ELAC エラック VELA Series BS403.2 FS407.2 音質 試聴 比較 テスト レビュー
ELAC VELA シリーズ BS403.2 ・ FS407.2 音質比較テスト
(2012年発売 VELA FS407、BS403 音質テストはこちら)
2018年11月、ユキムから、ELAC「400 LINE」のリニューアルモデル「Vela 400.2」シリーズ2機種が発売されました。

カラーは2機種ともブラック・ハイグロス、ホワイト・ハイグロス、ウォルナット・ハイグロスの3色。価格は、トールボーイ「Vela FS 407」のブラックとホワイトが66万円(ペア)、ウォルナットが70万円(同)。ブックシェルフ「Vela BS 403」のブラックとホワイトが33万円(同)、ウォルナットが35万円(同)となっています。

VELA Series では、スラント(傾いた)フロント・バッフルと後方に向かって絞り込まれたエンクロージャーが採用され、キャビネット内部で発生する定在波の低減が図られています。トップ・プレートとターミナル・プレートは、剛性の高いアルミ板が使われ振動の発生が抑えられています。


VELA BS403.2に搭載されている"JET5"

シリーズは、JET5ツィーターと150mmウーファー2基で構成されるトールボーイ型のVELA FS 407.2(66万円ペア)と、JET5ツィーターと150mmAS-XRウーファーを各1基備えるブックシェルフ型のVELA BS 403.3(33万円ペア)で構成されています。BS 403の専用スタンド「LS80」も、順次発売の予定です(価格未定)。
シリーズは、JET5ツィーターと150mmウーファー2基で構成されるトールボーイ型のVELA FS 407.2(66万円ペア)と、JET5ツィーターと150mmAS-XRウーファーを各1基備えるブックシェルフ型のVELA BS 403.3(33万円ペア)で構成されています。BS 403の専用スタンド「LS80」も、順次発売の予定です(価格未定)。

プリメインアンプには、AIRBOW PM10 Ultimate

音源は、AIRBOW ミュージックPC MNP-i5 RoonをAIRBOW SA12 MasterにUSB接続して使いました。


ELAC VELA BS 403.2 メーカー希望小売価格 330,000円(ペア・税別・ホワイト/ブラック)
メーカー希望小売価格 350,000円(ペア・税別・ウォールナット) (メーカーホームページ)
ELAC エラック スピーカー ご購入お問い合わせは、経験豊富な逸品館におまかせください。
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また、flac 192KHz/24bitの音源を再生しましたが、CDから取り込んだ44.1KHz/16bitの音源と音質差があまり感じられません。しかし、それはCD品質でもハイレゾくらいの細やかさが再現されていたからでハイレゾの再現性に問題はないと思います。
また、flac 192KHz/24bitの音源を再生しましたが、CDから取り込んだ44.1KHz/16bitの音源と音質差があまり感じられません。しかし、それはCD品質でもハイレゾくらいの細やかさが再現されていたからでハイレゾの再現性に問題はないと思います。

ELAC VELA FS 407.2 メーカー希望小売価格 660,000円(ペア・税別・ホワイト/ブラック)
メーカー希望小売価格 700,000円(ペア・税別・ウォールナット) (メーカーホームページ)
ELAC エラック スピーカー ご購入お問い合わせは、経験豊富な逸品館におまかせください。
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楽器の響きが長くなり、ボーカルにも力強さや、ドスの効いたAmanda McBroom Dreamingさん独特の声色がしっかり出ます。
アタック感もかなり向上しましたが、BS 403.2にくらべ口元の定位感は少し大きく(肥大)なっているようです。
楽器の響きが長くなり、ボーカルにも力強さや、ドスの効いたAmanda McBroom Dreamingさん独特の声色がしっかり出ます。
アタック感もかなり向上しましたが、BS 403.2にくらべ口元の定位感は少し大きく(肥大)なっているようです。




