
About Religion in Jerusalem. & Islam is the exact teaching of Muhammad, in order to spread the teachings of the Christian Bible Bible to the world, all Islam became Christians, and in addition, Shinto and Ko-Shintō of Japanese shrines, Buddhism of temples If you incorporate such things into Muslims, you will be happy like Japanese people. There is halal, but trade and business with the world are relatively smooth, which seems to be a good thing. About the name of the country of Japan and the secret of Japanese. Masahiro Ishizuka, IT Consulting, Akiruno City, Tokyo, Japan.

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The Tsurugisan Hongu Shrine annual festival in Tokushima Prefecture (reproduction of Noah's Ark) and the Gion Festival in Kyoto are at the same timing.

Click here for Youtube search results for the Tsurugisan Hongu Shrine annual festival in Tokushima

Kyoto Gion Click here for Jewish Youtube search results

Mita Ryo-style traveler's Youtube search results are here

at the foot of Noah's Ark has arrived Mount Ararat,
Kyrgyzstan he moved the nation that the roots of the Republic of Armenia Tagama State Haran,
There is still a legend in Kyrgyz that the ancestors are the same as the Japanese, and those who hunt beasts went to Kyrgyz and those who fished fish went to Japan.
Ryo Mita's "Kaze no Tabibito", an enka singer from Akiruno, Tokyo, is
It is a song about the friendship between Kyrgyzstan and Japan.

Takamagaharan Emperor Jimmu search results Click here for

search results of Japan Sumerian Youtube is here.

Long ago, religions around the world have something in common and are good friends.

Once upon a time, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were called Jerusalem religions.

The first teaching of Islamic Muhammad was Christianity, and murals of Jesus Christ, Mary, and children emerged from the walls of the church he built in the early days. It was broadcast on Japanese educational TV or NHK TV a long time ago. The Muhammad brothers tried to spread Christianity all over the world. Then, in order to fulfill Muhammad's wishes, we should quit the Koran and switch to the Bible, and I think it would be better for all Muslims, including the Rohingya, to switch to Christianity. Furthermore, if you incorporate Shinto and Ko-Shintō of Japanese shrines and Buddhism of temples into Muslims, you will be happy like Japanese people. There is halal, but trade and business with the world are relatively smooth, which seems to be a good thing.

Islamic brothers with roots in Christianity and their roots in Judaism.

According to the teachings of Buddhist Buddhists in Asia and Japan, the MU-YU-U-JYU tree that grew at the foot of the tree when he was born, and the INDO Bodhi tree that grew at the foot of the tree when he gained enlightenment. -BODAIJYU), the three trees of SARA-SOUJYU that grew at the foot of the tree when it was destroyed are called Kappara, the tree of life.

And in his teaching, do not worship me after my death. It says that you should not make and worship statues, but this is a teaching that prohibits Jewish idolatry.
However, there is now a Buddha statue, which is an incorrect teaching.

Also, Japanese shrines are said to have been built by many Jews who came to Japan in the past, and the order of patrols in Ise Jingu is the same as that of Israeli temples.

Japanese shrines and Shugendo are also called Ko-Shintō. According to one theory, Ko-Shintō was said to have been Judaism in the olden days, and it is said that most of the shrines are mainly places of worship, and that the teachings prohibiting idolatry of Judaism still remain. increase.

There is a secret in the name of the country called Japan (NIHON). Take the left and right N. Then, it seems to be an abbreviation of ancient Yahweh.

Japanese is a hybrid language of the Sumerian Sumerian of the Sumerian civilization and the Jewish Hebrew of the Jewish civilization.

The similarity between Japanese, Sumerian and Hebrew seems to be high. The similarity between Japanese, Sumerian and Hebrew seems to be high. Die Ähnlichkeit zwischen Japanisch, Sumerisch und Hebräisch scheint groß zu sein. נראה כי הדמיון בין יפנית, שומרית לעברית הוא גבוה. يبدو أن التشابه بين اليابانية والسومرية والعبرية مرتفع.

The ancient Sumerian petroglyphs are often carved into the rocks of Japanese shrines and sanctuaries (such as restricted areas where no one can enter).

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