2021年08月29日 18:41
限定公開( 165 )
写真![]() 「池袋マルイ」閉店セレモニーの様子 Image by: FASHIONSNAP |
I shared it.
August 29, 2021 18:41
Limited release ( 165 )
Photo![]() "Ikebukuro Marui" closing ceremony Image by: FASHION SNAP |
With the closing of the store, a sale entitled "Goodbye Great Thanksgiving" will be held at the store. Today, the last business day, about 100 people waited before the store opened. The store was crowded with shoppers all day long, with some racks sold out and empty on the last business day. A family in their 30s living in Ikebukuro said, "I used to go shopping with my family on weekends. I miss it. I'm wondering what kind of store will be opened next." On the 4th floor of the store, a message of gratitude from users to the store is posted on the entire wall. As of August 28, more than 8,000 messages have been received. In addition, outside the store, some people took a commemorative photo with their smartphones.
Before the closing time of 18:30, customers gathered at the front entrance to see the closing moment from around 18:00. The closing ceremony began at 6:30 pm, and the manager of Ikebukuro Marui took the stage. The store manager said, "Ikebukuro Marui was decided to close in September last year. I feel lonely and regrettable among the staff, but when I have one year left, I switch my mind and everyone until the end. The staff have worked together to create a useful and pleasing business. During that time, many customers came to our store and many words of "Thank you" were given to us. It was a great encouragement for me to be pleased. Thank you very much. "
2021 年 8 月 29 日 18:41
限量发行 ( 165 )
照片![]() “池袋丸井”闭幕式 图片来源:FASHION SNAP |
随着商店的关闭,商店将举行名为“再见伟大的感恩节”的促销活动。今天是最后一个工作日,大约有100人在商店开门前等待。这家商店一整天都挤满了购物者,在最后一个工作日,一些货架已经售罄。住在池袋的30多岁的一家人说:“以前周末经常和家人一起逛街,很怀念,不知道接下来会开什么店。” 在店铺4楼,整面墙上都张贴着用户对店铺的感谢信息。截至8月28日,已收到8000多条信息。此外,在店外,也有人用智能手机拍了一张纪念照。
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