「奇妙だな」と思うニュースを耳にされた読者も多いかと思います。7月5日に財務省は2020年の税収が過去最大の増収になったと発表しました。 【実名公開】5年後、10年後に「生き残る会社/消えている会社」を実名公開! コロナ禍不況が危惧される中で昨年末、財務省は税収予測を下方修正していたのですが、驚くべきことにその政府の予想を5兆7000億円も上回ったといいます。 このうち消費税の税収増が約2兆6000億円にのぼるのは驚きには値しません。消費税を値上げしたら税収増になったわけで当たり前のことです。 この記事で問題にしたいことは消費税ではなく、コロナ禍で大幅に減収すると政府が予想していた法人税が、その逆で増収になったことです。政府予想からすると3兆円以上も上ぶれしたのです。 それが意味することが何なのか? …が、今回の記事のポイントです。先に申し上げておくと、これは日本経済にとって悪い兆候です。 私が以前勤めていたコンサルティングファームに伝わる「再建屋ジョーの悲劇」というビジネスの寓話があります。 創業者のブルース・ヘンダーソンがファームに勤務するコンサルタントのために記した、コンサルタントが持つべき視点集のひと項目として配布されていたエピソードで、もう古いコンサルタントしか知らないかもしれません。
1960年代のアメリカの話です。再建屋として有名なジョーというプロ経営者がいました。 彼は赤字の事業会社からスカウトされて、経営を任されるとわずかな期間にその企業を黒字化に持っていきます。再建が終わると次の会社に乞われて転職する。そうやってジョーはヘッドハンターの間で有名人となります。 ところがジョーを雇った会社は再建後、数年すると必ず、それまでよりもずっとひどい赤字に転落するのです。そのことがわかり、そのからくりも広く知れ渡って、結局ジョーは花形の再建屋ではなく会社を壊す経営者だという逆の評判が広まりました。 表舞台から姿を消すことになり、これが再建屋ジョーの悲劇です。 ジョーのやり方は、赤字企業の売上に合わせて費用をカットすることでした。売上規模に応じて人材をカットし、販促費や広告費をカットし、品質も落とす。それをやると赤字の事業は単年度では黒字化します。この段階でジョーは多額のボーナスをもらって別の会社に転職していたわけです。 ところがこの会社が行ったことは投資の削減に他なりません。 人材を減らし、広告を減らしということは、その年の業績には影響しないけれども、数年すればそのツケが必ず回ってきます。
品質を下げるというと問題外に思えますが、コールセンターの席数を減らす、顧客サービスのメニュー(現代風に言えばポイント制度など)を改悪する、アテンドする社員の数を減らすなど、顧客から見えないところで品質を下げる方法はたくさんあります。 これも実は投資削減です。今のサービスを減らすことで、未来の顧客のリピートを確実に減らします。 こうしてジョ―が去った会社は必ず凋落し、やがてそのからくりが知れ渡るとジョー自身も凋落するという悲劇の連鎖が起きました。 さて、ここが今回の記事の本題です。コロナ禍の最中の日本企業はジョーの寓話と同じことを、偶発的に実行しているかもしれません。 実は、私の会社自体、今期の業績は例年よりも良いのです。コロナ禍で収入は減っているのですが、それ以上に費用が減っているからです。 小規模なコンサル会社の財務状況というのは世の中から見れば例外的なものですが、それでも参考になると思うので内情をお話しします。
コンサルは知恵を売る商売ですから、その知恵を集めるために投資をします。 一年を通して大きな金額がかかる投資としては、年に数回、海外に出張していろいろな事例を研究します。コロナ前の2019年はDX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)事例を収集するためにシリコンバレーに出かけたり、ベンチャーキャピタリストの話を聞いたりといった活動を当然のように行っていました。 もうひとつお金がかかるのが、週2回ぐらいのペースでの会食です。 「何を贅沢なことを言っているんだ!」 とプチお怒りモードに入る読者の方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、経営者との会食という日課は経営コンサルタントの投資としては非常に重要なものです。 それなりにお金のかかるお店を用意して、先方には舌鼓を打ってもらいながら、私は情報を収集します。まあ半分ぐらいのケースでは先方に御馳走していただくし、会食の場でたくさんアドバイスもしますので、ギブアンドテイクといったほうが状況的には正しいかもしれません。 この海外出張と経営者との会食で実に年間数百万円規模のお金が出ていきます。これが通常の年の支出です。
そしてすでにお気づきのとおり、コロナ禍のおかげでこのふたつの投資はほぼほぼ2020年以降、ゼロの状態が続いています。 それ以外にも備品の買い替えや交通費、手土産の出費など細かい支出削減が積みあがっていきます。だから業績は前年よりもよくなっている。これがうちの会社の場合の増益のからくりです。 一方で、プロのコンサルの立場では今の状況についてひやひやしています。 日本はDX後進国で、コロナ禍の世界では、アメリカにせよ中国にせよデジタルを活用した新しいビジネスが成長しています。 海外のニュースでそういった話を耳にはするのですが、コロナのおかげで実際に自分で海外の現場を見に行くことができない。この一年については、確実に海外在住の事情通の人々との間の情報格差が広がってしまったことに気づいていて、私はそこが怖くて仕方がないのです。 ここまでの話はわたしの会社の特殊事情ですが、おなじ現象が製造業、小売業、サービス業などどのような企業においてもコロナによる偶発事態として起きています。 政府の予想を裏切る形で法人税収が5兆円以上も上ぶれしたということは、日本全体でコロナ禍の過少投資がそれと同額の規模で起きていることは確実です。 場合によってはコロナリスクに過剰反応して、必要以上にあらゆるコストをカットしまくった企業もあったはず。だからこそ法人税収はかつてない規模へと積みあがってしまったわけです。
