
My name is Masahiro Ishizuka. For a long time, I am unemployed and have no income. No money or deposits. It will be helpful if you have a web interview and full remote work that does not require transportation costs. From 2021/11, I am looking for a job in Python or Go language, development and usage of Kintone, Tableau, etc. 私の名前は石塚 正浩です。長い間、無職で無収入です。所持金も預金も0です。交通費の掛からないWEB面談&フルリモートワークだと助かります。2021/11からのPythonかGo言語かKintoneやTableauなどの開発や利用運用などの求人案件に就職転職活動中です。

Thank you for your hard work.

Python has 3 years of learning experience with Django. Half a year of work experience.

Go language is a learning experience only. The latest technology that replaces the REST API is compatible with Python and Go language, and the technology that appears when you search Google with Python Prisma GraphQL or Go language Prisma GraphQL seems to be the latest and most efficient development and maintenance method. However, it is under study. We are making such efforts.

It is possible from November.

It is unclear whether the skills are sufficient, and while developing, we will brush up the development skills, and if there is something we do not understand, I think that it is okay if we have a system to follow each other within the team. increase.

I think that leaders are also possible because they are prepared to develop well while following each other as a team.





Go言語は学習経験のみです。REST APIを置き換える最新技術だとPythonやGo言語と相性の良い、Python Prisma GraphQLもしくは、Go言語 Prisma GraphQLでGoogle検索すると出てくる技術が最新で一番効率の良い開発とメンテナンス方法になる様ですが、研究中です。その様な取り組みはしております。






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