
雑誌や新聞を読んだりTVを見て思うこと。Thinking about reading magazines and newspapers and watching TV.


とりあえず、時間があったら、パイザやプロゲート、ドットインストールなどで、WEBプログラミングスキルをマスターしたりネットでもっと幅広く、儲かりそうな情報、医療系情報、IT(ペーパーレス、自動化、オーダーメイドソフトウェア、SAP、オラクル、サイボウズ キントーン、アウトシステムズ、ユニコード、AI、人工知能、機械学習、CPUよりGPUでの計算処理の方が優れている情報、マイニングなど)系、AUDIO系、自動車系、ジャンボジェット系、小型ジェット系、電車系、人工衛星とスーパコンピューター系、魚介類の陸上の完全養殖、もうかる植林組合(林業)など情報などを中心に情報収集、分析、コメントなどをするべく努力しようと思います。

WEBプログラマー aon(エーオン)代表

石塚 正浩


2021/05/13 When I read a magazine of IT hardware such as Weekly ASCII, a general newspaper or a weekly magazine or watch TV, the masterpiece of the failure example in the world is like this Please think carefully about the current situation in which it is published, aired, and reported in various ways. Isn't those editors too little knowledge of WEB programmers and medical systems (including folk remedies)? Every time I read it, I reflect on my own lack of web programmers and medical knowledge.

For the time being, if you have time, you can master WEB programming skills with Paiza, Progate, dot installation, etc., or broader online, profitable information, medical information, IT (paperless, automation, custom-made software, SAP, Oracle , Cybozu Kintone, Out Systems, Unicode, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Information that is better in computing with GPU than CPU, mining, etc.), AUDIO, Automotive, Jumbo Jet, Small Jet , Train system, artificial satellite and super computer system, complete land mining of seafood, lucrative forestry association (forestry), etc. I will make an effort to collect, analyze, and comment on information.

WEB programmer aon representative

Masahiro Ishizuka


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