Python and Go languages are only learning experiences, but I have the skills I want to develop while developing websites, intranets, WEB TOOLs, etc. in the future.
go language prisma graphql
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The advantage of Go language is that it is relatively fast and the AI library is not as rich as Python, but it can be used. For the same purpose, no matter who writes it, the same source code will be created cheaply, and the number of meetings in the team will be small. The Go language is similar in syntax and characteristics to the V language, so it will be easy to port when the V language and its framework become more complete in the future.
The downside is that it's fast enough, but not as fast as V or Rust.
python prisma graphql
Google search results
As a merit, python has a rich AI library and environment, it is easy to write the AI source code, and it is easy to read even the source code written by others.
As a disadvantage, python is slow, so in order to speed it up to support c10k, it is necessary to develop it so that Rust is called on the server side.
Rust is unconfirmed. Learning is difficult.
The technology to automatically create APIs by such means is a trend and is becoming more common, and the concept of RestAPI has become old, so please be aware and confirm it.
PythonとGo言語は学習経験のみですが、今後WEBサイトやイントラネットやWEB TOOLなどを開発しながら伸ばして行きたいスキルで御座います。
go言語 prisma graphql
python prisma graphql
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