
I saw a good old middle-aged man at the supermarket Inageya looking intently at a booklet of Town Work's part-time job paper.

We wanted to have more free paper booklets on part-time and full-time employment and job search agents, and also more job search and career change information services via free e-mails and browsers. We also wanted to provide free online IT training for web programmers and English conversation training as part of our free job search agent service to develop human resources who are strong in IT and trade. We also feel the need to nurture human resources who are strong in IT and trade.

For the first 3 months after getting a job after being unemployed or underemployed for the first 3 months after finishing school, we provide a smartphone, a laptop, a 42" 4K HDR 4PBP Dell monitor, a 6-screen output graphics board, and a 17" monitor. We should also provide you with a set of the following: free rental of a desktop computer and free internet provider service for the duration of the set. Mobile WiFi routers, mobile batteries, and outlets for smartphone chargers and laptop chargers should also be rented free of charge. Furthermore, unemployment benefits should be paid equally even if you have not worked for a year in a row, even if it is for personal reasons, and until three months after you get a job, you should be able to get a car license for free, and you should be able to pay for rent, mortgage, home loan, home renovation, air conditioning and heating equipment, appliance loans, sauna and If you are already paying for your internet provider, you should also be able to pay for that, hospital bills, pain clinic bills up to 3 times a day, and osteopathic clinic bills up to 3 times a day (Shiatsu massage for stiff shoulders, back pain, etc. is also covered by the National Health Insurance). (Let's amend the law to cover acupressure massages for stiff shoulders, back pain, etc.!) ), school fees for children, childcare expenses including childbirth costs for children and babies, living expenses for wives and elderly people, etc., should also be covered by the government during that period of time.

Masahiro Ishizuka aon CEO.

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