
コーディングの件で、何をするにも文句を言ってできないと言い、納期を伸ばそうとするコーダーがいますが、なぜ2ヶ月も先のことを、やってみようと思わずに「延ばそうというチャレンジ」を今からするのでしょうか?There are coders who complain about coding, say they can't do anything, and try to extend the deadline, but why would they start the "challenge of extending it" now, instead of trying to do it two months in advance?

分からなければ、 Google検索しましょう。

It's often not just a matter of coating.

Is the development environment compatible with DEVOPS?

If you don't know, do a Google search.

I don't know how many people are trying to get development and maintenance done in just two months, but it's often impossible to do it in a short period of time. The normal development may be remote work now, but it takes from half a year to several years with about five people, and the programming language is called Rust, which is a secure, high-speed processing and C10K problem correspondence, and the case is increasing rapidly.VB.net, C#.net, VC++, C language, C++, COBOL.
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Related Information.

19インチラックマウント上のメインフレーム(汎用機)の上で動くLINUXの上で各プログラムのシステムが高速で安定して動作します。The system of each program runs at high speed and stable on LINUX running on the main frame (general-purpose machine) on a 19-inch rack mount.

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WEB Programmer
エーオン aon CEO
石塚 正浩
Masahiro Ishizuka

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