
A collection of videos where everyone in the world can become Jesus Christ or the Messiah, not just one person.






https://www.linkedin.com/in/%E6%AD%A3%E6%B5%A9%E3%80%80masahiro-%E7%9F%B3%E5%A1%9A%E3%80%80ishizuka- 49302223a/recent-activity/



Comment: Watch this video

While chanting 1000-Armed Kannon, 1000-Armed Kannon, 1000-armed Kannon, rotate your hands like a record and spread them outward from the center, then return them to the center.

Please join us in chorus. chant three times.


While chanting 1000-Armed Kannon, 1000-armed Kannon, 1000-armed Kannon, spread your hands outward from the center like a record, and return them to the center.

Please join us in chorus. chant three times.

Then, it seems that you may be able to obtain a very mysterious power.

If you get power, I want you to use it to save the people like Senju Kannon.


KIKOU(Qigong) therapy research. Or it can be called a study of the power of Jesus Christ.


While feeling "KI" yourself

Practice method to flow to the opponent.




https://www.linkedin.com/posts/%E6%AD%A3%E6%B5%A9%E3%80%80masahiro-%E7%9F%B3%E5%A1%9A%E3%80%80ishizuka- 49302223a_%E8%87%AA%E3%82%89-%E6%B0%97-%E3%82%92%E6%84%9F%E3%81%98%E3%81%AA%E3%81% 8C%E3%82%89%E7%9B%B8%E6%89%8B%E3%81%AB%E6%B5%81%E3%81%99%E7%B7%B4%E7%BF%92% E6%B3%95mp4-activity-6972481812409319424-ql-v?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop


With just one finger, the treatment effect changes dramatically! The technique of drawing attention to the spine.mp4




https://www.linkedin.com/posts/%E6%AD%A3%E6%B5%A9%E3%80%80masahiro-%E7%9F%B3%E5%A1%9A%E3%80%80ishizuka- 49302223a_%E3%81%9F%E3%81%A3%E3%81%9F%E6%8C%87%EF%BC%91%E6%9C%AC%E3%81%A7%E6%96%BD% E8%A1%93%E5%8A%B9%E6%9E%9C%E3%81%8C%E6%BF%80%E5%A4%89%E8%83%8C%E9%AA%A8%E3% 81%AB%E6%B0%97%E3%82%92%E9%80%9A%E3%81%99%E6%8A%80%E6%B3%95mp4-activity-6972481882949132288-yFri?utm_source=share&utm_medium= member_desktop


The entrance of the treatment that you can't touch! What is the "layer of KI(mind)"?




https://www.linkedin.com/posts/%E6%AD%A3%E6%B5%A9%E3%80%80masahiro-%E7%9F%B3%E5%A1%9A%E3%80%80ishizuka- 49302223a_%E8%A7%A6%E3%82%8C%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84%E6%96%BD%E8%A1%93%E3%81%AE%E5%85%A5% E3%82%8A%E5%8F%A3%E6%B0%97%E3%81%AE%E5%B1%A4%E3%81%A8%E3%81%AFmp4-activity-6972481861507825664-ezTp?utm_source= share&utm_medium=member_desktop


In just 10 seconds, you can heal your back pain.

It only takes 10 seconds to heal back pain.

Back pain can be cured immediately in 10 seconds.








Back pain that has bothered me for 20 years! Video that improved it in 10 minutes



Just shaking your legs 10 times reduces the risk of becoming bedridden by half compared to walking 10,000 steps!

Just 10 leg swings halves your risk of being bedridden over 10,000 steps of walking!

Compared to running 10,000 steps, you can use your feet to reduce the wind by half!





A Buddhist statue in Myanmar that makes your wishes come true just by looking at it.



https://video.fc2.com/content/202207136JxvE9RM MKV


https://video.fc2.com/content/20220713ZxwXB6KR MP4

The important thing is that the wish is not self-centered. From a global perspective, government issues include domestic affairs, diplomatic issues, trade issues, and IT (digital government) issues.

Even small and medium-sized enterprises should consider and give consideration to the success of trade, like trading companies. The same is true of countermeasures against the declining birthrate and aging population. Promote telework, call center, paperless, online application, personnel costs for civil servants, construction and maintenance costs for civil servants' offices, etc. Municipalities, prefectural offices, central ministries and agencies, the National Diet, abolish the National Diet building, Let's reduce waste with online parliament! Let's restore the financial health of countries around the world!

Even after your wish has been fulfilled, don't forget to develop human resources to advance the project while educating newcomers, such as IT training for inexperienced and amateurs, web programmer development, English conversation class & language training such as Chinese.

Don't look down on people

You should always pay attention to the deficit, the cause of debt, the cause of bankruptcy, the cause of the collapse of the country, and so on.

It wasn't a topic of "totonou" that the "torture-like sauna" in Japan was not half-baked. Comment: I think it is important to have a veteran assistant, but it seems that hyperthermia is good for cancer, so it seems to work for cancer too!


December 08, 04:21 Sirabee

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Photo (© News Site Shirabe)

(© News Site Shirabe)

A sauna that prepares the mind and body by repeating cold baths and breaks. Right now on Twitter, there is a lot of strong-style saunas in Japan that are becoming a hot topic.

[Topic Tweet] Is this a sauna?

■ Sauna with too strong impact

"I went to a dangerous sauna. No, I don't know if this is a sauna or some kind of ritual. I was put in a bag and put in a stone kiln that looked like an incinerator. I endured it until I heard a voice." It's not something like that. I'm glad I was able to return home safely," said Twitter user Afromance, who posted a picture of the sauna he experienced.

The sight of her being wrapped in a sack and being led into a blazing fire is such a shocking piece that I would believe even if I was told that I would be tortured from now on... By the way, this sauna is located in "Best Power Land Onyu Kamisashi" in Isahaya City, Nagasaki.

Related article: Hajime Shacho, she collapses with a high fever of 39 degrees, right after she spoke enthusiastically to 10 million people...

■ "Torture" and "too dangerous" shock

People who were shocked by Afromance's post on the Internet said, "This is too dangerous," "It's Japan..." is one after another.

In addition, there were many comments that overlapped with works with similar scenes, such as "It's the last of Midsommar" and "Dark Souls...".

■ The temperature of the sauna is 120℃

What is the history of visiting the sauna that is too shocking? A reporter who was interested asked Mr. Afromance about it, and said, "Mr. Kanazawa, the representative of the sauna freak group 'Kyushu and Sauna,' who is disseminating Kyushu's sauna culture in order to make Kyushu a mecca for saunas. I was invited to go with him," he explained.

On the way, he said that he was quite frightened as he said, "I feel like a sinner" and "It wouldn't be strange if there were several people there."

The temperature of the stone kiln-like sauna is 120℃. Moreover, since it is an open fire, the distance between people is quite close, and some people unintentionally shout "It's hot!" The temperature of a typical sauna is 80-100℃, so you can see how amazing it is.

And although there is a standard cold water bath in the sauna, the employee warned that "if you warm up and then enter the cold water bath, your heart will stop!"

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