any content that can be played on a PC with an overwhelmingly satisfying sound.

New ELAC to recommend to a wide range of people

Next, listen to BS243.4 by installing it on the speaker stand in the audio room. The amplifier to be combined is SOULNOTE's pre-main amplifier "A-2" (single wire connection), and the same song as before is played on SFORZATO's network player "DSP-Dorado". A genuine stand is also available for BS243.4, but this time I used a stand owned by the author.
BS243.4 installed as a stand in the audio room
The sound of BS243.4 heard in this environment also gives the impression that it is the same as when listening in the desktop environment, such as the goodness and gentleness of the unit with no outstanding band. On the other hand, I can't really feel the space-oriented part, and the volume in the low frequency range is relatively modest, so I wanted the reproduced sound to have a more sense of scale, considering the size of the room. Rather than playing in a large space and loud, it is better to play in a small space to directly utilize the intricacy of your own. If there is enough space in the playback environment, we would like to consider introducing the Tallboy type FS247.4. On the other hand, the small depth of BS243.4 will be a great advantage when used as a surround speaker.
It was a little surprising that the product resulting from the meeting of a prominent speaker engineer and a traditional unit of ELAC was more conscious of calm rather than high performance. The BS243.4 I listened to this time was particularly impressed by the sound played in the desktop environment, so the CARINA series is a speaker that I want a wide range of users to listen to in a wide range of playback environments, without being prejudiced by the "ELAC speaker". I felt.

Sakagi Hajime

Audio & visual writer. He found great potential in network audio and started writing as a writer when he posted his know-how on a blog. The motto of writing is to convey the experiences and feelings of "fun" and "funny". We are striving for both audio and home theater in a quiet and unobtrusive environment unique to snowy countries. Blog: "The Leaf Hole " 

ELAC tradition + new personality! Tadashi Yamanouchi listens to the modern version of the 240 series "CARINA series"


Tadashi Yamanouchi

October 01, 2019 Add this entry to Hatena Bookmark
ELAC's symbolic technology "JET Tweeter" new SP series "CARINA"

ELAC (Erac) introduced a new product "CARINA" based on the "240 series" located at the center of the lineup ( related news ). It was ELAC's key man Andrew Jones who led the design, and this is the first time he has worked on a refinement of an existing model. By the way, the name "CARINA" given to the refiner seems to be derived from the structural material of the ship's bottom (the keel).

"CARINA series" floor type "FS 247.4" (photo left/pair ¥320,000, tax excluded), bookshelf type “BS 243.4” (photo right/pair ¥160,000 tax excluded)

The new series consists of three models. The floor type "FS 247.4" is a 2.5-way type with twin woofers, and the bookshelf type "BS 243.4" is a 2-way type with woofers of the same diameter. In addition, the center speaker "CC 241.4" is also prepared. The finish uses matte satin black for all three models.

It feels more casual than the high-end model with a glossy black finish, but the finish of the cabinet and terminal part has a high quality feel and is not inferior to the successive models.

Center speaker "CC 241.4" (¥135,000, tax excluded) is also available

Both the unit and the cabinet have a new design. It is remarkable that the new version of JET "JET folded riibbon" is adopted for the tweeter, but the basic structure of this unit inherits the conventional JET. While maintaining the advantages of responsiveness and excellent input resistance, it said that it reduced production costs and increased price competitiveness. In addition, by changing the tweeter, the high frequency reproduction band becomes 30kHz, which is a conservative specification compared to JET V's 50kHz.

New JET version "JET folded riib bon" adopted

The woofer uses an aluminum cone driver with a diameter of 135 mm. It is new that the resonance frequency of split vibration is controlled by adopting a cone shape that combines different curvatures instead of the crystal shape that is familiar with conventional ELAC products. The introduction of a vent structure in the pole piece, which improves the heat dissipation and control of the airflow at the same time, is likely to improve the sound quality.

Adopted a cone-shaped 135 mm diameter aluminum driver that combines different curvatures

The cabinets of FS 247.4 and BS 243.4 have a trapezoidal cross-sectional shape with a narrowed rear, with rounded corners that feel slimmer than you might imagine from the external dimensions. The internal volume seems to be minimal, but like the higher-ranking VELA series, it seems that the internal rib shape is devised to suppress resonance, and high rigidity is transmitted even before sound is emitted.

Both FS 247.4 (left) and BS 243.4 (right) have a trapezoidal cross-sectional shape and a slim impression.

It is hard to notice from the front, but not only the floor type FS 247.4 but also the bookshelf type BS 243.4 has a downfire type bass reflex port on the bottom, so it is hard to generate annoying wind noise, and the installation environment It should be less affected. As with the heavyweight base of FS 247.4, it can be seen that the know-how accumulated in the previous work and higher series is skillfully adopted.

The bookshelf type is also equipped with a down firing bass reflex port.

FS 247.4 leg. Overall rigidity is high and cabinet resonance is suppressed.

Although the details of the network circuit have not been published, it is said that it is composed of independent boards for high and low frequencies, and the speaker terminal is bi-wiring.