どの企業もコロナ禍で激減した売上需要に対して生き残るために、非正規労働者を切り、不採算店を閉じ、不要不急な出張を抑制し、コストカットに努めてきたはずです。単年度の生き残りには最適な対策が、長期の利益や成長を犠牲にしているのです。 そして再建屋ジョーの悲劇はアフターコロナになってからやってきます。 投資を減らしたことでアフターコロナの回復期にあたる2022年、2023年と減収が始まります。店を閉じた地域で、人材を減らした分野で、商品を廃版にした領域で、投資削減の2年後から、売上の減少が顕著に始まります。 やっかいなことに再成長させようとしたら、その投資額はコストカットの倍はかかります。店を閉じる際には二束三文で資産を買いたたかれ、出店には一から投資がかかる。やめてもらった社員の代わりは一から育てなければなりません。 それは経営者はみんなわかっていたことなのです。わかっていたけれどもコロナ禍という未知の経営危機がやってきたからとにかく緊急避難行動を行った。 たぶん財務官僚は30年前と比べて劣化したのでしょう。そのことがわからずに税収増だと驚いている。
アフターコロナに日本経済全体で起きる「再建屋ジョーの悲劇」を回避するためには、企業に投資余力を与えなければいけない。 つまり今、法人減税に取り組まなければアフターコロナの大不況がやってくるのは確実なのに、その動きがまったく見られない。 未来予測の専門家として断言しておきます。 これから確実にやってくると予測されるアフターコロナの日本企業低迷の悲劇は、財務省自体が再建屋ジョーになっているから起きるであろう未来の人災なのです。
鈴木 貴博
Due to the "man-made disaster" of the Ministry of Finance, the "bankruptcy rush & great recession" will come to the Japanese economy from now on! , Great Recession "!
0:58 No comments I
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Comment: The
idea is to reduce the number of credit card dunning call centers and instead add the ability to check and pay for dunning in the online banking app as a way to reduce costs without compromising quality. In addition to credit card reminders, you can also read and pay for anything with a barcode or QR code on paper, such as insurance premiums, rent, various loans, electricity, water, telephones, mobile phones, provider charges, rental server charges, etc. , I would like you to add a payment function by selecting from the payment list of the online bank.
WEB programmer & IT consulting
Aon, Alpha Online, NORUKIA representative
Masahiro Ishizuka In preparation I
shared it.
Comment: The
idea is to reduce the number of credit card dunning call centers and instead add the ability to check and pay for dunning in the online banking app as a way to reduce costs without compromising quality. In addition to credit card reminders, you can also read and pay for anything with a barcode or QR code on paper, such as insurance premiums, rent, various loans, electricity, water, telephones, mobile phones, provider charges, rental server charges, etc. , I would like you to add a payment function by selecting from the payment list of the online bank.
