
The darkness of Toshiba division and the resumption of nuclear power plants

 Reprinted from Direct Publishing Mail Magasajin.


<夕刊>藤井厳喜 support@worldforecast.jp directresponsemanager.com 経由

16:40 (33 minutes ago)
To 自分

<Notice from the Secretariat>

"If you know the United States, you can understand the world ..."

Military, economy, technology, culture ... How will a huge nation

that moves the world in every aspect change the world in the
We are releasing a new project to unravel the identity of the hegemonic nation, the United States

, which the Japanese are not aware of. Click here ↓ Watch the video <From: Genki Fujii> Hello, this is Genki Fujii. Today, I would like to talk about nuclear power plants .

For recently, the
US Biden administration, the
British Johnson administration, and the
French Macron administration

turned to the resumption of nuclear power .

What I mean is that
there was COP26, but

in order to prevent global warming, we must reduce
greenhouse gases, especially CO2

For that purpose, stop thermal power generation
such as coal that emits CO2, and nuclear power generation that does not emit CO2.

I'm pounding Yara Without useless
It is rhetoric say.

put it bluntly, I can see through the true intention of using the false excuse of global warming
because I want to do nuclear power plants after all Various people are saying "It's global warming" and "Reduce CO2" for various reasons but among them, the forces that have most strongly promoted the threat of global warming are trying to promote nuclear power plants. I think they were people That is exactly

It seems that
it was clarified at this COP26 .

In November, the House of Representatives approved
a $ 1.2 trillion
infrastructure investment plan bill
in the United States.

The Senate has already approved it.

This has the advantage of
investing a large amount of infrastructure in roads, bridges, railways, etc.,
but it

includes a relief plan for nuclear power plants .

From 2022 to 2026,
$ 6 billion will be invested to rescue this nuclear power plant

Nuclear power plants are getting
older and older in the United States .

Here, when it comes to creating a new nuclear power plant
since many people repel,

no, because still use
Let's use 20 years later,
let's use another 10 years,

To loose in the form of
is not going to use to continue.

In order to use an old nuclear power plant
, maintenance is required so that it will not break, so it seems that
$ 6 billion will be spent for

, if you look at the state level separately from the federal government ,

In Illinois and Pennsylvania, the state government is supposed to provide a large amount of subsidy to prolong the life of nuclear power plants
with the excuse of reducing CO2 emissions There is a back side to this, and if you stop the dilapidated nuclear power plant, a huge radioactively contaminated building will remain. The dismantling process of this dilapidated nuclear power plant is so expensive that you cannot tell how much it will cost. There was a nuclear accident in Fukushima in Japan as well, but the dismantling process can't be helped Even if you haven't had an accident, the building is a mass of radioactive contamination,

can't leave it there like an archaeological site .

The process is time consuming and

Therefore, in order to prevent this huge amount of money from surfaced, it is said that we
should spend another 5 or 10 years for the May rain ceremony

On the other hand, in order to prolong life
, both the state and federal governments
must pay.

That's how you put off the problem

Considering these things, the
electricity produced by the nuclear power plant will be
expensive as a whole.

It means that there
are many hidden costs that cannot be seen in the table including the final disposal

By the way, in Japan,
it was decided to split Toshiba on November 12th .

It's called a spin-off, but in
short, it's dismantling.

It was one of Japan's leading
comprehensive home appliance manufacturers and a
wonderful company. We are witnessing the sad appearance of

Toshiba accounting for window dressing
and being dismantled

may be various reasons why Toshiba has declined so far .

However, I would like to point out that the single and heaviest cause
among the
many causes is that

Toshiba was
too dependent on nuclear power.

This was
very profitable in semiconductors and other departments, but in the
end, all of it was lost at the nuclear power plant.

I bought a company called Westinghouse
and lost a lot

of money in its management, and I
sad that the listing was almost abolished by doing fraudulent accounting to cheat it .

Everybody has
the word "promotion of nuclear power"
Please be careful.

International political scientist
Fujii Imuki


What was today's e-mail magazine is how? 

It will be an encouragement for writing, so
if you have any opinions, impressions, or requests, please
let us know .

https://forms.gle/ c71qSSybo4RjjosBA


<Introduction of lectures and books>

[Commentary by Genki Fujii: Prophecy of the novel "1984" ] What is the "future forecast map of the world" that can be read from the "prophecy book" 70 years ago

, which is a representative book of the 20th century ?

See the contents


[45,000 copies exceeded "Trump's truth"] "Anti-elite whirlwind" that

caused in the United States

If you
know what it is, what is happening in the United States now becomes
clearer. Recognize. You can read

a book of 3,278 yen
from the official website for 2,178 yen ...

with a 100% money-back guarantee

See the contents


[Lecture record: US-China conflict and Japan consumption]

TV does not report,

You can clearly see the flow behind the US-China confrontation .

See the contents


[Book: You can understand the world by looking at Taiwan] Taiwan is

the forefront of the US-China conflict, Sekigahara. Can't you read the future world situation correctly
without knowing Taiwan

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[Lecture: The Great Lie of the Pacific War] The truth of the war emerges one after another, which is the exact opposite of the Pacific War,

which has been believed that the Japanese were bad ↓ See the contents ==============================

URL: Fujii Imuki teacher of direct publishing official YouTube Chang channel, click here
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