
新型コロナウイルス並にとても危険です!5Gスマートフォンとレーダー電波塔(携帯電話基地局)からのレーダー電波は生き物(人類)の永久的なDNAの損傷を引き起こしております。東京都23区内の被害は異常事態ですよ!It's as dangerous as the new coronavirus! Radar radio waves from 5G smartphones and radar radio towers (mobile phone base stations) cause permanent DNA damage to creatures (human beings). The damage in the 23 wards of Tokyo is an abnormal situation! 它和新型冠状病毒一样危险! 来自 5G 智能手机和雷达无线电塔(手机基站)的雷达无线电波会对生物(人类)造成永久性 DNA 损伤。 东京23区的损坏是异常情况!



There are many reports that the condominium was demolished because all the residents of the condominium committed themselves because 5G mobile phone towers were built on the side of some condominiums in the 23 wards of Tokyo, but NTT , Hewlett-Packard Group's key site technology, which undertook docomo and 5G TEST, is working hard to hide information!

On the side of the port in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, there is the same radar radio tower as 5G, and pregnant women also die of mischief, children with malformations, Down's disease, and people with intellectual disabilities are born, and a 5G radio tower is built nearby. As a result, the number of suicides due to neurosis is increasing due to the inability to sleep well, and the damage is increasing, such as the headache not stopping for 24 hours. Prime Minister Suga and the governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, are unlikely to move.

有很多报道称,由于东京23区部分公寓的一侧建有5G手机信号塔,该公寓的所有居民都承诺拆除该公寓,但惠普集团的关键站点技术NTT,承接docomo和5G TEST,正在努力隐藏信息!

在神奈川县横滨市的港口一侧,有和5G一样的雷达无线电塔,孕妇也死于恶作剧,儿童畸形、唐氏病、智障人士出生,还有5G无线电塔就建在附近,结果导致睡眠不足导致神经症自杀的人数越来越多,损害越来越大,比如头痛24小时不停。 菅义伟首相和东京都知事小池百合子不太可能搬家。


 【漫画】5Gになると健康被害が増える?危険で人体に有害?[卡通] 5G会增加健康伤害吗? 对人体有危害和危害吗?[Cartoon] Will health damage increase when it comes to 5G? Is it dangerous and harmful to the human body?

FC2 https://video.fc2.com/content/20210112XeDeCccZ ただしWifi5Gは規格が異なり電波も5Gスマートフォンと比較して弱いので安全です。 However, Wifi 5G has different standards and the radio waves are weaker than 5G smartphones, so it is safe. 但是,Wifi 5G具有不同的标准,并且无线电波比5G智能手机弱,因此是安全的。

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