
仕事の愚痴を聞いてくれるサイト、ありませんか?Is there a site that listens to your work complaints?有什么网站可以听取您的工作投诉吗?هل يوجد موقع يستمع لشكاوى عملك؟

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釈迦ならどう答える? 仏教対話AI「ブッダボット」 京大など開発











石塚 正浩さんのプロフィール写真


石塚 正浩さんのプロフィール写真

AIチャットボット「スナック よしこ」は聞き上手!? 洋服の青山で「お悩み相談」開始
 空色は7月7日、いつでもどこでも悩みを聞いてくれる日本初のAIチャットボット「スナック よしこ」を開発し、「洋服の青山」を展開する青山商事に導入したと発表した。これは、チャットサービス「WhatYa」の新型コロ...


2021年07月11日 17:02 BCN+R

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空色は7月7日、いつでもどこでも悩みを聞いてくれる日本初のAIチャットボット「スナック よしこ」を開発し、「洋服の青山」を展開する青山商事に導入したと発表した。これは、チャットサービス「WhatYa」の新型コロナでストレスや悩みを抱えるビジネスパーソンをサポートする新たな取り組みとして、スナックのママたちの聞き上手さやアドバイスをビックデータ化することで実現したサービス。


スナック よしこは、身近な関係だからこそ言えない悩みをAIチャットボットに相談できるサービス。スナックのママのような、日々多くの人の話しを聞き、時にはアドバイスをくれる温かみのあるコミュニケーションを、AIチャットボットで実現している。


Is there a site that listens to your work complaints?

https://jp.quora.com/%E4%BB%95%E4%BA%8B%E3%81%AE%E6%84%9A%E7%97%B4%E3%82%92%E8%81 % 9E% E3% 81% 84% E3% 81% A6% E3% 81% 8F% E3% 82% 8C% E3% 82% 8B% E3% 82% B5% E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% 88 -% E3% 81% 82% E3% 82% 8A% E3% 81% BE% E3% 81% 9B% E3% 82% 93% E3% 81% 8B? __ nsrc__ = 4

I shared it.


How would you answer Buddha? Buddhist Dialogue AI "Buddhabot" Developed by Kyoto University, etc.

[Image] When you ask Buddhabot ...

[Image] When you ask Buddhabot ...

 I would like to ask Mr. Shaka, who has opened up "enlightenment", for advice on his worries. On the 26th, groups such as Kyoto University announced that they have developed a machine-learned Buddhist dialogue AI (artificial intelligence) "Buddhabot" based on the oldest Buddhist scripture "Sutta Nipata" in an attempt to realize such an unfulfilled hope. A Buddhist scholar in the group says, "I still need improvement, but I want to use AI to achieve Buddhism that matches modern society."

 Sutta Nipata is said to have been established about 200 years after the death of Buddha about 2500 years ago, and the main dialogue between Buddha and his disciples. Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai (Buddhist Studies) of the Kokoro Research Center Kyoto University has extracted about 100 patterns of questions and answers from the Japanese translation of Sutta Nipata. By letting AI do machine learning, we have developed a Buddhabot that shows examples of answers according to the content when various questions are entered.

 Demonstrated at a press conference held on the 26th at Kyoto University in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. The answer to the question, "I can't go drinking and playing in Corona. How can I make my days more enjoyable?" "In order to lead a calm and pure life, it is important to first purify ourselves, have compassion for each other, and spend time with similarly pure people." On the other hand, it is said that the answers may not fit depending on the question, and we will ask hundreds of people to use it on a trial basis to improve the accuracy.

 Associate Professor Kumagai pointed out that "Buddha used the'anti-machine theory'that changes the answer according to the listener. It is unknown how far that can be achieved with the current AI." He added, "Since the answer that the questioner is satisfied with is not always correct, we will continue to improve while listening to the voices of religious people." It will also consider machine learning that incorporates Buddhist texts other than Sutta Nipata.

