
Microsoft's Bill Gates Plans Population Reduction

[Pride&History] support@prideandhistory.jp via directresponsemanager.com

I'm a member of the "To Be" team and I've been a member of the "To Be" team for a while now.

Did you forget about it?

Prof. Eizo Nishi's: "Food Crisis 2022.

Food Crisis 2022.

Bill Gates' plan to dominate Japanese food culture

We want many people to know about it.

We have set the price at an unbeatable 100 yen.

We have set this price at an unbelievable 100 yen, but

You can only order at this price on

If you haven't checked it out yet, please do so.

If you haven't checked it out yet

If you haven't checked it out yet, please do not miss it.

>Get it now for only 100 yen!


This course was given

at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Professor Eizo Nishi, who has been studying history for over 44 years

Professor Eizo Nishi, who has been conducting historical research at Stanford University's Hoover Institution for over 44 years, will present

information on the current situation in the U.S. and

Japan's food crisis, and his own experiences.

and his sophisticated view of history.

and his sophisticated view of history.

Bill Gates' domination of food culture

This is a lecture that explains the "Bill Gates' domination of the food culture" that is coming your way.

The developed countries (including Japan) should eat 100% fake meat.

 100% fake meat.

In the year 2021, Bill Gates suddenly said this.

Bill Gates.

What is he up to?

What is the purpose of spreading fake meat?

In this newly released course.

The Japanese news will never mention

The truth about Bill Gates and Fake Meat...

And it turns out that

Bill Gates has been talking about it for 10 years

about his terrifying plans

and the horrifying plans that Bill Gates has been telling us about for the past 10 years.

Please click here.


>Get it now for only $1.99!

The details of the plan are...

"All I can eat is fake meat..."

Chikada Tuna, Farmed Salmon, Coca-Cola... What is it about food that makes us dependent on it?

'Cut back on the zeros!'

Fake Meat,Vaccines,Genetically Modified... 

Bill Gates' real goal is to "reduce the number of zeros"...

Bill Gates invests in Monsanto.

The company that killed thousands of Vietnamese...

Bill Gates' next target...

Buying up American farmland? The worst-case scenario of the food crisis

Cannibalism in the Edo period.

Neighbors dig up children's cemetery: ..... The horrific reality of starvation

GHQ and the domination of bread.

The postwar domination of food culture... How to make a country belong without being noticed

The "secret potion" in Coca-Cola

The secret behind the beverage that became a global blockbuster

And much more...

In about an hour and a half

You will understand "Bill Gates' domination of food culture" in an hour and a half.

Bill Gates' domination of food culture" in about an hour and a half.


> Get it at a special price until today!

Shogo Ueda, PRIDE and HISTORY Division



  Making Japan strong, proud, and full of hope...


  It is history that fosters pride.

  Based on this belief, we have been working with Professor Eizo Nishi of the Hoover Institution, one of the world's leading think tanks, to develop a new book, "Pride and History".

  The "true history" of Japan, including its beautiful and shameful aspects, will be presented in a lecture series based on the research results of Professor Eizo Nishi of the Hoover Institution, a world-class think tank.

  We would like more people to know the "true history," including the beautiful and the shameful, that we Japanese have not been informed about.

  I want more people to know and learn about the true history, including the beautiful and the shameful. We want people to learn about it. We also want people to regain their "pride" as Japanese.


  Furthermore, we would like to support Prof. Nishi's research and disseminate information and ideas about Japan to the world, so that Japan will not be disadvantaged.

  and to protect our country so that no disadvantageous situation will be created for Japan.


  This is the purpose of PRIDE and HISTORY.



  URL: http://www.prideandhistory.jp/

  Operated by: Direct Publishing Co.

  Address: Osaka Kokusai Building 13F, 2-3-13 Azuchi-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0052, Japan

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