アップル社は過去日本の下請けに厳しい条件をつけた後、技術を中韓に漏洩し、似たようなものを安い値段で作らせ、徐々に発注を替えていったと聞きました。これは本当ですか?I've heard that Apple, after imposing strict conditions on Japanese subcontractors in the past, leaked the technology to China and South Korea, forcing them to produce similar products at a lower price, and gradually switched orders. Is this true?
The most famous one is Shimano's lawsuit against Apple.
I sued Apple for a total of 10 billion! Japanese small and medium-sized company Shimano Manufacturing: "Don't take it easy just because it's a subcontractor" (Shukan Gendai) @gendai_biz
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