The U.S. Department of Defense has told the U.S. Congress that the schedule for completing development and testing of the F35 next-generation stealth fighter jet scheduled for the end of July 2017 is "unrealistic" and should be delayed by a year. ... Report also recommends not to make pre-purchase commitments for serious defects such as ejection of cockpit ... However, the report states that "even in this case, the Secretariat still labeled the danger level as 'serious' based on figures such as a 23% mortality rate" and "(nevertheless) the Secretariat has not made a pledge to purchase the ...
Japan Communist Party (JCP) ' akahata ' aik19
Apr 12, 2019 - According to the GAO report on the F35's development plans (June 18), the aircraft has 966 unresolved deficiencies (as of January 18), of which 111 are "deficiencies that could jeopardize safety or other critical performance" and 855 are "deficiencies that impede or constrain the performance of mission ...
Not included: dalaké | Search with: dalaké
What is the problem with the F35-stealth fighter? | Okinawa Times + Plus ... ' Base Issues.
2019/07/01 - The F35 stealth fighter was developed based on the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), a fighter development program that was launched in the United States in the 1990s. It's on the radar... Is the F35 a troubled aircraft? A U.S. government audit ... The report categorized the F35's deficiencies as (1) jeopardizing safety or critical performance and (2) interfering with mission performance.
883 unresolved flaws in F35 fighter jets, Pentagon summarizes safety issues ... ' ja-jp ' news ' world ' 883 unresolved flaws in F35 fighter jets ...
2020/03/16 - The U.S. independent oversight agency, the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), announced on March 11 that it has obtained internal documents on the flaws in the state-of-the-art F35 fighter jet. According to it, there were 883 unresolved deficiencies, of which 162 were "not scheduled to be fixed.
Not Included: Lack | Search with: Lack
'F35 fighter jet disappears from radar = no radio response over Pacific Ocean ... ' 2019 ' April 2019 ' 11
2019/04/11 - Abe administration to buy 105 additional planes for the F35 fighter jet, which it says has 966 unresolved deficiencies. I'm tempted to say, "Are you nuts?" ... The SDF is a dangerous job, but I don't think it's a good idea to have a defective aircraft crash and die. The Osprey, the F35, the ...
Enormous waste and nonsense, the F35 is expensive and a clunker! What's more, there's an open war ... ' open ' archives
2019/03/20 - What's more, Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya responded to a report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) that showed 966 unresolved flaws in the F35 (as of January 2018), saying, "We have a list of ... The F35 is not only an expensive, flawed piece of crap, it is the first target as soon as the war begins, according to the GAO. ... Wark says he is not too worried about the dangers of war in the near future.
The Air Self-Defense Force is forced to pilot a state-of-the-art stealth fighter, the F35 "Suicide Attack ... ' News ' Domestic ' Society
2019/05/06 - Fears are spreading among many members of the Self-Defense Forces over the state-of-the-art stealth fighter "F35" (Type A and B), which is expected to cost about 14.5 billion yen each and eventually about 6 trillion yen ... Last year, the U.S. Government Accountability Office pointed out nearly 1,000 deficiencies in the F35, including the risk of oxygen deprivation. ... It's the first time I've ever seen a man in my life, and it's the first time I've ever seen a man in my life.
U.S. aircraft during test flight, Status of Forces Agreement applies to F-35 West Station Square ... ' wp-content ' uploads ' 2018/12 ' news384
The test flights were conducted four times per aircraft as a U.S.-controlled aircraft, and there was no report of the number of assembled aircraft. There was no report of the number of assembled aircraft. The number of flights was seven in six days in the last year. The number of flights was seven in six days last year and 17 in 14 days by the end of October this year. The number of flights was seven in six days last year and 17 in 14 days by the end of October this year. Flawed and dangerous F35. The F35 is one of the 276 most flawed weapons in the U.S. Department of Defense report.
Aichi Prefecture Peace Committee ' ...
2018/09/15 - What struck me again after listening to your talk is that nothing of this magnitude has been explained to the residents, the wishes and requests of the local government have been completely ignored, the sky around the Nagoya airport is in danger of crashing, the sound of explosions is terrible, the ...
#f35 fighter jets hashtag on Twitter ' hashtag ' f35 fighter
On 30 Nov 2018 @asahi_tokyo tweeted: "#PresidentTrump 'buys #F35 fighter jets, thank you very much' at the beginning of the #Japan-US summit..." - READ WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ... in which 941 flaws were pointed out. A fighter plane that is only expensive and full of flaws, it should be stopped immediately.