Bi-wiring specifications for speaker terminals
Floor type “FS 247.4” that produces crisp bass and vivid and lively sound

First, check the playback sound from the floor type FS 247.4. In addition to CDs and SACDs, a fidata music server and Luxman's "DA-06" were combined to play back high-resolution audio sources, which were driven by the Accuphase "E-650."

Listen to FS 247.4. Listen to high-resolution sound sources in addition to CDs and SACDs

I think that the effect of arranging the JET tweeter and the woofer in close proximity is great, but I was first impressed that the sound image of the voice and the instrument converged to a pinpoint and did not spread unnaturally. Jane Monheit's vocals are smooth to pronounce, have no bleeding or blurring, and the low range naturally blends with the accompaniment cello. As the range increases, the brightness of the voice adds brightness, and the advantages of JET Tweeter such as clear consonant pronunciation emerge, but it does not become an exciting sound and the line does not become thin at the highest range ..

Good response in the middle and low frequencies, with good sound separation and speed in all bands.

Arne Domnerras's septette has a good bass cut, and each note is clearly separated, including short dotted notes. Supported by the light bass rhythm, the tempo of the song does not slow down, and it is comfortable to move forward naturally.

For ELAC middle class and above speakers, we have been improving the response in the middle and low frequencies while keeping in mind the good response of the JET tweeter, but FS 247.4 also surely holds the key point. Not only in the high range but also in the low to mid-range range, the distance from the speaker is good, and the speed of each range is uniform.

The alto saxophone has a thick part in the middle and low tones, but this is because the tones originally associated with this instrument are output as is, which is clearly different from the widening of the sound image. Low sounds, such as the middle and low tones of drums and pianos, have a good crispness in most cases, but I think this is because the resonance of the cabinet is small.

When I played Mozart's piano concerto (piano solo: Valish) arranged in the chamber music version on FS247.4, I was able to enjoy a very realistic sound by reproducing the very fresh sound of both the stringed instrument and the piano.

This performance replaces each part of the orchestra with string quartets, so the balance of the sound tends to be higher, but it may be light because there is a core on the piano and cello that play the lowest note of the score. Instead, it sometimes brings out a deep sound reminiscent of the orchestra performance of the original song. To be on the safe side, if you check the frequency characteristics in the spec list, it has expanded to 34Hz. Of course, I don't think it extends to that level, but you shouldn't feel the lack of bass in the range of Mozart's piano concerto.

By playing larger orchestras such as Roussel's "Bacchus and Ariane", I was able to enjoy an orchestra performance with a lower center of gravity than I expected, even if the wind pressure of the big drum was impossible.

The high frequency range that JET Tweeter is responsible for has a high energy density and good response, so there is a strong tendency for the melody of the first violin and trumpet to come forward, but in this song it leads to high freshness and makes a lively ringing. .. Although there is a part to be given to the higher-ranking VELA series in terms of separation and resolution between musical instruments, I also had a glimpse of the room where I would like to actively listen to works with a large number of notes and a large dynamic range.

Bookshelf type "BS 243.4" audition. Realizing realistic sound even at low volume

BS 243.4 was put on a special stand (LS-50) for listening. The focus of the sound image is almost the same as FS 247.4 in the vocal, but the image of the violin (James Laredo) reproduced by SACD is exactly pinpointed, and the sense of distance with the accompaniment piano is reproduced with high accuracy. The afterglow that wraps both of them spreads out to the outside of the left and right speakers, and the timing when the sound disappears is also accurate. The tone of the violin is bright and lustrous, and contrasts with the softness of the piano. There is a range of notes that I want to add a little more to the midrange, but there is a possibility that it will change when I play it a little more.

BS 243.4 was auditioned using a dedicated stand

When you play the jazz septet, you can feel the up-tempo feeling by utilizing the goodness of the bass. The timbre is not warm, but it is different from the hard and dry touch. It may be more similar to say that the brightness tends to be bright rather than dark. In any case, playing the rhythm and melody instruments as actively as possible seems to be the greatest beauty of BS 243.4.

The volume of low-end instruments heard in orchestra and piano solos is quite good for a bookshelf type of this size. The range of low-pitched music instruments such as timpani and contrabass, which influence volume, has the power of a bass reflex type, and the lower range, such as large drums, does not overdo it. If you want to extend it to another half octave below, I would recommend the floor type FS 247.4.

What I was impressed with BS 243.4 is the high reality when playing back at low volume. Especially with vocals, a three-dimensional sound image floats accurately in the center of the left and right while maintaining a clear pronunciation, and the cored sound continues until the last moment when the sound disappears. There are quite a few speakers that lose their realism when the volume is turned down, but BS 243.4 does not have the frustration. It is a speaker that can be actively recommended for those who want to listen carefully in the near field without raising the volume too much.

The CARINA series is a product group that occupies the center with VELA in ELAC's lineup, and supports the company's backbone. As you can see from the continued adoption of JET, the ELAC mainstream has been inherited from the design approach.

Although it may be the higher-ranking VELA that directly inherits the brand's personality, CARINA felt that it blended a new personality and finished it in a well-balanced manner. Specifically, the brightness and freshness of the timbre are new factors, but since the amount of adjustment to add them is exquisite, ELAC fans who have supported conventional product groups should be accepted without any discomfort.

(Cooperation: Yukim)




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