
LINEアプリで電子政府化!mixiコミュニティを設立致しました。 We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Mixi community.


渋谷区、「LINE」で住民票など申請受付開始 自治体初、オンライン本人確認 


 今回新たに始めたのは、区の公式LINEアカウントで住民票(世帯全員・世帯の一部)や住民票除票の写し、課税(非課税)証明書、所得証明書、納税証明書の申請受け付け。画面下部に表示される「リッチメニュー」から「申請」を選択し、表示される選択肢から必要な項目を選んで進めていくことで申請できる。発行に掛かる手数料などの決済は「LINE Pay」のみの対応で、別途郵送料が掛かる(9月末まで無料の予定)。開庁日の12時までに申請した場合は翌開庁日の夕方までに発送する。 
学生への給付金、LINEで申請OK 各大学が対応判断 

写真・図版 LINE上で学生支援緊急給付金の申請ができる=LINEが公開している動画から 



If you have a LINE app, you don't even need my number card.

Let's use the LINE app to advance e-government!


Shibuya Ward starts accepting applications such as a resident card at "LINE": Local government's first online identity verification


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Shibuya ward line official account that accepts applications such as resident card

On April 1, Shibuya Ward started a service that accepts applications such as a resident card with the communication application “LINE”.

Shibuya City, which has introduced a convenience store certificate for residents and cashless cash such as residence tax for the purpose of improving convenience for residents, reducing congestion at the window, and improving work efficiency, has started from this year. Strengthen promotion of agency services” (Ken Hasebe, Shibuya Mayor).

This time we started a new copy of the resident's card (all households/part of the household) and the resident's certificate exemption with the official LINE account of the ward, application for taxation (tax exemption) certificate, income certificate, tax payment certificate .. You can apply by selecting "Apply" from the "Rich menu" displayed at the bottom of the screen, select the required items from the displayed options, and proceed. Payment of fees such as issuance is only possible with "LINE Pay", and a separate shipping cost will be charged (it will be free until the end of September). If you apply by 12:00 on the opening day of the agency, it will be shipped by the evening of the next opening day.

For identity verification, we will introduce "eKYC," a technology for confirming face photos taken with a smartphone camera and face photo on an identification card by face authentication, "for the first time in Japan" as a municipal operation. The AI ​​determines the integrity by taking and sending an ID card and a face picture in the front and randomly specified directions. We can support driver's licenses, passports, my number cards (front), and residence cards (foreigners) as ID cards. If you can't determine who you are, for example, with a photo while wearing a hat, the staff in the department in charge will check after you apply. If it is judged that the person is different, the application will be canceled and a refund will be provided.

At the same time, we started accepting reports of damage and defects such as roads and bridges, playground equipment in parks, and providing graffiti information. After selecting "Notification" from the rich menu, select the content you want to report. You can provide information by following the instructions and sending a photo or location information of the site and selecting the date and time of confirmation.

Details have not yet been decided, but within a few months we will respond to dog registration, reissuance of the identification tag, and application for reissuance of the injection vote.

Ward and LINE (Shinjuku Ward) will use line-based services such as child-rearing support from 2017 (Heisei 29) based on the comprehensive cooperation agreement “Shibuya Social Action Partner Agreement” that aims to work together to solve problems in local communities. It is being deployed.


Benefits to students, application is accepted on LINE


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Photos and illustrations You can apply for student support emergency benefits on LINE = From the video published by LINE

You can apply for student support emergency benefits on LINE = From the video published by LINE

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has created a mechanism that allows applications to be made on "LINE", a communication application, for support measures to provide up to 200,000 yen in cash to students whose part-time job income has drastically decreased due to the new coronavirus. It is up to educational institutions such as universities to decide whether to support this mechanism. For details, it is requested to contact the university where you are enrolled.

There is confusion over the online application using the My Number Card for special benefits that provide a flat rate of 100,000 yen to the public, but for students, we will also use LINE to aim for prompt payment.

LINE uses “Student support emergency benefits”. This is intended for students who have had to consider dropping out or taking leave due to a decrease in part-time income due to the new Corona. Households exempt from resident tax will be paid 200,000 yen per person, and 100,000 yen will be paid directly to other households.

For applications using LINE, students can add the MEXT account to LINE's "friends" from the address or QR code given to each university. You can apply by registering your name and account information, taking a student ID card, and uploading it.

``LINE is the most convenient for students. It also reduces the administrative burden on the school side,'' said a person in charge of the Ministry of Education.

You can also see the application method from the following video.

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