On client PCs, except for using AI, TV chat, Blu-Ray DISK encoded backup, etc., it is almost single thread, so a higher clock may have better performance, but there is a need for such a high clock. I think there is no problem and there is a problem of fever.
When it comes to WEB servers, the more cores and threads there are, the more advantageous it is. At first, it was 1 core and 2 threads for hyper-threading, but it seems that 1 core and 8 threads can be used with SMT8, and the GPU of the graphic board is a CPU. Even though it works in the same way, there are about 5000 cores in one sheet, so I think that it will show its true value if SMT8 and 16 etc. can be done with the GPU of the WEB server in the future.
クライアントのパソコンなどでは、AIの使用やTVチャットやBlu-Ray DISKのエンコードバックアップなど以外では、ほとんどシングルスレッドなので、クロックは高いほうが、性能が良いかも知れませんが、それほど高いクロックの必要性が無い事と発熱の問題があると思います。
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