Associate Professor Kumagai (center) explaining the newly developed Buddhist dialogue AI "Budabot" = 26th, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto University

Associate Professor Kumagai (center) explaining the newly developed Buddhist dialogue AI "Budabot" = 26th, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto University

It seems to be a little popular these days, but there are a lot of people who say "I hear complaints" in Coconala.

There is a charge.

Masahiro Ishizuka's profile picture

I wish I had it ~

Masahiro Ishizuka's profile picture

Masahiro Ishizuka's profile picture
The AI ​​chatbot "Snack Yoshiko" is a good listener! ?? "Trouble consultation" started in Aoyama, clothes
 Sky Blue announced on July 7 that it has developed Japan's first AI chatbot "Snack Yoshiko" that will listen to your worries anytime, anywhere, and introduced it to Aoyama Trading Co., Ltd., which develops "Clothing Aoyama". This is the new roller of the chat service "WhatYa" ...

I shared it.

July 11, 2021 17:02 BCN + R

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Providing Aoyama Trading Co., Ltd. with an AI-based chatbot for photo snack moms

Providing Aoyama Trading Co., Ltd. with an AI-based chatbot for snack moms

Sky Blue announced on July 7 that it has developed Japan's first AI chatbot "Snack Yoshiko" that will listen to your worries anytime, anywhere, and introduced it to Aoyama Trading Co., Ltd., which develops "Clothing Aoyama". This is a new initiative to support business people who are stressed or worried about the new corona of the chat service "WhatYa", and it is a service realized by converting snack moms' good listening skills and advice into big data.

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Snack Yoshiko is a service that allows you to consult with AI chatbots about problems that cannot be said because of familiar relationships. AI chatbots provide warm communication that listens to many people every day and sometimes gives advice, such as snack moms.

With a chatbot that automatically answers many problems such as "I wonder if I should quit my job", "My boss won't leave it to me", or "I don't understand business terms", I can feel free to consult anything like a snack scene.


https://jp.quora.com/%E4%BB%95%E4%BA%8B%E3%81%AE%E6%84%9A%E7%97%B4%E3%82%92%E8%81 % 9E% E3% 81% 84% E3% 81% A6% E3% 81% 8F% E3% 82% 8C% E3% 82% 8B% E3% 82% B5% E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% 88 -% E3% 81% 82% E3% 82% 8A% E3% 81% BE% E3% 81% 9B% E3% 82% 93% E3% 81% 8B? __ nsrc__ = 4








 26日在京都左京区京都大学举行的新闻发布会上展示。问题的答案,“我不能在 Corona 喝酒和玩耍。我怎样才能让我的日子更愉快?” “要过平静而纯洁的生活,重要的是首先要净化自己,相互同情,并与同样纯洁的人共度时光。” 另一方面,据说答案可能因问题而异,我们会请数百人试用以提高准确性。

 熊谷副教授指出,“佛陀使用了'反机器理论',根据听者改变答案。目前的人工智能能做到多远尚不得而知。” 他补充说:“由于提问者满意的答案并不总是正确的,我们将在倾听宗教人士的声音的同时继续改进。” 它还将考虑机器学习,将佛教经典纳入除Sutta Nipata 之外。



这几天似乎有点流行,但是在 Coconala 中有很多人说“我听到了抱怨”。


Masahiro Ishizuka 的头像


Masahiro Ishizuka 的头像

AI聊天机器人“零食佳子”是一个很好的倾听者!?? “问题咨询”在青山开始,衣服


2021年7月11日17:02 BCN+R

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为 Aoyama Trading Co., Ltd. 提供基于 AI 的聊天机器人,供照片零食妈妈使用

为Aoyama Trading Co., Ltd. 提供基于AI 的零食妈妈聊天机器人



Snack Yoshiko 是一项服务,可让您向 AI 聊天机器人咨询由于熟悉的关系而无法说出的问题。AI 聊天机器人提供温馨的交流,每天倾听许多人的意见,有时还会提供建议,例如零食妈妈。


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