
Python and Django over Java/Spring, who made the switch to Python? Productivity gains? Python と Django over Java/Spring、Python に切り替えたのは誰? 生産性の向上?


That's right. We are shifting from a combination of various programming languages and frameworks to a combination of Python and FastAPI. Python itself is slow, but by using it in combination with the FastAPI framework, it works as fast as the Gin framework of the Go language. There is also an advantage that the library of artificial intelligence can be used abundantly. In addition, it is also compatible with SnowFlake, which was developed by a person from Oracle, so I am very much looking forward to its future development.

Furthermore, I think it would be even better if all of them were compatible with Kintone, which has been improved so that they can run on AWS and NTT's WEBARENA.

A hybrid of RESTAPI and GraphQL, WundwerGraph supports JavaScript and TypeScript. How wonderful would it be if WundwerGraph officially supported Python & FastAPI & Snowflake? I'm looking forward to it.

JAPAN. 日本語。

Python と Django over Java/Spring、Python に切り替えたのは誰? 生産性の向上?




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