
ここが変だよフルリモートの否定意見 This is where it gets weird, the full remote denial.



Twitter でのリモートワークの嫌われっぷりは凄まじいものがある。リモートワーカーに親でも殺されたのだろうか。未経験でフルリモートを目指す初学者に対しては、特に強い言葉や汚い言葉で否定されている。問題は、否定意見を強い言葉で発する人々の主張は、実情に合わないことが多すぎることだ。リモートワークに挑戦どころか実情調査すらしたことない人から発せられる言葉でリモートワークを目指す人が踊らされるのは悲しいので、フルリモートの否定意見について回答していく。


私は web 系エンジニアになってから半年でフルリモート勤務になり、 それ以来フリーランスの時代も、会社員の今も、請けている副業も、全てフルリモートだ。(リモート勤務を手に入れるまでの方法や経緯については この記事 に私の詳細なキャリアパスが書いてあるので参照してほしい。)
私は単純に引きこもりであることと、通勤圏内に IT 企業がほとんど存在していないど田舎に家を建てた身なので、フルリモート勤務が当たり前の環境であるし、フルリモート勤務が上手くいく方法について常に考えてきた。それだけに、実践どころか上手くいく方法を気にしたこともない人々からの妄想的な否定意見によってフルリモート勤務の評価が下がることは我慢ならないのだ。



まず未経験フルリモートに対する否定意見の多くは、自分で何も考えられず困っても人に尋ねることができないような人を採用した前提で語られる。 そんな奴はフルリモート前提で採用するな。 主体性のある人材を採用しよう。困った時にちゃんと質問してくれて、ちゃんと言葉が使える人材を採用しよう。それができない人材であればオフィス勤務だろうと教育には苦労するだろう。採用にミスった前提でフルリモートを叩くのはおかしな話だ。
逆に言えば、初学者がフルリモートを目指すなら、まず主体的な人材を目指すべきだ。仕事を円滑に進める上で、タスクが空きそうになったら自分で報告できるとか、問題に躓いたら納期感を持って適切なタイミングで質問できるとか、そういった行動を自分から取ることのできる人でなければフルリモートで採用されるのは難しい。少なくとも弊社ではまずそこを見る。また、技術力を鍛える前に、コミュニケーションが高速に取れるとか、思っていることを言葉で正確かつ簡潔に説明できるとか、そういった能力を鍛えた方が良い。先日採用した未経験者は、普段から Twitter の自学報告で躓いた問題や解決した方法等を正しく説明できていたこと、チャットコミュニケーションの内容やスピードに関してストレスを感じなかったことが、採用の大きな要因となった。




自走とは、自分で自分の仕事を判断して、指示無しで仕事を進めることだとする。未経験者は自走できないから、フルリモートは無理だという意見がある。これも全くの誤りである。リモートワークでは、指示の手段が口頭からオンラインになるだけだ。むしろログや言った言わないの観点から言えば望ましいことだ。フルリモート = 放置ではない。リモートワークとは、オフィス以外の場所からコミュニケーションを取りながら働くことであって、一人で働くことではない。


一番良くないのは「新人が困っていたら空いている人が助けてあげてね」とか、「新人さんは困ったら周りの人に相談してね」とか、そういった状態で放置することだ。Twitter 界隈の初学者エンジニアだけでも、これが原因で数人脱落している。 この問題に関してはオフィス内であろうが同様だ。 
また、リモートにおいては質問場所はオープンな方が良い。教育担当とのダイレクトメッセージで1on1で技術的質問をさせるよりも、皆が見られる場所に質問を投げてもらった方が良い。他の人が答えられるかもしれないし、教育担当の説明の補足が受けられるかもしれないし、教育担当が返事できていないことやしばらく質問が出ていないことがチームのメンバーにも伝わるので、slack にオープンな技術的質問の専用チャンネルを作る等すると良い。


世の中にはテレビ会議という便利なものがあるのだ。顔を合わせて音声で通話することができる。基本的にテキストである必要のないコミュニケーションはテレビ会議で行うと良い。重要なのは、即時開始できることだ。ミーティング用の URL や部屋は常に用意しておいて、1操作や2操作程度で即時会議室に入れるようにしておくと良い。弊社では、Chatwork の右上に常時表示されている概要欄に常に解放しているオンライン会議室を用意していて「ちょっと今ミーティングいいですか?」「okです」でワンクリックでオンライン会議を開始できるようにしている。
ちなみに、リモートワークに関する著書も出版しているソニックガーデンさんは、確か remoty なる自社製ソフトウェアで全員常にテレビ会議を繋ぎっぱなしにしていた気がする(全てうろ覚えだが)。新人がサボっているかわからないとか、顔を見ないと詰まっているかわからないとか、表情が見えないとメンタルが不安とか、離席を管理したいとか、そういった意見は結構目にするので、そういった人は常にテレビ会議に繋いでおくというのも1つの教育戦略かもしれない。


