Comment: It would be nice to have a system where the law prohibits the use of laser beams, feeds pigeons, and so on, and the flaws in the law are collected online and approved by the Diet.
2017/09/15 - 音楽ライブや夜のクラブで定番となっている照明のレーザービームに関してぜひ読んでもらいたい危険な情報がまいこん ... 長時間ではなく、一瞬でも目に触れただけで失明する可能性があるというから驚き。 ... また、イベントなどの主催者や責任者たちもレーザーの危険性を知っている人がほとんどで、レーザー演出は会場の天井 ...
2008/07/15 - ロシアのテクノ・コンサートであるAkvamarinフェスティバルにて、7月6日に30人超の観客が目にレーザー光線を浴びて傷を負い、失明する恐れがあるとのこと。 ... さすがにここまで高出力なレーザーだったとは思えないのですが、いずれにしても人に向けて照射するのは危険なのでやめましょう。 ... また、クラブ系イベントではオーディエンススキャニング(客席にレーザー光を照射すること)は珍しくなく、出力も400mw ...
2017/10/09 - ライブ・コンサートやクラブイベントでまっすぐなビーム光線やオーロラのような柔らかい光。 ... ステージから観客側へレーザーを投影し、ビームが観客の頭上などを通ることで映像や照明とも違う、迫力のある演出を行うこと ... しかしながらレーザーは高密度で集中したパワーを持つ光であり、危険性をしっかりを把握した上で設置プランの検討、設置、リハーサルや本番での運用が必要です。 最悪の場合、カメラやプロジェクターなどのレンズの破損や燃焼、失明など致命的な事故を生じる可能性があります。
2017/11/18 - ライブでもクラブでも、レーザー光線とか、キャノン砲とか目に危険なもの、 要らないと思うんですが、どう思いますか? そこまでしないと盛り上がれない? 音楽やそこまで危険じゃない演出で十分でしょ? 失明の可能性を持ってまで、ライブや ...
2016/11/28 - こういうライブとかでレーザー直視して目をやられたって話たまーに聞くけど、iPhoneのカメラ壊れるとかwww そりゃー失明とかしても ... ロシアのクラブで高出力レーザーをオーディエンススキャンして大量に失明者だしてんのによくやるなぁ~ ...
中には一瞬で金属も溶かしてしまうほどの パワーになることもあります。強力なレーザ光から眼を護るために、レーザ光を正しく理解し、適正な保護具を使用しましょう。 レーザ光の特徴と眼への危険性レーザ光と一般電球等と・違い. 指向性に優れる 白色電球等 ...
含まれない: クラブ | 含めて検索: クラブ
回答 1 件
2013/10/18 - ライブで使うレーザーは目に当たると失明してしますぐらい熱く強烈らしいですが具体的にどれぐらい危ないんですか?触るのは平気ですか? ... クラブやライブ会場などで見かける緑のレーザーがありますよね。 あのよう... 100円ショップ.
含まれない: 危険 | 含めて検索: 危険
回答 4 件
2012/03/15 - こんな事件があったそうです ロシアのテクノ・コンサートであるAkvamarinフェスティバルにて、7月6日に30人超の観客が目にレーザー光線を浴びて傷を負い、失明する恐れがあるとのこと。既に数人は視力を80%失っており、医者によると、 ...
2016/12/13 - クラブへ遊びに行ったところ、iPhoneにレーザー光線が当たって壊れてしまった――ツイッターでこんな報告をする人が出て、「そんなこと ... レーザーや太陽などの強い光がレンズに向けて照射されると、光が1点に集まってセンサーなどが焼けたりすることがあります。 ... そうすると、TOP画像の写真のように、我々の目に映る視界にも不要なものが写り込んでしまい「社会的失明」と言える状態になる恐れがあります。 ... その危険性を一切無視して進められているのがLED社会の本質であり、目的なのです。
2015/07/23 - 韓流アイドルEXOのメンバーに悪質な嫌がらせ、客席からのレーザー光線が顔面に!「アンチの仕業」と ... 出力の高いレーザー光線を直視した場合、失明の危険性がある。このため、 ... 籍令」始まる?ネット番組から“外国人”締め出し、「ムーラン」リウ・イーフェイやクリスら ... Iがハメ外した“疑惑クラブ”の怪しい実態. 売春あっせん ... ' article
Sep 15, 2017 - Dangerous information you need to read about the laser beams of lights that have become a staple in music gigs and night clubs ... Surprisingly, it's possible to go blind just by touching your eyes for even a second, not for a long time. ... In addition, most of the organizers and those responsible for the event were aware of the dangers of lasers, and the laser staging was performed on the ceiling of the ...
