
High salary compensation job change information, online lessons including how to find teachers, online learning, remote work, ideal programming language and framework and database considered by Masahiro Ishizuka

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A-STAR (many more than 1.5 million yen per month)

High performers (many more than 1.8 million yen per month)

Daijob.com (more than 15 million yen per year if English and PC are available)

Middle job change (Aim for job change to manager, president, etc.)

ECareer FA (Aiming to transfer to a position such as general manager or president.)

Carrier Carver (Annual income of 8 million yen to 20 million yen)

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Minituk (Online Learning in Ruby)

Online learning of Ruby and Ruby on Rails
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Ruby Paiza

Ruby on Rails Paiza

Go lang dot install

Python & Django & AI Paiza


Open source Cloud9 (for programming online lessons and online team development including programming languages ​​and frameworks)
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Why did we go from Python to Go?

★ Remote work at home job information

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SOHO talent market
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http: // www.lan cers.jp /  

Cloud Works
http: // crowdwo rks.jp/  

Masahiro Ishizuka 's Combination of Excellent Ideal Programming Language and Framework
1. Compatible with C10K (10,000 simultaneous access problems for clients)

2. Have AI and machine learning library.

3, the development efficiency of the team, code visibility and in a good sense
Unindividuality, cannot express a variety of expressions in a good way,
Being able to give a sense.

4. Security (vulnerability) problems are unlikely to occur.

5. High multi-core and multi-thread performance.

6. The program should be easy to read and write.

7, callback hell measures are taken.

8. Compiled language.

9. No concept of pointer.

10.Encryption library for electronic signatures
* 10: It seems that Java and Go have implemented an encryption library for electronic signatures, but other languages ​​have not been confirmed.

I know only Go lang + Gin and Python + Cyclone that are applicable to the above 1-3. But there are still many Go frameworks.
Nim is the second fastest language in C, but it can be expressed in a variety of ways, so how can it be called non-individuality? And we don't know if we have a machine learning library at this time.
Julia doesn't seem to be as fast as expected and feels disappointing.
The Go language and machine learning library are summarized below.
When running a web site developed in Go language, there is the advantage of using less memory.
Python has the most extensive AI and machine learning libraries, and the ease of development in that area is an advantage. However, the processing speed of the programming language alone seems to be faster in Go language than in Python.
Go lang + Gin and Python + Cyclone are both very fast because they support 10,000 simultaneous client access problems. It can process 10,000 DATAs per second. It seems that the Python + Japronto framework supports one million accesses per second.

The ideal programming language that corresponds to all of the above 1 to 5 and 8 is
It will be Rust .
Rust seems to run about three times faster than JAVA or Go, so it's likely to become increasingly important in mission-critical sites such as banks and credit cards.
As for AI (Machine Learning) 2, Tensorflow binding is currently available as of February 22, 2020. Some people have created TensorFlow-like, but they do not seem to support GPU.

Nim (Nim) supports all of the above 1 to 9 except for 3 and 4 .
Nim's multi-core, multi-thread performance is under investigation.
Nim seems to be the next to optimized C language as a result of benchmarking.
If strict formatters like Python and Go also appear in Nim, it may be easier to get a sense of unity among the above three teams and solve it.
Reference information:
( I will not discuss Python's detailed writing anymore. Let's format it automatically in black )
We hope that Nim will also be able to add an option to perform security checks for fragility diagnostics including strict memory leaks at compile time, like Rust, or will improve in future versions.

The fastest <optimized C language <Nim <Rust <Go <JavaScript <It seems that the faster you go to the left in the order of slower.

Reference information: shared.

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