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Number of responses: 5
Ohkubo Kohei's profile picture
Ohkubo Kohei
, Software engineer of Heart Rails Co., Ltd. (2010-present)
Date and time of reply: Month
The transition to Typescript can proceed "little by little". Even large js projects can coexist with existing code, replacing where needed, little by little.
You don't have to throw anything away.
It's not that Typescript is harder to write than js, and in the extreme, declaring all types any makes it virtually the same as js. (Although not the default, there is also an option to treat all type abbreviations as any)
If you wrote another answer, "Be careful with altjs," you probably had a hard time with coffeescript, but you don't have to worry about typescript. It is backed up by Microsoft as a whole company, and the specifications are being developed and implemented at the same level as other languages.
There is a processing system called deno that replaces nodejs, which can execute typescript directly without transpiling.
Deno --A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
Deno is a simple, modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.
(Speaking of just having a built-in transpiler ...)
I personally like deno, which has solved most of the dislikes of nodejs, and I hope it will be popular.
Views: 1,432 times See 17 high ratings
Yako Tsukada
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Masahiro Ishizuka's profile picture
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Anonymous's profile picture
Answer date and time: Thu
Yes, it is. Don't write raw JavaScript. Please write everything in TypeScript. Some people say that you should be careful about AltJS, but it is completely wrong, so please ignore it. Currently, the mainstream of the world is TypeScript. Google Closure is not used as an example because no one is using it. Although it is transpiled, it is only difficult to debug even if there is a source map because it is optimized quite radically, and in most cases it is the original as long as the source map is generated normally. It is possible to know where the dead is from the source code of.
You can use ReasonML or PureScript. These languages allow you to write OCaml-like or Haskell-like JavaScript. The good thing is that the type system is more powerful than TypeScript. The bad point is that there are few type definition files and the update frequency is low compared to TypeScript because there are few users and the community is small.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. In short, valid JavaScript is also valid TypeScript. Simply add tsconfig.json to your current JavaScript project and your project will become a TypeScript project and you will be able to enjoy the many benefits that TypeScript offers.
The era is TypeScript. Write TypeScript. Come on soon.
Views: 24 times See 2 high ratings
Masahiro Ishizuka's profile picture
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Kota's profile picture
, Web engineer for ad networks, ad exchanges and ad services (backend front infrastructure) (2020-present)
Date and time of reply: September 12
TypeScript has a high initial development cost to some extent, but the maintainability increases in return.
Therefore, if there is a possibility that multiple people will handle the program in the future (≒ permanent maintenance is required), or if there is a possibility that the library will be used by someone other than yourself, it is better to write it in TypeScript. Is good.
On the contrary, if it is written by one engineer and used only on the spot, I think that there is no problem with JavaScript.
回答数: 5件
, 株式会社ハートレイルズのソフトウェアエンジニア (2010年〜現在)
Typescript への移行は「少しずつ」進めることが出来ます。巨大な js プロジェクトでも、必要な箇所から少しずつ置き換えながら、既存コードと共存出来ます。
Typescript が js よりも書くのが大変かというとそんな事もなく、極端な事を言えば全ての型を any 宣言すれば js と実質同じになります。(デフォルトではありませんが、型の省略をすべて any 扱いにするオプションも用意されてます)
altjs に注意、という別回答を書かれた方は、 coffeescript かなんかでさぞかし苦労されたのだと思いますが、 typescript に同じ心配は不要でしょう。 Microsoft が社をあげてバックアップしており、他の言語と同等以上に仕様の策定と実装が進められています。
nodejs を置き換える deno という処理系があり、これはトランスパイル無しで typescript を直接実行できます
nodejs の嫌なところをほとんど解決してくれた deno は個人的にはかなり気に入ってまして、流行るといいなあ、と思っています。
はいそうです。生のJavaScriptなんて書かないで下さい。全てTypeScriptで書いて下さい。AltJSに注意という人がいますが完全に間違えているので無視して下さい。現在、世の中の主流はTypeScriptです。Google Closureなんて誰も使っていないので例として不適です。あれはトランスパイルとはいえかなり過激な最適化をしているためにsource mapがあってもデバッグが困難になっているというだけであり大体の場合は普通にsource mapさえ生成していれば元のソースコードでどこが死んだのか知ることは可能です。
, アドネットワーク、アドエクスチェンジおよびアドサービスのWebエンジニア(バックエンド・フロント・インフラ) (2020年〜現在)
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