ELAC VELA Series (BS403.2/FS407.2) 総合評価
VELA Series は、これまで作り続けられてきたELACの「伝統的なサウンド」がしっかり踏襲され、欠点だった「指向性」が改善されています。スピーカーの存在を感じさせず圧迫感のない音の広がりはさすがです。この部分は高く評価できます。さらに分離感の高さ、透明感の高さ、細やかさなどは、この価格帯の水準を超えていると感じました。
VELA Seriesが最もマッチするジャンルは「クラシック」です。それも小編成よりも大編成が得意です。なぜならば、楽器から離れた位置で演奏を聞くクラシック、特に大きなホールで行われる演奏の場合、音の広がりや細やかさ、空間の濁りの少なさ、さらにはJETの「音色変化の細やかさ」がとても良く生かされるからです。カンターテドミノの「コーラス部分」などは、ぞくぞくするような音が出ました。
VELA Seriesが最もマッチするジャンルは「クラシック」です。それも小編成よりも大編成が得意です。なぜならば、楽器から離れた位置で演奏を聞くクラシック、特に大きなホールで行われる演奏の場合、音の広がりや細やかさ、空間の濁りの少なさ、さらにはJETの「音色変化の細やかさ」がとても良く生かされるからです。カンターテドミノの「コーラス部分」などは、ぞくぞくするような音が出ました。
2018年11月 逸品館代表 清原 裕介
In VELA of ELAC, the narrow directivity (strength) of the ribbon tweeter has been improved by the waveguide. In VELA of ELAC, the narrow directivity (strength) of the ribbon tweeter has been improved by the waveguide. We
ELAC VELA series BS403.2 / FS407.2 sound quality comparison test
"JET5" installed in BS403
PM10 Ultimate AIRBOW 780,000 yen (excluding tax) ( here Shop in cash ) ( Click here for the Shop of the card )
AIRBOW MNP-i5 Roon 445,000 yen (excluding tax) ( Click here for cash purchases ) ( Click here for card purchases )
AIRBOW SA12 Master 400,000 yen (excluding tax) ( Click here for cash ) ( Click here for card )
No Sanctuary Here
ELAC ELAC VELA Series BS403.2 FS407.2 Sound Quality Audition Comparison Test Review
ELAC VELA series BS403.2 / FS407.2 sound quality comparison test
(2012 VELA FS407, BS403 sound quality test is here )
In November 2018, two models of ELAC "400 LINE" renewal model "Vela 400.2" series were released by Yukim.

Product overview
Both models are available in three colors: black high-gloss, white high-gloss, and walnut high-gloss. The price for the tall boy "Vela FS 407" is 660,000 yen (pair) for black and white, and 700,000 yen (the same) for walnut. The black and white of the bookshelf "Vela BS 403" is 330,000 yen (same), and the walnut is 350,000 yen (same).

The VELA Series uses slanted front baffles and an enclosure that is narrowed toward the rear to reduce standing waves generated inside the cabinet. Highly rigid aluminum plates are used for the top plate and terminal plate to suppress vibration.
The way bass is pulled out (the shape of the bass reflex port) has also been changed so that the bass reflex port is oriented toward the bottom plate.
Previously, it was "common speaker design" to not block the exit of the bass reflex port, but recently, "methods that use a plate that reflects low frequencies" such as TAD and Whafedale are increasing. This new way of thinking reduces the "bass bulge" that is peculiar to bass reflexes, and solves the "problem that bass sound changes greatly depending on the position of the speaker." The improvements made to VELA are probably aimed at this point.
The way bass is pulled out (the shape of the bass reflex port) has also been changed so that the bass reflex port is oriented toward the bottom plate.
Previously, it was "common speaker design" to not block the exit of the bass reflex port, but recently, "methods that use a plate that reflects low frequencies" such as TAD and Whafedale are increasing. This new way of thinking reduces the "bass bulge" that is peculiar to bass reflexes, and solves the "problem that bass sound changes greatly depending on the position of the speaker." The improvements made to VELA are probably aimed at this point.