WEB programmer & IT consulting
Aon, Alpha Online, NORUKIA representative
Masahiro Ishizuka In preparation
"Strange News" from the Treasury
I'm sure many readers have heard the news that they think it's strange. On July 5, the Ministry of Finance announced that 2020 tax revenues were the largest ever increase. [Real name disclosure] The real name of "surviving company / disappearing company" will be released in 5 or 10 years! At the end of last year, the Ministry of Finance had revised its tax revenue forecast downward amid fears of the Corona recession, but it is surprisingly said that it exceeded the government's forecast by 5.7 trillion yen. Of this, it is not surprising that the increase in consumption tax revenue is about 2.6 trillion yen. It is natural that raising the consumption tax will increase tax revenue. The issue in this article is not the consumption tax, but the corporate tax, which the government expected to decrease significantly due to the corona virus, but on the contrary, increased. According to the government's forecast, it exceeded by more than 3 trillion yen. What does that mean? … Is the point of this article. First of all, this is a bad sign for the Japanese economy. There is a business parable called "Tragedy of Reconstruction House Joe" that is passed down to the consulting firm where I used to work . An episode written by founder Bruce Henderson for consultants working at the farm, distributed as an item in the perspectives that consultants should have, may only be known to older consultants.
I'm sure many readers have heard the news that they think it's strange. On July 5, the Ministry of Finance announced that 2020 tax revenues were the largest ever increase. [Real name disclosure] The real name of "surviving company / disappearing company" will be released in 5 or 10 years! At the end of last year, the Ministry of Finance had revised its tax revenue forecast downward amid fears of the Corona recession, but it is surprisingly said that it exceeded the government's forecast by 5.7 trillion yen. Of this, it is not surprising that the increase in consumption tax revenue is about 2.6 trillion yen. It is natural that raising the consumption tax will increase tax revenue. The issue in this article is not the consumption tax, but the corporate tax, which the government expected to decrease significantly due to the corona virus, but on the contrary, increased. According to the government's forecast, it exceeded by more than 3 trillion yen. What does that mean? … Is the point of this article. First of all, this is a bad sign for the Japanese economy. There is a business parable called "Tragedy of Reconstruction House Joe" that is passed down to the consulting firm where I used to work . An episode written by founder Bruce Henderson for consultants working at the farm, distributed as an item in the perspectives that consultants should have, may only be known to older consultants.
"Tragedy" secretly progressing in Japan
It's an American story of the 1960s. There was a professional owner named Joe, who is famous as a reconstruction building. He is scouted by a deficit business company, and when he is entrusted with management, he brings the company into the black in a short period of time. After the reconstruction, he was asked by the next company to change jobs. That's how Joe becomes a celebrity among headhunters. However, the company that hired Joe will always fall into a much worse deficit a few years after it is rebuilt. It turned out that the mechanism became widely known, and in the end Joe was not a flower-shaped rebuilder, but a business owner who destroyed the company. It disappeared from the front stage, and this is the tragedy of the reconstruction house Joe. Joe's way was to cut costs to match the sales of the deficit companies. Cut human resources according to the scale of sales, cut sales promotion costs and advertising costs, and reduce quality. If you do that, businesses that are in the red will turn into the black in a single year. At this stage, Joe was getting a huge bonus and was changing jobs to another company. But what the company has done is nothing more than a reduction in investment. Reducing talent and advertising doesn't affect the performance of the year, but it will definitely come to fruition in a few years.
It's an American story of the 1960s. There was a professional owner named Joe, who is famous as a reconstruction building. He is scouted by a deficit business company, and when he is entrusted with management, he brings the company into the black in a short period of time. After the reconstruction, he was asked by the next company to change jobs. That's how Joe becomes a celebrity among headhunters. However, the company that hired Joe will always fall into a much worse deficit a few years after it is rebuilt. It turned out that the mechanism became widely known, and in the end Joe was not a flower-shaped rebuilder, but a business owner who destroyed the company. It disappeared from the front stage, and this is the tragedy of the reconstruction house Joe. Joe's way was to cut costs to match the sales of the deficit companies. Cut human resources according to the scale of sales, cut sales promotion costs and advertising costs, and reduce quality. If you do that, businesses that are in the red will turn into the black in a single year. At this stage, Joe was getting a huge bonus and was changing jobs to another company. But what the company has done is nothing more than a reduction in investment. Reducing talent and advertising doesn't affect the performance of the year, but it will definitely come to fruition in a few years.
