Japanese Version
Comment: In the past, Pakistanis were also Indians. It was separated and independent from the differences in religion, but since it is the same ethnic group, I want you to do well without war. Descendant prosperity, coexistence, coexistence, humankind coexistence!
Aon CEO Masahiro Ishizuka

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan (September 27, 2019) speaking at the United Nations General Assembly held at the United Nations headquarters in New York.
[AFP = current affairs] Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan speaks at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on the 27th, and the conflict with India over the Kashmir region may develop into a full-scale nuclear war, affecting the world Warned that there is.
Hours one hour before Mr. Khan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who advocates Hindu supremacy, delivered a speech. However, while Modi emphasized the achievements in India, “terrorism”, which refers to Pakistan, was only an indirect reference, making it the opposite of Mr. Khan's speech.
The Indian-controlled area of the Kashmir region has been blocked since the autonomy was deprived by the Indian government in early August. Khan said that security forces stationed in the area could attack residents after the ban on going out was lifted.
“It's no wonder what happens if the war begins between the two countries,” Khan said, but if it ’s one-seventh the size of its neighbors, the choice is free until it surrenders or dies. "I have to fight for that." “What do we do? I ask myself such a question. We fight. (Omitted) And when the nuclear powers fight to the end, the result will be far beyond the border,” he warned. [Translation Editor] AFPBB News
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