
At the Ishizuka family, we put a pack of water, rooibos tea, and barley tea in a kettle and boil a hybrid healthy tea to drink, so we are healthy all year round.

https://www.kuwakuwa.tv/rooibostea_kouka_kono/#%E3%83%AB%E3%82%A4%E3%83%9C%E3%82%B9%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3% E3% 83% BC% E3% 81% AB% E6% 9C% 9F% E5% BE% 85% E3% 81% 95% E3% 82% 8C% E3% 82% 8B% E5% 8A% B9% E6% 9E% 9C% E3% 83% BB% E5% 8A% B9% E8% 83% BD

I quoted it.

Rooibos tea is said to have beneficial effects for women, such as relaxing effect, skin beautifying effect, swelling / constipation improvement, allergic symptom relief, and white hair control.  However, it has medicinal properties, so be careful not to drink too much!

The following is quoted from Google search.

Barley tea has a blood circulation promoting effect and is said to have an effect of preventing heart disease and cerebral infarction.

If you drink 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day, it's good for your heart. However, be careful not to drink too much!

Blood circulation promoting effect  Barley tea contains alkylpyrazine. Alkylpyrazine is said to have the effect of promoting blood circulation. Improving blood circulation will help prevent heart disease and cerebral infarction . 2021/09/16
Both heart disease and cerebrovascular disease are diseases of the circulatory system, and one of the causes is the progression of arteriosclerosis and the formation of thrombosis and embolism * 2 in the blood vessels. The decrease in blood fluidity is ...
2018/08/30 — In  addition to the blood-smooth effect, non-caffeine and non-diuretic barley tea is especially recommended for summer hydration. Expected to prevent lifestyle-related diseases due to its antioxidant effect! For barley tea ...
2017/07/25 — It  is recommended to drink hot all year round, not only in summer but also in winter. ・ Improvement of swelling ・ Prevention of cystitis ・ Prevention of tooth decay and periodontal disease ・ Relief of stress and insomnia. Like :.
Sesame barley tea, a drink containing sesame peptides that is effective against blood pressure. ... Heart-related diseases ... Book "Arteriosclerosis Prevention Guidelines 2007" (mainly related to diabetes)
2015/12/08 —  Blood pressure rises and falls due to sudden temperature changes, which has a great effect on blood vessels such as the heart ... Mineral-containing barley tea is mainly used for prevention of cardiovascular diseases as well as in summer. ..
2016/12/15 —  This time, the function of coffee against the inflammatory disease of the heart that causes cardiovascular disease ... "Chlorogenic acid may be useful in the prevention or treatment of heart disease" ...
I hear that sesame is good for high blood pressure (such as sesame barley tea), but what about it? Also, are there any foods that are good for high blood pressure? A, There are two main effects of sesame on blood pressure ...
2019/06/18 — The  recommended tea for heat stroke prevention is barley tea. Review the results of the 5 most dangerous summer illnesses & symptoms. Osamu Hayashi gets even better results if he drinks at the right time ...
2020/03/09 — Barley tea. Alkylpyrazine, a fragrant scent component, prevents calcium from entering platelets, one of the components of blood ...

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