"Common points" of companies that are sure to decline
It seems out of the question to reduce quality, but it is invisible to customers, such as reducing the number of seats in the call center, improving the customer service menu (point system in modern terms) , reducing the number of attending employees, etc. By the way, there are many ways to reduce quality. This is also an investment reduction. By reducing the current service, we will definitely reduce the repeat of future customers. In this way, the company that Joe left was sure to decline, and when the mechanism became known, Joe himself also declined, causing a tragic chain. Well, this is the main subject of this article. A Japanese company in the midst of a corona wreck may accidentally do the same thing as Joe's parable . In fact, my company itself is doing better than usual this term. Income is declining due to the corona sickness, but the cost is even lower. The financial situation of a small consulting company is exceptional from the perspective of the world, but I think it will be helpful, so I would like to talk about the inside story.
It seems out of the question to reduce quality, but it is invisible to customers, such as reducing the number of seats in the call center, improving the customer service menu (point system in modern terms) , reducing the number of attending employees, etc. By the way, there are many ways to reduce quality. This is also an investment reduction. By reducing the current service, we will definitely reduce the repeat of future customers. In this way, the company that Joe left was sure to decline, and when the mechanism became known, Joe himself also declined, causing a tragic chain. Well, this is the main subject of this article. A Japanese company in the midst of a corona wreck may accidentally do the same thing as Joe's parable . In fact, my company itself is doing better than usual this term. Income is declining due to the corona sickness, but the cost is even lower. The financial situation of a small consulting company is exceptional from the perspective of the world, but I think it will be helpful, so I would like to talk about the inside story.
"Karakuri" that makes a profit in the corona recession
Consulting is a business that sells wisdom, so we invest to gather that wisdom. As an investment that costs a lot of money throughout the year, I travel abroad several times a year to study various cases. In 2019, before Corona, we took it for granted that we went to Silicon Valley to collect DX (digital transformation) cases and listened to venture capitalists. Another thing that costs money is a dinner at a pace of about twice a week. Some readers may enter the petite anger mode, saying, "What are you saying extravagantly!", But the daily routine of having a dinner with a manager is very important as an investment for a management consultant. Thing. I will collect information by preparing a store that costs money and having the other party enjoy it. Well, in about half of the cases, the other party will treat you and give you a lot of advice at the dinner party, so give and take may be more correct in the situation. This overseas business trip and a dinner with a business owner will actually generate millions of yen a year. This is normal annual spending.
Consulting is a business that sells wisdom, so we invest to gather that wisdom. As an investment that costs a lot of money throughout the year, I travel abroad several times a year to study various cases. In 2019, before Corona, we took it for granted that we went to Silicon Valley to collect DX (digital transformation) cases and listened to venture capitalists. Another thing that costs money is a dinner at a pace of about twice a week. Some readers may enter the petite anger mode, saying, "What are you saying extravagantly!", But the daily routine of having a dinner with a manager is very important as an investment for a management consultant. Thing. I will collect information by preparing a store that costs money and having the other party enjoy it. Well, in about half of the cases, the other party will treat you and give you a lot of advice at the dinner party, so give and take may be more correct in the situation. This overseas business trip and a dinner with a business owner will actually generate millions of yen a year. This is normal annual spending.
The "trap" of underinvestment
And as you've already noticed, thanks to the Corona wreck, these two investments have been at zero since almost 2020. In addition to that, small spending reductions such as replacement of equipment, transportation expenses, and souvenir expenses will be accumulated. So the performance is better than the previous year. This is the mechanism for increasing profits in the case of our company. On the other hand, from the standpoint of a professional consultant, I am confused about the current situation. Japan is a developing country of DX, and in the world of corona, new businesses utilizing digital are growing, whether in the United States or China. I hear such stories in overseas news, but thanks to Corona, I can't actually go to see overseas sites on my own. For the past year, I've definitely noticed that the digital divide with people living abroad has widened, and I'm afraid of that. The story so far is a special situation of my company, but the same phenomenon is occurring as a corona accident in any company such as manufacturing, retail, service industry. The fact that corporate tax revenues have exceeded the government's expectations by more than 5 trillion yen is certain that underinvestment of corona damage is occurring on the same scale in Japan as a whole. In some cases, some companies overreacted to corona risk and cut all costs more than necessary. That is why corporate tax revenues have grown to an unprecedented scale.