The appearance is more stylish than before and the texture is also improved, but the price has risen by nearly 30% from the previous model BS403 (270,000 yen) and FS407 (520,000 yen), so is it a little higher? I have the impression.
The tweeter uses the "JET5" produced at the headquarters factory in Kiel, Germany. The driver type JET5, which has an area 10 times larger than a 25mm diameter dome type tweeter and has a large maximum output, is a tweeter ELAC has traditionally continued to use. However, it has the disadvantage that the "difference in treble" when listening in front of the speaker and when listening slightly to the side is large because "directivity is narrow (strong)".
The tweeter uses the "JET5" produced at the headquarters factory in Kiel, Germany. The driver type JET5, which has an area 10 times larger than a 25mm diameter dome type tweeter and has a large maximum output, is a tweeter ELAC has traditionally continued to use. However, it has the disadvantage that the "difference in treble" when listening in front of the speaker and when listening slightly to the side is large because "directivity is narrow (strong)".

Vela addresses this issue by installing a newly designed wave guide. Furthermore, by lowering the crossover band compared to the conventional model, the goodness of JET5 can be brought out more.
"JET5" installed in VELA BS403.2

The woofer is equipped with a 150mm AS-XR woofer that adopts the ELAC traditional vibrating version of Kurtmueller's paper cone and aluminum cone. For the network, a large air core coil with excellent sound quality and a board composed of high-quality parts are separated for the woofer and the tweeter and arranged in a separate configuration.
The series is a Tallboy type VELA FS 407.2 (660,000 yen pair) consisting of a JET5 tweeter and two 150mm woofers, and a bookshelf type VELA BS 403.3 (33 each with one JET5 tweeter and one 150mm AS-XR woofer. 10,000 yen pair). The BS 403 dedicated stand "LS80" is also planned to be released in sequence (price undecided).
The series is a Tallboy type VELA FS 407.2 (660,000 yen pair) consisting of a JET5 tweeter and two 150mm woofers, and a bookshelf type VELA BS 403.3 (33 each with one JET5 tweeter and one 150mm AS-XR woofer. 10,000 yen pair). The BS 403 dedicated stand "LS80" is also planned to be released in sequence (price undecided).

Sound quality test
Since the delivered listening device will be used at the International Audio Show, the listening period is only 3 days! It is a busy schedule.
The following components were used for the audition.
The following components were used for the audition.
For the integrated amplifier, AIRBOW PM10 Ultimate

The sound source used AIRBOW music PC MNP-i5 Roon connected to AIRBOW SA12 Master by USB.

The listening device that was delivered just after it was released was a completely new product. When I rang it out of the box, the high range did not grow, the sound was heavy and dull, and no good sound came out to compliment. If you are a maniac, you know that the sound gets better with "aging".
You may be convinced if you have many moving parts like a speaker, but this "aging" is very important even for components that consist only of electronic components such as amplifiers and CD players.
It started to ring in the morning, and by the afternoon, the sound started to sound a little. It was getting better in the evening, but I still can't think it's in good shape, so I left the company and left the company.
By the evening of the next day, I had a completely "awakening sound", so I decided to write a report.
You may be convinced if you have many moving parts like a speaker, but this "aging" is very important even for components that consist only of electronic components such as amplifiers and CD players.
It started to ring in the morning, and by the afternoon, the sound started to sound a little. It was getting better in the evening, but I still can't think it's in good shape, so I left the company and left the company.
By the evening of the next day, I had a completely "awakening sound", so I decided to write a report.

ELAC VELA BS 403.2 Manufacturer's suggested retail price 330,000 yen (pair, tax not included, white/black)
ELAC Elack Speakers For inquiries about purchasing, leave it to our experienced gem museum.
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As you can see from past reports, the biggest problem with JET tweeters is "narrow directivity".
When BS403.2 also started ringing, the sound was quite different between the front and side. It gradually eased as the aging progressed, but it still did not completely eliminate the difference in sound when listening from the front and a little sideways, and it is still a "speaker that sounds better when listening to the front". There is no substitute for saying that.
Another thing I noticed is the JET's unique "sweetness in the high range (the looseness of the core)".
Another thing I noticed is the JET's unique "sweetness in the high range (the looseness of the core)".
As you can see by comparing the tweeter of the metal diaphragm and the tweeter of the textile (cloth) diaphragm, if the diaphragm is a soft material, the "weak attack" will occur. JET5 also has that tendency. I haven't noticed this much so far, but it may be that VELA has a stronger tendency due to changes in the woofer material and changes in the crossover frequency. However, I don't think it's a problem if you prefer a "soft touch" sound, and even with hard recording software, the edge is "not too strong", so here is your favorite problem. think.

