
valval-The fastest web framework in V language (vlang)





(The fastest web framework in V language (vlang))

Created at: 2019-12-09 16:09:07
Language: V
License: MIT


Valval is the fastest web framework in the V language.

This means allows you to run development websites quickly and even faster !

Simple demo:
import  valval

fn  hello (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 return valval. response_ok ( ' hello world ' )

fn  main () {
	 mut  app  : = valval. new_app ( true )
	app. route ( ' / ' , hello)
	valval. runserver (app, 8012 )


Using Git

$ git clone https://github.com/taojy123/valval
$ mkdir -p ~ / .vmodules
$ ln -s $ (pwd) / valval ~ / .vmodules / valval

Use of VPM

Watchmen123456 has registered the module with vpm. If you have v in your PATH variable, just use:

$ v install watchmen123456.valval

Note : When using vpm. You need to change the import as follows:

import watchmen123456.valval

quick start

Minimal application

The minimal Valval application looks like this:

// demo.v

module  main

import  valval

fn  hello (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 return valval. response_ok ( ' hello world ' )

fn  main () {
	 mut  app  : = valval. new_app ( true )
	app. route ( ' / ' , hello)
	valval. runserver (app, 8012 )

Run the server

$ v run demo.v

Then you
Can be visited to see the website
$ curl
hello world

Debug mode

You can decide whether to use debug mode when calling

valval.new_app ()
mut  app  : = valval. new_app ( true )   // debug mode 
mut  app  : = valval. new_app ( false ) // production mode

In debug mode, detailed information is output while the app is running

Service port

You can determine the service port number when you call

valval.runserver ()
valval. runserver (app, 8012 )   // listening 8012 port 
valval. runserver (app, 80 )     // listening 80 port

valval server
Because it binds the address Port
Or you can access the website.
ServerIp: Port


App.route ()
Use the function to band the handler function and request the path

The handler function has a type parameter

can be,
Response Response
mut  app  : = valval. new_app ( true )

app. route ( ' / ' , hello)   		          //

app. route ( ' / users ' , function1)         // 
app. route ( ' / user / info ' , function2)     //

app. route ( ' POST: / book ' , function3)   // by POST 
app. route ( ' DELETE: / book ' , function4)     // by DELETE 
app. route ( ' / book ' , function5)          // by other methods

app. route ( ' * ' , function6)   		      // all remain

valval. runserver (app, 80 )

Access to request data

Currently, only the following data can be analyzed:

  • Query parameters with a GET request. Along
    valval.Request.query [xxx]
  • x-www-form-urlencoded
    Parameters by POST / PUT / PATCH request. Along
    valval.Request.form [xxx]
fn  hello (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 mut  name  = request.query [ ' name ' ]
	 if  name  = =  '' ' {
		 name  =  ' world '
	return valval. response_ok ( ' hello $ name ' )

fn  post_hello (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 mut  name  = request.form [ ' name ' ]
	 if  name  = =  ' ' {
		 name  =  ' world '
	return valval. response_ok ( ' hello $ name ' )

app. route ( ' GET: / hello ' , hello)
app. route ( ' POST: / hello ' , post_hello)
valval.Request.get ()
query query
Or provide a quick way to get data from
fn  hello (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 name  = request. get ( ' name ' , ' world ' )   // default:'world' 
	return valval. response_ok ( ' hello $ name ' )

app. route ( ' / hello ' , hello)

More types of request data will be supported in the future.

  • URL parameters
  • multipart / form-data
    By POST request
  • application / json
    By POST request
  • Uploaded file

Static file

Used to serve local files
mut  app  : = valval. new_app ( true )

app. serve_static ( ' / static / ' , ' ./relative/path/to/static/ ' )  
 // visit ...

app. serve_static ( ' / static2 / ' , ' / absolute / path / to / static2 / ' ) 
 // visit ...

valval. runserver (app, 80 )

Rendering template

Valval implemented a template function using a whole new idea. Inspired by Vue's system.

It has the following advantages:

  • Vue
    If you've used it before, you don't have to spend time learning how to use the template.
  • Never used
    Even if you are a person, it is so easy that you can learn it quickly .
  • It can integrate some commonly used UI frameworks such as:
    element element
  • No need to spend time developing embedded templates 😁 ..

Template example:

import  valval 
import  json

struct  User {
	 name  string 
	age  int 
	sex  bool

fn  users (req valval.Request) valval.Response {

	// create a view by template file (`test6.html` can be a relative or absolute path) 
	// use` element` (https://github.com/ElemeFE/element) as ui framework 
	mut  view  : = valval. new_view (req, ' users.html ' , ' element ' ) or {
		 return valval. response_bad (err)

	users  : = [
		User { ' Lucy ' , 13 , false },
		User { ' Lily ' , 13 , false },
		User { ' Jim ' , 12 , true },
	msg  : =  ' This is a page of three user '

	// use view.set to bind data for rendering template 
	// the second parameter must be a json string 
	view. set ( ' users ' , json. encode (users))
	view. set ( ' msg ' , json. encode (msg))

	return valval. response_view (view)
< html > 
    < head > 
        < title > Users Page </ title > 
    </ head > 
    < body > 
        <!-Content in body can use template syntax-> 
        < h3 > {{msg}} </ h3 > 
        < p  v-for = " u in users " > 
            < span > {{u.name}} </ span > ,
             < span > {{u.age}} </ span > ,
            < el-tag  v-if = " u.sex " > Male </ el-tag > 
            < el-tag  v-else > Female </ el-tag > 
        </ p > 
    </ body > 
</ html >


valval.response_redirect ()
Used to generate a redirect response
fn  test1 (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 name  = req. get ( ' name ' , '' ' )
	 if  name  = =  ' '' return valval
		 . response_redirect ( ' / not_found ' )
	return valval. response_ok ( ' hello $ name ' )


In addition to the response (above


Valval also provides other response types, such as:

struct  User {
	 name  string 
	age  int 
	sex  bool

fn  text (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 return valval. response_text ( ' this is plain text response ' )

fn  json (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 user  = User { ' Tom ' , 12 , true }
	 return valval. response_json (user)
	 // -> {"name": "Tom", "age": 12, "sex": true}

fn  json_str (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 user  = User { ' Tom ' , 12 , true }
	 user_str  = json. encode (user)
	 return valval. response_json_str (user_str)
	 // -> {" name": "Tom "," age ": 12," sex ": true}

fn  file (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 return valval. response_file ( ' path / to / local / file ' )

fn  bad (req valval.Request) valval.Response {
	 return valval. response_bad ( ' Parameter error! ' )
	 // response with statu code 400

Complete example

Install V language

Valval framework is now

V language
Supports versions

Here's how to install V:

1. Download the pre-built V package

Please access the official homepage https://vlang.io/ and download it .

2. Run V with docker [Recommended]

docker run -it -p 8012: 8012 --name vlang taojy123 / vlang bash

Includes OpenSSL

3. Install V from source

$ git clone https://github.com/vlang/v
$ cd v
$ make

Install OpenSSL

$ brew install openssl

Debian / Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install libssl-dev openssl ca-certificates

Windows (Win10 verified): The source can be downloaded from:

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