
日航機ジャンボジェット墜落原因と新型コロナウイルスの発生と拡散の原因で悪魔崇拝のマイクロソフトとピルゲイツ財団と日航機ジャンボジェット墜落の原因のソフトバンクの孫正義への告発。告発者は、石塚 正浩。 Accusations against Microsoft and the Pilgates Foundation for Satanism in the cause of the JAL jumbo jet crash and the outbreak and spread of the new coronavirus and Justice Son of Softbank for the cause of the JAL jumbo jet crash. The accuser is Masahiro Ishizuka.



 【日航機墜落 後編】ここから核心に迫ります。


It is suspected that he used a flamethrower to assassinate a Japanese aircraft that crashed and what was left of it, specifically the TRON OS programmer. He is also suspected of developing a new type of coronavirus and spreading it around the world. If, on the day of the plane crash, the seat will be filled with facts. (Part 1) https://share.buzzvideo.com/s/bMbhky [JAL Plane Crash, Part 2] Let's get to the heart of the matter. https://share.buzzvideo.com/s/RkYfMy

The real mastermind behind the new coronavirus scandal is the man from a global corporation! A shocking fact! [spread hope]

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