
新型コロナウイルスと韓国の反日政策と反日教育の黒幕のアメリカ政府のホワイトハウスへの告発状! New coronavirus (COVID-19) South Korean anti-Japanese policy and anti-Japanese education behind the White House accusations!

新型コロナウイルスの黒幕は悪魔崇拝の組織だそうです。ビルゲイツ財団、WHO、ホワイトハウス、ロックフェラー等の様です。神社の古神道信仰としてユダヤ教の神ヤハウェの神の名とイエスキリストとブッダとイスラム教の神アッラーの名とWEBプログラマー石塚 正浩の名において悪霊退散!

韓国の反日政策と反日教育は、アメリカ政府による政策だった件と、 日韓併合は、韓国政府より何度もお願いがあった為に、実現した政策である件。


これらの事について、Zoomなどの国際会議に日本政府、韓国政府、アメリカ政府へ賠償責任も込めて参加して 頂く必要が御座います。

The mastermind behind the new coronavirus is said to be a satanic organization. The Bill Gates Foundation, the WHO, the White House, Rockefeller, etc. In the name of the Jewish god Yahweh, Jesus Christ, Buddha, the Muslim god Allah, and the web programmer Masahiro Ishizuka, as the ancient Shinto beliefs of the shrine, evil spirits are dissipated! The following is another Satanic White House in the U.S., where the Satanism of the U.S. government seems to be the mastermind Together, we'll exorcise the evil spirits! Korea's anti-Japanese policy and anti-Japanese education were policies by the US government, and the annexation of Japan and Korea was a policy that was realized because of repeated requests from the Korean government. The truth is that originally, the Korean government and the Japanese government were on good terms. And I don't think that's a good idea, because of a conspiracy by the White House of the U.S. government. The South Korean government and the South Korean president have repeatedly acted as if they were being bribed. We have engaged in anti-Japanese policies and anti-Japanese education. In addition, as to the matter of Japan's control of Korea through the annexation of Japan and South Korea, it is important to note that The Korean government has repeatedly asked the Japanese government to annex Japan and Korea. This is an act that has finally been realized, and it is ridiculous that Korea should be held responsible for compensation to Japan. It is necessary to hold the Japanese, Korean, and U.S. governments accountable for these matters at international conferences such as the Zoom. And why don't you sign the results electronically by cloud-signing them? Wouldn't a peace treaty or something like that be better?

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