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F35は欠陥機です。全機ともアメリカに返品しましょう!製造責任を追及しましょう!The F35 is a defective aircraft. Let's return all the planes to the US! Let's go after the manufacturing liability!
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2016/02/06 - 欠陥だらけのF35… ... 米国防省が2017年7月末に予定された次世代ステルス戦闘機F35の開発試験完了日程が"非現実的"であるとし、1年ほど遅らせるべきと米議会に報告した。 ... 報告書に操縦席の射出など重大な欠陥予め購入公約をしないよう勧告も ... しかし、報告書は「この場合でも死亡率23%などの数値になることをもとに、同事務局は依然として危険レベルを『深刻』と表示した」、「(それでも)事務局は操縦 ...
2019/04/12 - F35の開発計画に関するGAO報告書(18年6月)によると、同機には966件(同年1月現在)の未解決な欠陥があり、このうち111件が「安全性や他の重要な性能を危険にさらし得る欠陥」であり、855件が「任務の遂行を妨げたり、制約したりし ...
含まれない: だらけ | 含めて検索: だらけ
2019/07/01 - ステルス戦闘機F35とは 1990年代にアメリカで開始された戦闘機開発計画であるJSF(Joint Strike Fighter:統合打撃戦闘機)に基づいて開発された。レーダーに映り ... F35は問題だらけの機体? 米政府監査 ... 同報告書は、F35の欠陥を(1)安全性や重要な性能を危険にさらす問題(2)任務遂行に支障を及ぼす問題-に分類。
2020/03/16 - 【与那嶺路代本紙嘱託記者】米独立監視機関「政府監視プロジェクト(POGO)」は11日、最新鋭戦闘機F35の欠陥に関する内部資料を入手したと発表した。それによると、未解決の欠陥が883件あり、うち162件は「修正の予定なし」だった。
含まれない: だらけ | 含めて検索: だらけ
2019/04/11 - F35戦闘機には未解決の欠陥は966項目もあると言うこれを105機もの追加購入する安倍政権。馬鹿かぁーと言いたく ... 自衛隊は危険な仕事とは言うものの、不良品の航空機が墜落して死ぬってのはちょっとなあ。オスプレイといいF35と ...
2019/03/20 - しかも答弁した岩屋毅防衛相は、米政府監査院(GAO)が報告で示したF35の未解決の欠陥966件(2018年1月時点)の「リストは保有し ... 所の米対中・ロの戦争シミュレーションをあわせて考えるならば、F35は高価なくせに欠陥だらけのポンコツであるのはもちろん、開戦するやいなや真っ先に標的にされる、ということになる。 ... ワークは「自分は近い将来の戦争の危険性についてあまり心配していない」と述べている。
2019/05/06 - 1機約145億円、最終的には約6兆円が投じられると見込まれる最新鋭ステルス戦闘機『F35』(A、B型)に関し、多くの自衛隊員の間で不安が広がって ... 昨年、米国の政府監査院は、F35について酸素欠乏の危険があるなど、約1000件近い欠陥を指摘しています。 ... の「馬毛島」 買収交渉難航の理由 · 外国人にも人気 霊場巡りを新興宗教が勧誘に活用 · 世の中おかしな事だらけ 三橋貴明の『マスコミに騙されるな!
試験飛行は米国管理の機体として、1機4回実施、組. み立て機数の報告はなかった」と回答。飛行回数は昨. 年が6日で7回、今年は10月末までに14日で17回飛行. したとの説明でした。 欠陥だらけで危険なF35. F35は米国防総省報告書で重大な276件の ...
2018/09/15 - お話を聞いて改めて印象に残ったのは、こんな重大なことが何も住民に説明されていないこと、自治体の意向、要請が完全に無視されており、欠陥だらけのF35や米軍機も飛来し、名古屋空港周辺の空は墜落等の危険にさらされ、爆音もひどく ...
On 30 Nov 2018 @asahi_tokyo tweeted: "#トランプ大統領「#F35戦闘機 購入、とても感謝」 #日米首脳会談会談の冒.." - read what others are saying ... で941件の欠陥を指摘していた。高価なだけで欠陥だらけの戦闘機、直ちに購入を取り止めるべきだ。
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