And as you've already noticed, thanks to the Corona wreck, these two investments have been at zero since almost 2020. In addition to that, small spending reductions such as replacement of equipment, transportation expenses, and souvenir expenses will be accumulated. So the performance is better than the previous year. This is the mechanism for increasing profits in the case of our company. On the other hand, from the standpoint of a professional consultant, I am confused about the current situation. Japan is a developing country of DX, and in the world of corona, new businesses utilizing digital are growing, whether in the United States or China. I hear such stories in overseas news, but thanks to Corona, I can't actually go to see overseas sites on my own. For the past year, I've definitely noticed that the digital divide with people living abroad has widened, and I'm afraid of that. The story so far is a special situation of my company, but the same phenomenon is occurring as a corona accident in any company such as manufacturing, retail, service industry. The fact that corporate tax revenues have exceeded the government's expectations by more than 5 trillion yen is certain that underinvestment of corona damage is occurring on the same scale in Japan as a whole. In some cases, some companies overreacted to corona risk and cut all costs more than necessary. That is why corporate tax revenues have grown to an unprecedented scale.
Treasury neglect to overlook "tragedy"
All companies must have tried to cut costs by cutting off non-regular workers, closing unprofitable stores, curbing unnecessary and unurgent business trips, in order to survive the sharp drop in sales demand due to the corona slump. The best way to survive a single year is at the expense of long-term profits and growth. And the tragedy of the reconstruction house Joe comes after the after-corona. By reducing investment, sales will begin to decline in 2022 and 2023, which are the recovery periods of after-corona. In areas where stores are closed, where human resources are reduced, and where products are discontinued, sales will begin to decline significantly two years after investment cuts. The trouble is that if you try to re-grow, the investment will be double the cost cut. When closing a store, you are asked to buy assets in two bundles and three sentences, and opening a store requires investment from scratch. Instead of the employee who stopped, we have to grow from scratch. That's what every business owner knew. I knew it, but because of the unknown business crisis of Corona, I took an emergency evacuation action. Perhaps the finance bureaucracy has deteriorated compared to 30 years ago. I am surprised that the tax revenue will increase without knowing that.
All companies must have tried to cut costs by cutting off non-regular workers, closing unprofitable stores, curbing unnecessary and unurgent business trips, in order to survive the sharp drop in sales demand due to the corona slump. The best way to survive a single year is at the expense of long-term profits and growth. And the tragedy of the reconstruction house Joe comes after the after-corona. By reducing investment, sales will begin to decline in 2022 and 2023, which are the recovery periods of after-corona. In areas where stores are closed, where human resources are reduced, and where products are discontinued, sales will begin to decline significantly two years after investment cuts. The trouble is that if you try to re-grow, the investment will be double the cost cut. When closing a store, you are asked to buy assets in two bundles and three sentences, and opening a store requires investment from scratch. Instead of the employee who stopped, we have to grow from scratch. That's what every business owner knew. I knew it, but because of the unknown business crisis of Corona, I took an emergency evacuation action. Perhaps the finance bureaucracy has deteriorated compared to 30 years ago. I am surprised that the tax revenue will increase without knowing that.
"Man-made disaster" of the Ministry of Finance
In order to avoid the "tragedy of reconstruction house Joe" that occurs in the entire Japanese economy in After Corona, companies must be given the investment capacity. In other words, although it is certain that the after-corona recession will come if we do not work on corporate tax cuts, we have not seen any movement. I affirm as an expert in future prediction. The tragedy of the downturn in Japanese companies in After Corona, which is expected to come steadily in the future, is a future man-made disaster that will occur because the Ministry of Finance itself has become a reconstruction house Joe.
Takahiro Suzuki
In order to avoid the "tragedy of reconstruction house Joe" that occurs in the entire Japanese economy in After Corona, companies must be given the investment capacity. In other words, although it is certain that the after-corona recession will come if we do not work on corporate tax cuts, we have not seen any movement. I affirm as an expert in future prediction. The tragedy of the downturn in Japanese companies in After Corona, which is expected to come steadily in the future, is a future man-made disaster that will occur because the Ministry of Finance itself has become a reconstruction house Joe.