環境構築で詰まったとか、git でよくわからないエラーで先に進まなくなったとか、テキストやテレビ会議では解決できず、マシンが教育担当の手元にないと詰むイメージを持っている人は多いだろう。1つの方法は、新人のマシンに ssh で入れるようにしておいて、問題が起きたらオンライン上でマシンを操作して解決してあげることだ。
しかし、なんと昨今は Visual Studio Code の Live Share という機能でそんなことすらせずに済む。詳しくは 昔の記事 を参照してほしい。さらっと説明すると、ソースコードやターミナルを共同で操作することができ(Google スプレッドシート等を想像してほしい)、ローカルのアプリケーションサーバー(rails server 等)もプロキシしてくれる。つまり、オンラインミーティングの画面共有等をせずとも、ソースコードもマシンの状態もローカルサーバーも共有できるわけだ(凄くない?)。もはやペアプロや問題解決においては、オフィス内で隣の席にいたとしても Live Share を使った方が業務効率が良いかもしれない。私は妻の問題を解決するとき、隣にいても Live Share で繋いでいる。余談だが、dvorak ユーザーにとっては人のマシンを直接触らなくても編集作業ができるのは最高である。


remote-in-japan というリポジトリがあって、ここで国内でリモートワークを行なっている企業の一覧があるので参考になるかもしれない(私がお世話になった企業さんも含まれている)。ちなみに勿論うちはやっているし、今まで SES 先を含めて5社ほど経由しているが、全てフルリモートだ。やっていない人や探していない人からは見えていないだけで、リモートワークを推進し始めている企業は増加傾向にあると思う。オフィス周辺に来られる人限定で人材を探すよりも、世界中から人材を探す方が良い人材を見つけやすいので、1つの採用戦略にもなっているのだ。


「フルリモートだとサボる -> ちゃんと労務管理しよう」「フルリモートだと雑談が減る -> 環境を作ろう」等といった話や、実際にリモートワークのデメリットとなる要素については 昔の記事 に書いたので本記事では省略する。