The resolution is very high, and the sound quality is clear and has good visibility. In addition, the spread of sound in the front, back, left, and right directions is large, and the position where the sound disappears (the limit surface of the spread) cannot be felt, and there is no "comfort" that the speaker is sounding in the room.
The more you can understand the movements and gestures of the bark, the more the bird's bark expresses itself.
The more you can understand the movements and gestures of the bark, the more the bird's bark expresses itself.

The synthesizer sound has a slight lack of a sense of rising edge, but it is outstandingly transparent and has a beautiful sound. Vocals are neat and neat, but their facial expressions are conveyed firmly.
The separation of accompaniment and vocals is also wonderful, and the vocals are localized in the middle of the speaker with high density.
The contours are fine and you don't feel much "strength". It sounds in a mellow, mellow tone.
The separation of accompaniment and vocals is also wonderful, and the vocals are localized in the middle of the speaker with high density.
The contours are fine and you don't feel much "strength". It sounds in a mellow, mellow tone.

The sound of strings plucking and percussion sounds is obviously weak, and the attack of the instrument is small.
The feel of tapping on the piano is surprisingly clear, and the pianist's touch is transmitted properly.
The separation of each instrument is quite delicate and the localization is solid.
However, I felt that there was a problem with "guts (power)" for this song.
The feel of tapping on the piano is surprisingly clear, and the pianist's touch is transmitted properly.
The separation of each instrument is quite delicate and the localization is solid.
However, I felt that there was a problem with "guts (power)" for this song.

The bass is solid, but not too loud as its size suggests. It will be the effect of the new bass reflex port, the bass does not swell and comes out firmly. In the vocals and chorus parts where the bass is attractive, the bass is unsatisfactory.
However, the separation was really good, and the main vocal came out straight ahead.
However, the separation was really good, and the main vocal came out straight ahead.

You can feel the negative parts of BS403.2 that you could not feel with this software, such as the sound of the piano is cloudy, the sound field is cloudy, and the sound is clouded by a fault. Perhaps there is a problem with the recording of the software, and it may have come out clearly.
Also, I played the flac 192KHz/24bit sound source, but I can't feel the difference in sound quality from the 44.1KHz/16bit sound source imported from the CD. However, I think that there is no problem in the reproducibility of high resolution because the details of high resolution are reproduced even in CD quality.
Also, I played the flac 192KHz/24bit sound source, but I can't feel the difference in sound quality from the 44.1KHz/16bit sound source imported from the CD. However, I think that there is no problem in the reproducibility of high resolution because the details of high resolution are reproduced even in CD quality.

ELAC VELA FS 407.2 Manufacturer's suggested retail price 660,000 yen (pair, tax not included, white/black)
Manufacturer's suggested retail price 700,000 yen (pair, tax not included, walnut) ( maker homepage )
ELAC Elack Speakers For inquiries about purchasing, leave it to our experienced gem museum.
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The overall tone is almost the same as that of BS403.2, but it is impressive that the sound field gets deeper and the sound field extends downward.
The realistic murmuring localization that makes you feel as if your feet are wet, and the richness of the sound field that extends to the back of your body are overwhelming.
I was surprised to see that the Tallboy type achieves a stereoscopic effect and localization that surpasses that of a bookshelf.
The realistic murmuring localization that makes you feel as if your feet are wet, and the richness of the sound field that extends to the back of your body are overwhelming.
I was surprised to see that the Tallboy type achieves a stereoscopic effect and localization that surpasses that of a bookshelf.

Probably because the bass is enhanced, you can feel the power (power) from 403.2 to 150% to 200%.
The sound of the instrument becomes longer, the vocals are powerful, and the unique voice of Amanda McBroom Dreaming, which has a strong effect, appears firmly.
Although the attack feeling has improved considerably, it seems that the localization of the mouth is slightly larger (bloated) compared to BS 403.2.
The sound of the instrument becomes longer, the vocals are powerful, and the unique voice of Amanda McBroom Dreaming, which has a strong effect, appears firmly.
Although the attack feeling has improved considerably, it seems that the localization of the mouth is slightly larger (bloated) compared to BS 403.2.