Takahiro Suzuki
0:58 暂无评论 我
Aon、Alpha Online、NORUKIA 代表
Masahiro Ishizuka 准备中 我
Aon、Alpha Online、NORUKIA 代表
Masahiro Ishizuka 准备中
相信很多读者都听说过这个消息,觉得很奇怪。7月5日,财政部发布公告称,2020年税收收入增幅创历史新高。【实名公开】“幸存公司/消失公司”实名5、10年后公布! 去年年底,由于担心电晕衰退,财政部下调了税收收入预测,但令人惊讶的是,它比政府的预测高出 5.7 万亿日元。其中,消费税增加约2.6万亿日元也就不足为奇了。提高消费税自然会增加税收。本文中的问题不是消费税,而是企业税,政府预计会因冠状病毒而大幅减少,但相反却增加了。根据政府的预测,超过了3万亿日元。这意味着什么?……是这篇文章的重点。首先,这对日本经济来说是一个不好的迹象。有一个商业寓言,叫做“重建房屋乔的悲剧”,流传到我曾经工作的咨询公司。创始人布鲁斯·亨德森 (Bruce Henderson) 为在农场工作的顾问编写的一集,以顾问应有的观点作为项目分发,可能只有年长的顾问才知道。
相信很多读者都听说过这个消息,觉得很奇怪。7月5日,财政部发布公告称,2020年税收收入增幅创历史新高。【实名公开】“幸存公司/消失公司”实名5、10年后公布! 去年年底,由于担心电晕衰退,财政部下调了税收收入预测,但令人惊讶的是,它比政府的预测高出 5.7 万亿日元。其中,消费税增加约2.6万亿日元也就不足为奇了。提高消费税自然会增加税收。本文中的问题不是消费税,而是企业税,政府预计会因冠状病毒而大幅减少,但相反却增加了。根据政府的预测,超过了3万亿日元。这意味着什么?……是这篇文章的重点。首先,这对日本经济来说是一个不好的迹象。有一个商业寓言,叫做“重建房屋乔的悲剧”,流传到我曾经工作的咨询公司。创始人布鲁斯·亨德森 (Bruce Henderson) 为在农场工作的顾问编写的一集,以顾问应有的观点作为项目分发,可能只有年长的顾问才知道。
这是一个 1960 年代的美国故事。有一个叫乔的职业业主,他以重建建筑而闻名。他被一家亏本生意的公司看中,当他被委托管理时,他在很短的时间内就让公司陷入了亏损。重建后,他被下一家公司要求换工作。这就是乔成为猎头中名人的原因。然而,雇用乔的公司在重建几年后总会陷入更严重的赤字。原来,这个机制广为人知,最终乔不是一个花形的重建者,而是一个摧毁公司的企业主。它从前台消失了,这就是重建屋乔的悲剧。乔的方法是削减成本以匹配亏损公司的销售额。根据销售规模削减人力资源,削减促销成本和广告成本,降低质量。如果这样做,亏损的企业将在一年内变黑。在这个阶段,乔获得了巨额奖金,并正在换工作到另一家公司。但公司所做的无非是减少了投资。减少人才和广告不会影响当年的业绩,但肯定会在几年内开花结果。
这是一个 1960 年代的美国故事。有一个叫乔的职业业主,他以重建建筑而闻名。他被一家亏本生意的公司看中,当他被委托管理时,他在很短的时间内就让公司陷入了亏损。重建后,他被下一家公司要求换工作。这就是乔成为猎头中名人的原因。然而,雇用乔的公司在重建几年后总会陷入更严重的赤字。原来,这个机制广为人知,最终乔不是一个花形的重建者,而是一个摧毁公司的企业主。它从前台消失了,这就是重建屋乔的悲剧。乔的方法是削减成本以匹配亏损公司的销售额。根据销售规模削减人力资源,削减促销成本和广告成本,降低质量。如果这样做,亏损的企业将在一年内变黑。在这个阶段,乔获得了巨额奖金,并正在换工作到另一家公司。但公司所做的无非是减少了投资。减少人才和广告不会影响当年的业绩,但肯定会在几年内开花结果。