More than 30 people were blinded by the laser beam in the audience's eyes - GIGAZINE ' news ' 20080715_blinded_light
Jul 15, 2008 - A crowd of more than 30 people at the Akvamarin festival, a Russian techno concert, suffered injuries to their eyes from a laser beam on July 6 and are fearful of going blind. ... I don't think it was such a high-powered laser, but in any case, it's dangerous to irradiate it to a person, so don't do it. ... In addition, audience scanning is not uncommon at club events, and the output power is 400mw.
Awareness of laser production and safety - hi-farm ' detail ' 09/10/2017 ' laser-performance
10/09/2017 - Soft light like straight beam rays or aurora borealis at live concerts and club events. ... By projecting a laser beam from the stage to the audience, the beam passes over the audience's heads, creating a powerful performance that is different from the images and lighting ... However, the laser is a high-density and concentrated power light, so it is necessary to understand the dangers and consider the installation plan, installation, rehearsal and operation in the production. In the worst case, this could result in a fatal accident, such as damage to the lens of a camera or projector, combustion, or blindness.
Don't you think you don't need a live laser beam? | 'Music ' Music
11/18/2017 - I don't think you need laser beams or cannonballs or anything dangerous to your eyes, live or in a club, what do you think? Do you have to go that far to get it going? Isn't music and not-so-dangerous direction enough? I'm not sure if I'm going to go blind or not.
Video shows the moment a laser hits directly at a club and shatters the camera on an iPhone ... ' 2016 ' November ' 28
2016.11.28 - I've heard that people have been blinded by the laser at shows like this one, but the iPhone camera is broken or something like that. It's a great way to get the most out of your life.
Laser knowledge and safety measures|Komori Safety Systems Research Institute ' laser_protection_07
Some of them can become so powerful that they can melt metal in an instant. To protect your eyes from powerful laser light, understand laser light properly and use the proper protective equipment. Characteristics of laser light and its dangers to the eye. White light bulbs, etc. with excellent directivity ...
Not included: clubs | Search with: clubs
The laser used in the live show is so hot and intense that if it hits your eyes, you will go blind. ' ... ' ' Live concert
1 response
2013/10/18 - I heard that the laser is so hot and intense that you could go blind if you hit it in your eyes, how dangerous is it? Are you okay with me touching you? ... There are green lasers that you see in clubs and live music venues. It's like... 100 yen shop.
Not included: Danger | Search with: Danger
Is it true that laser pointers can cause blindness? - Recently ... ' ... ' ' Toys
4 Responses
Mar 15, 2012 - Here's an incident like this! A crowd of more than 30 people at the Akvamarin festival, a Russian techno concert, on July 6 suffered injuries from a laser beam in their eyes and are in danger of going blind. Several people have already lost 80 percent of their vision, and doctors say ...
More dangerous things are happening to our entire body than this LED ... ' ...
Dec 13, 2016 - I went to a club to hang out and my iPhone was hit by a laser beam and broke--someone reported this on Twitter, saying, "No way ... When strong light, such as a laser or the sun, is directed at a lens, the light can come together in a single point and burn the sensor or other parts of the device. ... In that case, as in the photo of the TOP image, there is a fear that it will become a state that can be called "social blindness" because unnecessary things will be reflected in the vision that is reflected in our eyes. ... This is the essence and purpose of the LED society, which is being promoted without regard to any of its dangers.
Hallyu Idol EXO members viciously harassed from the audience ... ' News ' Entertainment ' Hallyu ' EXO
2015/07/23 - Hallyu Idol EXO members viciously harassed, laser beams from the audience hit them in the face! The "anti ... There is a risk of blindness if you look directly into a high-powered laser beam. For this reason, ... Is it going to be a "register"? Foreigners banned from online shows, including Moulin's Liu Yifei and Kris... The shady reality of the club that I set up. Prostitution peddling...
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