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You can read it quickly! Telework gesture:"Discord office" can feel good or bad in the office
April 07, 2020 Published at 14:30
[ Munjo Murakami , ITmedia]
Series: Easy to read! Telework gesture
In order to prevent new coronavirus infection, ITmedia NEWS editorial departments are trying to do telework at home. Introducing the troublesome things that reporters faced while working at home, which they are not used to.
"Today I will be at Discord."
A colleague posted this on Slack. It was my first attempt some time after I started teleworking. Apparently, "I have always connected to Discord's voice channel, so please come whenever you have time".
In fact, many of the acquaintances doing telework do similar things. Some people say that it is convenient for business because they can talk easily, and some say that they use it because they are lonely.
Young reporter who the post above, "I want the office because there is painful telework" was saying so, probably What is the latter.
There is an image that I feel tired if I always connect to the voice channel, but when I connect, about 5 reporters have already gathered. Slack is used for business communication, so there are no strict operating rules. You can enter and exit on the way, and you can talk about work or just chat. Of course, you don't have to force yourself to speak.
Discord is a chat system that can use both voice and text. It is popular among gamers because it has good sound quality and little delay. It's free to use, so it's perfect for a "talking chat".
If it is text-based, it is difficult to produce a product that goes beyond the idea of the individual, but when chatting with voice, ideas come out one after another. I felt it was a good place to talk about something less than you would hear on Slack. It's just like having a chat in the office.
However, I felt something strange in the evening. Even though I say "freedom to leave," nobody leaves. It feels like a subordinate who works in the office and waits for his boss to return. The atmosphere has become difficult to come out of, but what should I do?
At that time, a veteran reporter who enjoys teleworking at Netflix parties and online off parties gave us an example.
First, mute the microphone. Since the speaker is on, other members only think "I wondered if I went out for a break or shopping." Then watch the situation for a while. By the time other people notice it, it's not there anymore.
A loose connection that does not require "I'm sorry for you" or "I'm sorry for you". If this is the case, I think I can come to Discord everyday.
Copyright © ITmedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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