I think AI should write both failures and successes during and after development. If you do a Google search, before and after introducing the AI system. You can view success and failure examples.
Regarding automation, Microsoft and the world trend, such as automatic cooperation between browser and EXCEL, is the reason why Python or Pandas of similar language is adopted because it has larger capacity and faster processing than macro VBA. What's better than that is to do development, VerUP, and maintenance of websites and intranets, add import/export functions, and automate them by calling multiple in-house programmers or fostering them in large numbers. The introduction of RPA or AI system for outsourcing is unexpectedly high cost, and if the system is changed, it will be more difficult and wasteful than expected, so it is not recommended. We do not recommend automation using macro VBA or RPA. This is because if the intranet or in-house portal system is VerUP, there is a possibility that it will not work at all and it is very dangerous.
5-3-11 Akiru Akiruno-City Tokyo Japan
Web programmer
aon CEO Masahiro Ishizuka(石塚 正浩)
損保ジャパンで4000人リストラと報道。一方で初任給をUPしている企業が増加中。& 金融&保険業界はAI導入でリストラが増加中です。AI&RPA本の要約を読んだ感想は、出来が悪いので、改善ポイントを書きました。
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