Although the problem of weak attack is not solved, the positional relationship of the instruments has been clarified, and the feeling of tapping the piano (reproduction of touch) has also improved.
However, the guitar is still lacking in energy and the percussion volume is low.
However, the guitar is still lacking in energy and the percussion volume is low.
ELAC is a mismatch with this software.
No Sanctuary Here

The way the bass sounds is truly different. The voice became thicker and the power in the chorus part doubled.
The spaciousness and localization of the sound have been greatly improved, and a vast sound field space that surrounds the body, such as "surround," has appeared.
The spaciousness and localization of the sound have been greatly improved, and a vast sound field space that surrounds the body, such as "surround," has appeared.
Other than that, it has almost the same impression as BS403.2.

The turbidity of the space has been reduced and the overall impression has been refreshed.
However, the head of the sound (attack) is clearly crushed, and the high notes in the sense of hearing are not extended enough. I think this is one of the reasons why it is difficult to reproduce the difference between high-resolution and normal sounds.
However, the head of the sound (attack) is clearly crushed, and the high notes in the sense of hearing are not extended enough. I think this is one of the reasons why it is difficult to reproduce the difference between high-resolution and normal sounds.
The wood bass also lacks high-order overtones, resulting in a dull edge.

ELAC VELA Series (BS403.2/FS407.2) Overall Evaluation
The VELA Series is based on ELAC's "traditional sound" that has been continuously produced, and the "direction", which was a drawback, has been improved. As expected, the sound spreads without feeling the presence of speakers and without feeling of pressure. This part is highly appreciated. Furthermore, I felt that the high level of separation, high level of transparency, and delicacy exceeded the level of this price range.
However, at the same time, the strengths and weaknesses of JET have been retained. The weakness of the attack and the ambiguity of the notch have hardly improved.
The genre that the VELA Series best matches is "classic". It is also good at large formations rather than small formations. This is because, in the case of classical music where you hear the performance away from the instrument, especially in the case of playing in a large hall, the spread and fineness of the sound, the small amount of turbidity in the space, and the JET's "fine change in timbre" Because it is used very well. Cantate Domino's "chorus part" etc. made a tingling sound.
Mismatch is a genre with rocky rhythm that makes you want to increase the volume. At high volume, the sound becomes muddy and the rhythm slows down. In addition, it is a "sharp instrument" like "country music" or "folk music" or "music composed mainly of attack". There is no sense of power and it becomes frustrating.
However, these weaknesses are alleviated considerably closer to the speaker. In a room that is not so large, listening to the speaker at a position very close to the speaker (within 1.5 m) will maximize the power of BS403.2. It is recommended that you listen to BS407.2 at a distance of less than 2 m, not too far from the speaker. Because the housing is slim and the depth is small, I thought it was a speaker that I would like to use in a small room.
However, at the same time, the strengths and weaknesses of JET have been retained. The weakness of the attack and the ambiguity of the notch have hardly improved.
The genre that the VELA Series best matches is "classic". It is also good at large formations rather than small formations. This is because, in the case of classical music where you hear the performance away from the instrument, especially in the case of playing in a large hall, the spread and fineness of the sound, the small amount of turbidity in the space, and the JET's "fine change in timbre" Because it is used very well. Cantate Domino's "chorus part" etc. made a tingling sound.
Mismatch is a genre with rocky rhythm that makes you want to increase the volume. At high volume, the sound becomes muddy and the rhythm slows down. In addition, it is a "sharp instrument" like "country music" or "folk music" or "music composed mainly of attack". There is no sense of power and it becomes frustrating.
However, these weaknesses are alleviated considerably closer to the speaker. In a room that is not so large, listening to the speaker at a position very close to the speaker (within 1.5 m) will maximize the power of BS403.2. It is recommended that you listen to BS407.2 at a distance of less than 2 m, not too far from the speaker. Because the housing is slim and the depth is small, I thought it was a speaker that I would like to use in a small room.
November 2018 Yusuke Kiyohara, Representative of Ginkan
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