表 民法改正の主なポイント
契約形態 | 変更点 | 概要 |
請負 | 用語 | 「瑕疵(かし)」という言葉が無くなり「契約不適合」に |
ユーザー企業が無償のシステム改修などを請求できる期間 | システムの引き渡しから1年間だったが、契約不適合を知ってから1年間に。ただし、引き渡しから最大10年間 | |
ITベンダーが報酬を請求できる権利 | システムが完成していなくても、一定の要件を満たせば報酬を請求できるように | |
準委任 | 契約の類型 | 従来の「履行割合型」のほかに、達成した成果に対して報酬を支払う「成果完成型」を追加 |
Hiromi Yamabata
Nikkei xTECH / Nikkei Computer
Nov 29, 2019
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All 2795 characters.
About four months later, on April 1, 2020, the revised Civil Code, which overhauled the Code of Obligations for the first time in about 120 years, is about to go into effect. The amendment is likely to spark a new wave of controversy in the IT industry as it effectively extends the period in which a user company can claim free modification or compensation for an information system delivered by an IT vendor. Major IT vendors and industry groups have begun to respond, but there is a risk that system development costs will skyrocket.
The revised Civil Code was enacted by the National Assembly in 2017. For the first time in about 120 years, the Law on Monetary Claims, which sets out the rules for "contracts" such as sales and services, will be drastically revised. The IT industry will be affected as much as the construction industry, and both IT vendors and users will have to deal with this.
User companies can now claim free support for up to 10 years
There are two main types of system development contracts between user companies and IT vendors: "contracting," in which the IT vendor is obligated to complete the product, and "quasi-delegation," in which the user company pays for design, programming, and other work. In the case of quasi-delegation, the IT vendor has no obligation to complete. There is a big difference between contracting and quasi-delegation with the goal of completing the work.
Of these, it is the impact on contracting that IT vendors are bracing themselves for. The revision of the Civil Code will effectively extend the period during which user companies can claim free repairs to IT vendors in the event of bugs in their systems. This review has IT vendors battling it out.
Table Main Points of Civil Code Amendments
There's going to be a lot of confusion over contracts and practices in systems development.
contract form
The word "defect" has been replaced by "non-conformity".
Period during which user companies can request free system improvements, etc.
It was a year since the system was handed over, but it was a year since we learned of the contract non-conformity. However, up to 10 years from the date of handover.
The right for IT vendors to claim compensation
Even if the system isn't complete, you can still claim compensation if you meet certain requirements
Types of Contracts
In addition to the traditional "Performance Percentage Type," we have added a "Completed Results Type" that pays rewards for achievements.
Related article: The first revision of the Civil Code in 120 years changes the scope and duration of responsibility for system development
Related article: [Paid article] Annual article ranking, No. 1: Fears of system development costs 'skyrocketing' due to civil law reform
The current Civil Code stipulates a period of one year from the date of delivery of the system to be able to claim a free system repair for a "defect". On the other hand, the revised Civil Code changes the meaning of "non-conformity of contract" to one year from the time of knowing it, which is almost the same as the previous defect. Furthermore, in some cases, user companies can claim free improvements for up to 10 years after handing over the system.
If a user company finds a bug nine years after handover, the IT vendor will still have to pay for a free upgrade, putting them at risk for years of free upgrades. The cost of response is expected to increase.
User companies can't just be happy that the free support period has been extended, because if IT vendors estimate development costs that take into account the risk of prolonged free support, fees may rise.
'If there is a need, for example, to build up the costs of maintaining a system that anticipates long-term risks, this will lead to an increase in the price at which the system is offered. As a result, the benefits to the purchaser may be small." (NTT Data Public Relations) However, we don't know if user companies will accept the price increase.
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