https://ogihara-ryo.github.io/full-remote Shared. Background. There's a lot of hate for remote work on Twitter. I wonder if even a parent was killed by a remote worker. It is denied to first-time students who are inexperienced and want to go full remote, especially in strong and foul language. The problem is that too often the claims of those who voice their negative opinions in strong terms don't fit the facts. It's sad that people who want to work remotely are encouraged by words from people who have never even done a survey, let alone tried remote work, so I'm going to answer the negative opinion of full remote work. The author's working environment I became a full remote worker in half a year after I became a web engineer, and since then I've been a full remote worker, both as a freelancer and as a company employee, as well as a contracted side job. (See this article for my detailed career path on how and why I got to work remotely.) Also, my wife has been working full remote ever since she became a software engineer (although I think the disadvantages of full remote are slim since I'm right next to her). And just as timely, we just recently hired an inexperienced software engineer on full remote full flex terms. Being a simple recluse and having built a house in a rural area where there are few IT companies within commuting distance, full remote working is the norm, and I've always been thinking about how to make it work. That's why I can't stand to have the reputation of full remote working diminished by delusional negativity from people who have never cared about how it works, let alone the practice. Responses to Negative Opinions on Full Remote Prerequisites. First of all, much of the negativity about inexperienced full remotes comes from the premise of hiring people who can't think for themselves and can't ask people for help when they get stuck. Don't hire a guy like that on a full remote premise. Let's hire people who are self-motivated. Hire people who are willing to ask the right questions when you're in trouble and can use the right words. If they can't do that, they're going to have a hard time educating people, whether they work in an office or not. It's a funny thing to hit the full remote on the premise of a botched hire. Put differently, if a first-time student is going to go full remote, he or she should aim for a proactive person first. It is difficult to be hired as a full remote worker unless you are able to take such actions by yourself, such as being able to report when a task seems to be available, or being able to ask questions at the right time with a sense of deadline when you run into a problem. At least in our company, we look there first. Also, before training technical skills, it is better to train the ability to communicate fast or to explain what you are thinking in words accurately and concisely. A major factor in hiring the recently hired inexperienced person was the fact that he was able to correctly explain the problems he had encountered and the ways he had solved them in Twitter self-reporting, and that he did not feel stressed about the content and speed of the chat communication. In other words, I want you to think about what I'm going to answer, if you're waiting for a task to come up without reporting it, or if you spend hours without asking a question at the right time, or if you can't communicate properly, etc. Full remote is a 24/7 365 days a year. It's the most common argument against the full remote. This is completely false. Since remote work is simply an effort to work outside of the office during working hours, the Labor Standards Act naturally applies. Any company that thinks that labor laws don't apply to them as soon as they become a remote worker is simply black. You can ignore any opinion that assumes it is illegal. You shouldn't be in such a company. The full remote needs to be self-propelled. Let's say that self-running means judging your work on your own and proceeding with your work without instructions. Some people are of the opinion that you can't do a full remote because inexperienced people can't run on their own. This too is completely false. In remote work, the only means of instruction is to go from verbal to online. Rather, it's desirable in terms of logs and said and unsaid. Full remote = not neglect. Remote work means working while communicating from outside the office, not working alone. The full remote can't be questioned. This is an environmental issue. You always need to have three things in place: people to ask questions, an atmosphere to ask questions, and a place to ask questions. As far as the people and atmosphere in which you can ask questions, let's assign an educator who is assigned to the job of education itself. It doesn't make sense, especially if that educator is in a full-time project and is constantly busy. Put someone in charge who has clearly been assigned education as a job. The worst thing to do is to leave it like that, "If a newbie is in trouble, please help him or her," or "If a newbie is in trouble, please consult with the people around you. The same goes for this issue, whether it's in the office or not. Also, remotely, it's better to have an open questioning location. It's better to have them pose their questions where everyone can see them than to have them ask technical questions in a 1-on-1 direct message with the educator. It's a good idea to create a dedicated channel for open technical questions on slack, etc., so that others may be able to answer them, they may be able to get supplementary explanations from the educator, and team members can see that the educator hasn't been able to answer or the question hasn't come up in a while. It would be difficult, even in an office, to train an inexperienced person without even this kind of effort. Only people who haven't even studied the structure of education make strong opinions such as "You can't ask questions remotely, so you can't be a first time student" (according to me). It's an illusion that inexperienced people can grow up without an environment where they can ask questions, whether in the office or remotely. Fiction. Wake up. Full remote can't communicate. There's a handy thing in the world: video conferencing. You can make face-to-face voice calls. Basically any communication that doesn't have to be by text is better done by video conference. The key is to be able to start immediately. Always have a meeting URL or room available so that you can get into the meeting room with one or two quick actions. We have an online meeting room that's always open to the public on the top right corner of Chatwork. They're allowing you to start an online meeting with one click with "OK. By the way, I think Sonic Garden, who also published a book about remote work, used to use their own software called "remoty" to keep everyone connected to the videoconference (I don't remember everything). I've seen a lot of comments such as "You can't tell if a new employee is skipping work," "You can't tell if a person is jammed without seeing their face," "If you can't see their facial expressions, you'll feel uneasy mentally," and "You want to manage your absences. A full remote can't solve a blockage. One way to do this is to let the newcomer ssh into the machine, and if they have a problem, I'll take them online and fix it for them. But nowadays, with Visual Studio Code's Live Share feature, you don't even have to do that. Please refer to an earlier article for details. If I explain it in detail, you can operate source code and terminals together (imagine Google Spreadsheet etc.), and local application servers (such as Rails server) will also proxy for you. In other words, you can share source code, machine state, and local server without sharing the screen of online meeting, etc. (Isn't that great?) . It may no longer be more efficient to work with Live Share when it comes to pair-processing and problem-solving, even if you're sitting next to each other in the office. I stay next to my wife when she's dealing with a problem, and I stay connected with her via Live Share. As an aside, it's great for dvorak users to be able to work on their edits without having to directly touch a human machine. No one's doing a full remote. There is a repository called "remote-in-japan", which has a list of companies that do remote work in Japan. By the way, of course we are doing this, and we have been using 5 companies including SES partners, but all of them are full remote. I think there's a growing number of companies that are starting to promote remote work that are just not visible to those who aren't doing it or looking for it. It is easier to find good people from all over the world than it is to look for people who can only come around the office, so it is also a recruitment strategy. the others I've written about the disadvantages of remote work in an old article, so I won't go into them in this article. At the end of the day. Now you know that remote work has its own remote work strategy. Many of the people who deny remote work are speaking in their imagination without knowing the actual situation of the companies that adopt remote work and what kind of initiatives they focus on to ensure smooth operations and education. If you want to work remotely, don't be misled by the opinions of people who don't know, but refer to the opinions of people who are actually doing it and people who failed to do it. I pray that the society will make it a little easier for people who want to work remotely due to their work wishes and domestic restrictions.

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