正如您已经注意到的,由于 Corona 沉船事故,这两项投资自 2020 年以来一直为零。除此之外,还将累积小额开支减免,例如更换设备、交通费用和纪念品费用。所以业绩比上年要好。就我们公司而言,这是增加利润的机制。另一方面,从专业顾问的角度来看,我对目前的情况感到困惑。日本是 DX 的发展中国家,在电晕世界中,无论是在美国还是中国,利用数字的新业务都在增长。我在海外新闻中听到过这样的故事,但多亏了Corona,我实际上无法自己去海外网站。在过去的一年里,我确实注意到与居住在国外的人之间的数字鸿沟已经扩大,我对此感到害怕。到目前为止的故事是我公司的一个特殊情况,但同样的现象在制造、零售、服务行业等任何公司都发生了电晕事故。企业税收超过政府预期超过 5 万亿日元,这一事实可以肯定,日本整体上正在以同样的规模发生电晕灾难的投资不足。在某些情况下,一些公司对电晕风险反应过度,削减了不必要的所有成本。这就是为什么企业税收收入增长到前所未有的规模。
正如您已经注意到的,由于 Corona 沉船事故,这两项投资自 2020 年以来一直为零。除此之外,还将累积小额开支减免,例如更换设备、交通费用和纪念品费用。所以业绩比上年要好。就我们公司而言,这是增加利润的机制。另一方面,从专业顾问的角度来看,我对目前的情况感到困惑。日本是 DX 的发展中国家,在电晕世界中,无论是在美国还是中国,利用数字的新业务都在增长。我在海外新闻中听到过这样的故事,但多亏了Corona,我实际上无法自己去海外网站。在过去的一年里,我确实注意到与居住在国外的人之间的数字鸿沟已经扩大,我对此感到害怕。到目前为止的故事是我公司的一个特殊情况,但同样的现象在制造、零售、服务行业等任何公司都发生了电晕事故。企业税收超过政府预期超过 5 万亿日元,这一事实可以肯定,日本整体上正在以同样的规模发生电晕灾难的投资不足。在某些情况下,一些公司对电晕风险反应过度,削减了不必要的所有成本。这就是为什么企业税收收入增长到前所未有的规模。
所有公司都必须通过裁减非正式员工、关闭无利可图的商店、遏制不必要和不紧急的商务旅行来削减成本,以便在新冠疫情导致的销售需求急剧下降的情况下幸存下来。生存一年的最佳方式是以牺牲长期利润和增长为代价的。重建房屋乔的悲剧发生在电晕之后。通过减少投资,2022 年和 2023 年销售将开始下降,这是后电晕的恢复期。在门店关闭、人力资源减少、产品停产的地区,在削减投资两年后,销售额将开始大幅下降。麻烦的是,如果你尝试重新种植,投资将是成本削减的两倍。关店的时候要求你买两包三句话的资产,开店需要从头开始投资。我们必须从零开始成长,而不是停下来的员工。这是每个企业主都知道的。我知道,但因为未知的电晕商业危机,我采取了紧急疏散行动。也许与 30 年前相比,财务官僚机构已经恶化。我很惊讶税收会在不知道的情况下增加。
所有公司都必须通过裁减非正式员工、关闭无利可图的商店、遏制不必要和不紧急的商务旅行来削减成本,以便在新冠疫情导致的销售需求急剧下降的情况下幸存下来。生存一年的最佳方式是以牺牲长期利润和增长为代价的。重建房屋乔的悲剧发生在电晕之后。通过减少投资,2022 年和 2023 年销售将开始下降,这是后电晕的恢复期。在门店关闭、人力资源减少、产品停产的地区,在削减投资两年后,销售额将开始大幅下降。麻烦的是,如果你尝试重新种植,投资将是成本削减的两倍。关店的时候要求你买两包三句话的资产,开店需要从头开始投资。我们必须从零开始成长,而不是停下来的员工。这是每个企业主都知道的。我知道,但因为未知的电晕商业危机,我采取了紧急疏散行动。也许与 30 年前相比,财务官僚机构已经恶化。我很惊讶税收会在不知道的情况下增加。
为了避免电晕后整个日本经济发生“重建房屋乔的悲剧”,必须给予企业投资能力。换句话说,如果我们不致力于企业减税,那么电晕后的衰退肯定会到来,但我们还没有看到任何动向。我肯定是未来预测的专家。预计未来将稳步到来的After Corona中日本企业不景气的悲剧是未来的人为灾难,因为财政部本身已成为重建房屋乔。
为了避免电晕后整个日本经济发生“重建房屋乔的悲剧”,必须给予企业投资能力。换句话说,如果我们不致力于企业减税,那么电晕后的衰退肯定会到来,但我们还没有看到任何动向。我肯定是未来预测的专家。预计未来将稳步到来的After Corona中日本企业不景气的悲剧是未来的人为灾难,因为财政部本身已成为重建房屋乔。
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